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DevExpress v24.2 Update — Your Feedback Matters

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TdxTreeViewNodeCompareEvent Type

The node comparison procedural type.


TdxTreeViewNodeCompareEvent = procedure(Sender: TdxCustomTreeView; ANode1: TdxTreeViewNode; ANode2: TdxTreeViewNode; AData: TdxNativeInt; var ACompare: Integer) of object;


Name Type Description
Sender TdxCustomTreeView

The Tree View control that raised a node comparison event.

ANode1 TdxTreeViewNode

The first target tree node.

ANode2 TdxTreeViewNode

The second target tree node.

AData TdxNativeInt

Specifies a pointer to additional data for the custom comparison routine.

ACompare Integer

A result of the comparison.


The following table explains which ACompare parameter values correspond to specific comparison results:



A negative integer value

ANode1 is positioned above ANode2.


ANode1 is “equal” to ANode2. Both nodes retain their positions.

A positive integer value

ANode1 is positioned below ANode2.

The following OnCompare event handler sorts nodes by captions and places nodes with children at the top of the Tree View:

procedure TForm1.dxTreeViewControl1Compare(Sender: TdxCustomTreeView; ANode1,
  ANode2: TdxTreeViewNode; AData: NativeInt; var ACompare: Integer);
  if ANode1.HasChildren = ANode2.HasChildren then
    ACompare := CompareStr(ANode1.Caption, ANode2.Caption)
    if ANode1.HasChildren then
      ACompare := -1
      ACompare := 1;

The Tree View’s OnCompare event references the TdxTreeViewNodeCompareEvent type.

See Also