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TdxCustomRangeTrackBarProperties.OnGetPositionHint Event

In This Article

Enables you to dynamically control the visibility and content of a hint window shown in response to thumb position changes and mouse hover events.


property OnGetPositionHint: TdxRangeTrackBarGetCustomHintEvent read; write;


This event is fired only when the ShowPositionHint property is set to True. The event is similar to the OnGetPositionHint event available in track bar editors (TcxTrackBar and TcxDBTrackBar) and zoom track bar editors (TdxZoomTrackBar and TdxDBZoomTrackBar), except that it accepts two thumb positions.

Sender specifies the range track bar editor.

AMinPosition and AMaxPosition return the current thumb positions, which match the editor’s Range.Min and Range.Max property values.

AHintText specifies a hint text. By default, it is a string representation of AMinPosition and AMaxPosition delimited by a minus sign. You can adjust the hint text as required.

ACanShow specifies the hint window’s visibility. Pass False as this parameter to prohibit the hint window from being displayed.

AIsHintMultiLine specifies if the AHintText spans across multiple lines. Pass True as the AIsHintMultiLine parameter to vertically size the hint window to fit the entire hint text. If you inserted carriage returns and line feeds (Char(13) + Char(10)) to the hint text to manually wrap it into multiple lines, the AIsHintMultiLine parameter is ignored.

See Also