TdxCustomRangeTrackBarProperties.OnDrawRangeMaxThumb Event
Enables you to custom paint the thumb that indicates the selected range’s upper bound.
property OnDrawRangeMaxThumb: TcxDrawThumbEvent read; write;
Range track bar editors provide two events (OnDrawRangeMinThumb and OnDrawRangeMaxThumb) that enable you to custom paint thumbs used for range selection. These events are similar to the OnDrawThumb event available in track bar editors (TcxTrackBar and TcxDBTrackBar) and zoom track bar editors (TdxZoomTrackBar and TdxDBZoomTrackBar).
To custom paint the thumbs in a range track bar editor, do the following:
Set the ThumbType property to cxttCustom;
Handle the OnGetThumbRect event to specify the thumb size;
Handle the OnDrawRangeMinThumb and OnDrawRangeMaxThumb events to paint the respective thumb.
Refer to the OnDrawThumb and OnGetThumbRect event descriptions for information about event parameters and a code example on how to handle the events.