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TcxCustomColorComboBoxProperties.PrepareList Property

Specifies the colors list loaded into the color combo box.


property PrepareList: TcxColorPrepareList read; write; default cxplDelphi;

Property Value

Type Default
TcxColorPrepareList cxplDelphi


Setting the PrepareList property specifies the predefined list of colors that will be loaded into the color combo box at its initialization. Setting this property to either cxplDelphi, cxplHTML4, cxplX11 or cxplX11Ordered is similar to calling the PrepareDelphiColorList, PrepareHTML4ColorList, PrepareX11ColorList or PrepareX11OrderedColorList methods at the combo box’s initialization. The cxplNone value corresponds to the situation when no predefined list of colors is loaded (the Items collection list will be empty in this case).


when loading a predefined color set into the color combo box, be sure that the Properties.NamingConvention property is set to the corresponding value or cxncNone. For instance, if calling the PrepareDelphiColorList method, ensure that the Properties.NamingConvention property value is cxncDelphi or cxncNone. Otherwise, colors that are not recognized by the specified naming convention will be displayed using RGB codes. Note that this only matters if color descriptions are displayed (the Properties.ShowDescription property value is True).

The default value of the PrepareList property is cxplDelphi.

See Also