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PivotGridDataSourceOptions Properties
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Provides options that determine the behavior of a Chart bound to a Pivot Grid.
Name Description
AutoBindingSettingsEnabled Specifies whether or not the chart’s data binding is automatically adjusted during the creation of a Pivot Chart.
AutoLayoutSettingsEnabled Specifies whether or not the chart’s layout is automatically adjusted during the creation of a Pivot Chart.
MaxAllowedPointCountInSeries Limits the number of incoming points in a Chart’s series that are auto-created, based on the associated Pivot Grid.
MaxAllowedSeriesCount Limits the number of a Chart’s series that are auto-created, based on the associated Pivot Grid.
RetrieveColumnCustomTotals Specifies whether or not column custom totals should be passed to a Chart from its associated Pivot Grid.
RetrieveColumnGrandTotals Specifies whether or not column grand totals should be passed to a Chart from its associated Pivot Grid.
RetrieveColumnTotals Specifies whether or not column totals should be passed to a Chart from its associated Pivot Grid.
RetrieveDataByColumns Specifies whether or not a Chart’s series are created based on columns or rows of its associated Pivot Grid.
RetrieveEmptyCells Specifies whether or not empty cells should be passed to a Chart from its associated Pivot Grid.
RetrieveRowCustomTotals Specifies whether or not row custom totals should be passed to a Chart from its associated Pivot Grid.
RetrieveRowGrandTotals Specifies whether or not row grand totals should be passed to a Chart from its associated Pivot Grid.
RetrieveRowTotals Specifies whether or not row totals should be passed to a Chart from its associated Pivot Grid.
SelectionOnly Specifies whether or not only the currently selected cells of a Pivot Grid are reflected in its associated Chart.
SinglePageOnly Specifies whether or not only the data from the Pivot Grid’s current page is passed to the associated Chart.
Tag Gets or sets the object that contains data related to the chart element. Inherited from ChartElement.
UpdateDelay Specifies the delay (in milliseconds) that occurs before passing the changes made in a Pivot Grid to its associated Chart.
See Also