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TdxBreadcrumbEditNode Members

Implements the virtual breadcrumb node.


Name Description
Create(IdxTreeOwner) Creates a new tree node. Inherited from TdxTreeCustomNode.


Name Description
Count Returns the total count of the node’s children. Inherited from TdxTreeCustomNode.
Data Specifies a pointer to custom data associated with the node. Inherited from TdxTreeCustomNode.
DisplayName Specifies a string to be displayed by the node in the breadcrumb control (when its path editor is inactive) and in its dropdown windows.
Expanded Specifies if the node is expanded. Inherited from TdxTreeCustomNode.
First Provides access to the node’s first child node.
HasChildren Specifies whether the node expand button is visible if the node has no children. Inherited from TdxTreeCustomNode.
ImageIndex Specifies the node image index. Inherited from TdxTreeCustomNode.
Index Returns the node index in the parent node’s Items collection. Inherited from TdxTreeCustomNode.
Items Provides indexed access to the node’s child nodes.
Last Provides access to the node’s last child node.
Level Returns the node’s nesting level in the tree. Inherited from TdxTreeCustomNode.
Name Specifies the name of the node.
Next Provides access to the next sibling of the current node.
Owner Provides access to the node owner. Inherited from TdxTreeCustomNode.
Parent Provides access to the node’s parent.
Path Returns the full hierarchical path to the node.
Prev Provides access to the previous sibling of the current node.
Root Provides access to the root node.
Visible Specifies if the node is visible. Inherited from TdxTreeCustomNode.


Name Description
AddChild(string,string,TcxImageIndex,Pointer) Adds a child node.
AddChildFirst Inserts a child node.
AddNode(TdxBreadcrumbEditNode,TdxBreadcrumbEditNode,Pointer,TdxTreeNodeAttachMode) Adds a node.
AddNode(TdxTreeCustomNode,TdxTreeCustomNode,Pointer,TdxTreeNodeAttachMode) Adds a node. Inherited from TdxTreeCustomNode.
Assign(TdxTreeCustomNode) Assigns the specified node’s settings to the current node. Inherited from TdxTreeCustomNode.
BeginUpdate Prevents node owner updates until an EndUpdate call. Inherited from TdxTreeCustomNode.
Clear Destroys the node’s children. Inherited from TdxTreeCustomNode.
Compare(string) Compares two nodes by names without case sensitivity.
CustomSort(TdxCustomTreeNodeCompareProc,Boolean) Custom sorts the node’s children. Inherited from TdxTreeCustomNode.
Delete Deletes the node and its children. Inherited from TdxTreeCustomNode.
DeleteChildren Destroys the node’s children. Inherited from TdxTreeCustomNode.
EndUpdate Enables node owner updates after a BeginUpdate call. Inherited from TdxTreeCustomNode.
Equals(TObject) Inherited from TObject.
FindNode(string,TdxBreadcrumbEditNode) Searches for a child node.
GetHashCode Inherited from TObject.
HasAsParent(TdxTreeCustomNode) Determines if the specified node is the current node’s ancestor. Inherited from TdxTreeCustomNode.
IsRoot Determines if the node is root. Inherited from TdxTreeCustomNode.
LoadChildren Loads child nodes. Inherited from TdxTreeCustomNode.
MoveTo(TdxTreeCustomNode,TdxTreeNodeAttachMode) Moves the node and its children to the specified location in the tree. Inherited from TdxTreeCustomNode.
Sort Sorts nodes based on the node names comparison.
ToString Inherited from TObject.
See Also