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TdxSpreadSheetContainer Properties

The base class for all classes that implement floating containers.
Name Description
AnchorPoint1 Stores settings of the floating container’s upper-left anchor point.
AnchorPoint2 Stores settings of the floating container’s bottom-right anchor point.
AnchorType Specifies the anchoring mode for the floating container object.
Description Specifies an alternative text associated with the floating container.
Focused Specifies if the floating container has focus.
Hyperlink Provides access to the floating container’s hyperlink and its settings.
Index Returns the floating container’s index in a container collection.
Name Specifies the floating container’s optional name.
Parent Specifies the worksheet to which the floating container belongs.
Restrictions Specifies the set of restrictions imposed on end-user interactions with the floating container.
SpreadSheet Provides access to the Spreadsheet or Report Designer control to which the persistent object belongs. Inherited from TdxSpreadSheetPersistentObject.
Title Specifies a title for the alternative text block associated with a floating container.
Transform Provides access to the set of geometric transformations applied to the floating container object.
Visible Specifies if the floating container object is visible.
See Also