TdxBarCode128Symbology Class
The Code 128 barcode symbology class.
TdxBarCode128Symbology = class(
Code 128 is a very effective, high-density symbology that can be used for encoding numeric-only or alphanumeric strings. If the source text contains numeric-only data, Code 128 can encode twice as many characters while retaining the same barcode size:
This class publishes the CharacterSet property that allows you to specify the actual type of encoded data.
To enable the Code 128 generation mode, assign the TdxBarCode128Symbology class name to the Properties.BarCodeSymbologyClassName property provided by the unbound or data-aware barcode controls.
The dxBarCode128LeftQuietZoneSize and dxBarCode128RightQuietZoneSize global constant values determine the Code 128’s left and right quiet zones, respectively.