SwiftPlotDiagramSecondaryAxisY Members
Represents the secondary Y-axis within Swift Plot and Swift Point charts.Constructors
Name | Description |
SwiftPlotDiagramSecondaryAxisY() | Initializes a new instance of the SwiftPlotDiagramSecondaryAxisY class with the default settings. |
SwiftPlotDiagramSecondaryAxisY(String) | Initializes a new instance of the SwiftPlotDiagramSecondaryAxisY class with the specified name. |
Name | Description |
DefaultDateTimeMeasurementUnit static |
Obsolete. Identifies the default value to which the AxisBase.DateTimeMeasureUnit property is reset, if the AxisXBase.DateTimeScaleMode becomes Manual.
Inherited from AxisBase. |
Name | Description |
Alignment | Specifies the position of an axis relative to another primary axis. Inherited from Axis2D. |
AxisID | Specifies the secondary Y-axis ID, which is intended for internal use only. |
Color | Specifies the axis color. Inherited from Axis2D. |
ConstantLines | Gets the axis collection of constant lines. Inherited from Axis2D. |
CrosshairAxisLabelOptions | Gets the crosshair axis label settings allowing you to specify its appearance on a diagram. Inherited from Axis2D. |
CrosshairLabelPattern | Obsolete. Gets or sets a string which represents the pattern specifying the text to be displayed within the crosshair axis label that appears for a series point. Inherited from Axis2D. |
CrosshairLabelVisibility | Obsolete. Specifies whether to show crosshair axis labels for a diagram. Inherited from Axis2D. |
CustomLabels | Gets the axis collection of custom labels. Inherited from Axis2D. |
DateTimeGridAlignment | Obsolete. Gets or sets the date-time measurement unit to which the beginning of a diagram’s gridlines and labels should be aligned. Inherited from AxisBase. |
DateTimeMeasureUnit | Obsolete. Gets or sets the detail level for date-time values. Inherited from AxisBase. |
DateTimeOptions | Obsolete. Provides access to the settings that define how date-time values should be displayed within axis labels. Inherited from AxisBase. |
DateTimeScaleOptions | Stores the options that define the behavior of a scale when its type is date-time. Inherited from AxisBase. |
GridLines | Gets the grid lines settings. Inherited from AxisBase. |
GridSpacing | Obsolete. Gets or sets a numeric interval between the axis’ grid lines. Inherited from AxisBase. |
GridSpacingAuto | Obsolete. Gets or sets a value that specifies whether the spacing of grid lines is calculated automatically based upon the major tickmarks of the axis. Inherited from AxisBase. |
Interlaced | Gets or sets whether interlacing is applied to the axis. Inherited from AxisBase. |
InterlacedColor | Gets or sets the interlaced color. Inherited from AxisBase. |
InterlacedFillStyle | Gets the interlaced fill style settings. Inherited from Axis2D. |
Label | Gets the settings of axis labels. Inherited from Axis2D. |
LabelPosition | Gets or sets the axis label position. Inherited from Axis2D. |
LabelVisibilityMode | Gets or sets the visibility mode of the axis labels. Inherited from Axis2D. |
Logarithmic | Gets or sets whether the axis should display its numerical values using a logarithmic scale. Inherited from AxisBase. |
LogarithmicBase | Gets or sets a value specifying a logarithmic base when the AxisBase.Logarithmic property is enabled. Inherited from AxisBase. |
MinorCount | Gets or sets the number of minor tickmarks and grid lines. Inherited from AxisBase. |
Name | Gets or sets the name of the chart element. Inherited from ChartElementNamed. |
NumericOptions | Obsolete. Gets the numeric options of the axis. Inherited from AxisBase. |
NumericScaleOptions | Stores the options that define the behavior of a scale when its type is numeric. Inherited from AxisBase. |
QualitativeScaleComparer | Gets or sets the Comparer class object used to compare deferred-axis qualitative scale values. Inherited from AxisBase. |
Range | Obsolete. Gets the settings that specify the range of the axis coordinates. Inherited from AxisBase. |
ShowBehind | Gets or sets the value that specifies whether to show an axis behind chart series, axis labels, gridlines and tickmarks. Inherited from Axis2D. |
Strips | Gets an object that represents the collection of axis strips. Inherited from Axis2D. |
Tag | Gets or sets the object that contains data related to the chart element. Inherited from ChartElement. |
Thickness | Specifies the thickness (in pixels) of the axis. Inherited from Axis2D. |
Tickmarks | Gets the tickmark settings of an axis for 2D Charts. Inherited from Axis2D. |
TimeSpanScaleOptions | Stores the settings of a scale when its type is time-span. Inherited from AxisBase. |
Title | Gets the title settings of an axis. Inherited from Axis2D. |
Visibility | Specifies whether to show X and Y-axes on a diagram. Inherited from Axis2D. |
VisibilityInPanes | Gets a list of panes in which to display the current axis. Inherited from Axis2D. |
Visible | Obsolete. Specifies whether the axis is visible. Inherited from Axis2D. |
VisibleInPanesSerializable | Gets or sets the string value used to support serialization of the Axis2D.VisibilityInPanes property. Inherited from Axis2D. |
VisualRange | Gets the settings that specify the visible range of the axis coordinates. Inherited from AxisBase. |
WholeRange | Gets the range through which it’s possible to scroll an axis. Inherited from AxisBase. |
WorkdaysOnly | Obsolete. Specifies whether holidays and non-working days should be excluded from the axis scale. Inherited from AxisBase. |
WorkdaysOptions | Obsolete. Provides access to the information about non-working days to adjust the date-time axis scale. Inherited from AxisBase. |
Name | Description |
Assign(ChartElement) | Copies all the settings from the Axis2D object passed as the parameter. Inherited from Axis2D. |
Clone() | Creates a copy of the current ChartElement object. Inherited from ChartElement. |
Equals(Object, Object) static | Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. Inherited from Object. |
Equals(Object) | Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. Inherited from Object. |
GetHashCode() | Serves as the default hash function. Inherited from Object. |
GetScaleInternalValue(DateTime) | Converts the specified date-time value to an internal numeric format of the current X-axis scale. Inherited from AxisBase. |
GetScaleInternalValue(Double) | Converts the specified numeric value to an internal numeric format of the current X-axis scale. Inherited from AxisBase. |
GetScaleInternalValue(String) | Converts the specified qualitative value to an internal numeric format of the current axis scale. Inherited from AxisBase. |
GetScaleInternalValue(TimeSpan) | Converts the specified time-span value to an internal numeric format of the current X-axis scale. Inherited from AxisBase. |
GetScaleValueFromInternal(Double) | Converts the specified internal value of the current X-axis scale to a scale value. Inherited from AxisBase. |
GetType() | Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from Object. |
GetVisibilityInPane(XYDiagramPaneBase) | Returns a value that specifies whether or not an axis is visible on the panes. Inherited from Axis2D. |
MemberwiseClone() protected | Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Inherited from Object. |
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) static | Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from Object. |
SetVisibilityInPane(Boolean, XYDiagramPaneBase) | Specifies panes in which an axis should be visible. Inherited from Axis2D. |
ToString() | Returns the textual representation of the named chart element. Inherited from ChartElementNamed. |
See Also