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TdxChartZoomOptions.ZoomMouseWheelAction Property

Specifies how users can gradually zoom an XY diagram in or out.


property ZoomMouseWheelAction: TdxChartMouseWheelAction read; write;

Property Value

Type Description

Mouse wheel action settings for gradual zoom changes in an XY diagram.


Users can rotate the mouse wheel while holding down the Ctrl modifier key to gradually zoom an XY diagram. To adjust the zoom change that corresponds to the minimum mouse wheel position change, use the SmallStep property.

VCL Chart Control: Zoom Mouse Wheel Action

You can use the ZoomMouseWheelAction.ModifierKeys property to change modifier keys required to zoom diagrams with the mouse wheel. Refer to the TdxChartMouseWheelAction class description for detailed information on all available options.

Action Availability

Users can rotate the mouse wheel while holding down one or more modifier keys to gradually zoom an XY diagram in or out only if the following conditions are met:

See Also