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TdxChartZoomOptions Properties

Stores Chart control zoom settings.
Name Description
LargeStep Specifies the change step (as a percentage) for zoom operations in large increments in an XY diagram.
MarqueeZoomMouseAction Specifies how users can zoom a particular part of the plot area in an XY diagram.
Owner protected Provides access to the persistent object to which the current property set or persistent information container belongs. Inherited from TcxOwnedPersistent.
SmallStep Specifies the change step (as a percentage) for gradual zoom operations in an XY diagram.
ZoomInMouseAction Specifies how users can zoom an XY diagram in large increments.
ZoomMouseWheelAction Specifies how users can gradually zoom an XY diagram in or out.
ZoomOutMouseAction Specifies how users can zoom an XY diagram out in large decrements.
See Also