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TcxCustomColorComboBoxProperties.PrepareX11ColorList(Boolean,Boolean) Method

Populates the color combo box with the default X11 color list.


procedure PrepareX11ColorList(const ASaveCustom: Boolean; const ASaveMRU: Boolean);


Name Type
ASaveCustom Boolean
ASaveMRU Boolean


Use the PrepareX11ColorList method to populate the color combo box with the standard colors used in the X11 environment. The method clears the displayed items list and then adds the colors from the X11 set (descriptions are also assigned to the items using the corresponding naming convention).

To populate the color combo box control with colors from another predefined set, use the PrepareDelphiColorList, PrepareHTML4ColorList or PrepareX11OrderedColorList method. See the PrepareDelphiColorList method description for details on using these methods.

The ASaveCustom parameter identifies whether \ user-defined colors are saved when the new color set is loaded into the color combo box. The ASaveMRU parameter identifies whether the MRU colors list is saved when the new color set is loaded.

The following is a sample color combo box populated with the default X11 colors:


The PrepareX11OrderedColorList method populates the control with the same colors. The only difference is that the colors are ordered so that shades of the same color are displayed close to one another.

See Also