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TdxSpreadSheetContainer.Hyperlink Property

Provides access to the floating container’s hyperlink and its settings.


property Hyperlink: TdxSpreadSheetHyperlink read; write;

Property Value



Use this property to create, customize, or destroy a hyperlink that uses the floating container as a hot area. If a hyperlink is associated with the floating container, it shows the hyperlink’s screen tip when the mouse pointer hovers over the container. A click on it activates the hyperlink.

The following code example demonstrates how to associate a hyperlink with a floating container:

  ATableView: TdxSpreadSheetTableView;
  APictureContainer: TdxSpreadSheetPictureContainer;
  ATableView := dxSpreadSheet1.ActiveSheetAsTable;
  APictureContainer := ATableView.Containers.Add(TdxSpreadSheetPictureContainer) as TdxSpreadSheetPictureContainer;  // Creates a picture container
  APictureContainer.Hyperlink := ATableView.Hyperlinks.Add(Rect(-1, -1, -1, -1));  // Creates a new hyperlink and assigns it to the picture container
  APictureContainer.Hyperlink.Value := '';  // Assigns the target URL to the hyperlink's reference
  APictureContainer.Hyperlink.ScreenTip := 'DevExpress Official Site';  // Assigns an optional screen tip

Refer to the TdxSpreadSheetHyperlink class description for detailed information on hyperlinks and their settings.


A floating container does not display a hyperlink’s anchor text, and ignores the TdxSpreadSheetHyperlink.DisplayText property value.

The Hyperlink property’s default value is nil (in Delphi) or nullptr/NULL (in C++Builder).

See Also