TdxBarCode39Symbology Class
The Code 39 barcode symbology class.
TdxBarCode39Symbology = class(
Code 39 is capable of encoding 43 characters, including all uppercase Latin letters (A – Z), numeric digits (0 – 9) and a set of special characters, including -, ., $, /, %, and space.
The TdxBarCode39Symbology class publishes the following properties that allow you to:
Specify if the checksum is included into the generated barcode (Checksum);
Customize the width of wide bars in the generated barcode (WideNarrowRatio).
Additionally, this class initializes the published Checksum property to True to underpin the Code 39 barcode symbology design.
To enable the Code 39 generation mode, assign the TdxBarCode39Symbology class name to the Properties.BarCodeSymbologyClassName property provided by the unbound and data-aware barcode controls.
The dxBarCode39LeftQuietZoneSize and dxBarCode39RightQuietZoneSize global constant values determine the Code 39’s left and right quiet zone sizes, respectively.