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AxisXBase Members

Represents the base class for classes that provide the common X-axis functionality in 2D series views, except for the Swift Plot and Swift Point.

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Name Description
DefaultDateTimeMeasurementUnit static Obsolete. Identifies the default value to which the AxisBase.DateTimeMeasureUnit property is reset, if the AxisXBase.DateTimeScaleMode becomes Manual. Inherited from AxisBase.

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Name Description
Alignment Specifies the position of an axis relative to another primary axis. Inherited from Axis2D.
AutoScaleBreaks Provides access to the settings of automatic scale breaks. Inherited from Axis.
Color Specifies the axis color. Inherited from Axis2D.
ConstantLines Gets the axis collection of constant lines. Inherited from Axis2D.
CrosshairAxisLabelOptions Gets the crosshair axis label settings allowing you to specify its appearance on a diagram. Inherited from Axis2D.
CrosshairLabelPattern Obsolete. Gets or sets a string which represents the pattern specifying the text to be displayed within the crosshair axis label that appears for a series point. Inherited from Axis2D.
CrosshairLabelVisibility Obsolete. Specifies whether to show crosshair axis labels for a diagram. Inherited from Axis2D.
CustomLabels Gets the axis collection of custom labels. Inherited from Axis2D.
DateTimeGridAlignment Obsolete. Gets or sets the date-time measurement unit to which the beginning of a diagram’s gridlines and labels should be aligned. Inherited from AxisBase.
DateTimeMeasureUnit Obsolete. Gets or sets the detail level for date-time values. Inherited from AxisBase.
DateTimeOptions Obsolete. Provides access to the settings that define how date-time values should be displayed within axis labels. Inherited from AxisBase.
DateTimeScaleMode Obsolete. Gets or sets the date-time scale mode for an axis.
DateTimeScaleOptions Stores the options that define the behavior of a scale when its type is date-time. Inherited from AxisBase.
GridLines Gets the grid lines settings. Inherited from AxisBase.
GridSpacing Obsolete. Gets or sets a numeric interval between the axis’ grid lines. Inherited from AxisBase.
GridSpacingAuto Obsolete. Gets or sets a value that specifies whether the spacing of grid lines is calculated automatically based upon the major tickmarks of the axis. Inherited from AxisBase.
Interlaced Gets or sets whether interlacing is applied to the axis. Inherited from AxisBase.
InterlacedColor Gets or sets the interlaced color. Inherited from AxisBase.
InterlacedFillStyle Gets the interlaced fill style settings. Inherited from Axis2D.
Label Gets the settings of axis labels. Inherited from Axis2D.
LabelPosition Gets or sets the axis label position. Inherited from Axis2D.
LabelVisibilityMode Gets or sets the visibility mode of the axis labels. Inherited from Axis2D.
Logarithmic Gets or sets whether the axis should display its numerical values using a logarithmic scale. Inherited from AxisBase.
LogarithmicBase Gets or sets a value specifying a logarithmic base when the AxisBase.Logarithmic property is enabled. Inherited from AxisBase.
MinorCount Gets or sets the number of minor tickmarks and grid lines. Inherited from AxisBase.
Name Gets or sets the name of the chart element. Inherited from ChartElementNamed.
NumericOptions Obsolete. Gets the numeric options of the axis. Inherited from AxisBase.
NumericScaleOptions Stores the options that define the behavior of a scale when its type is numeric. Inherited from AxisBase.
QualitativeScaleComparer Gets or sets the Comparer class object used to compare deferred-axis qualitative scale values. Inherited from AxisBase.
QualitativeScaleOptions Provides access to the options that define the behavior of a scale when its type is qualitative.
Range Obsolete. Gets the settings that specify the range of the axis coordinates. Inherited from AxisBase.
Reverse Gets or sets whether the axis is reversed. Inherited from Axis.
ScaleBreakOptions Provides access to the appearance settings of the axis’ scale breaks. Inherited from Axis.
ScaleBreaks Provides access to the axis’ collection of scale breaks. Inherited from Axis.
ShowBehind Gets or sets the value that specifies whether to show an axis behind chart series, axis labels, gridlines and tickmarks. Inherited from Axis2D.
StickToEdge Gets or sets the value that specifies whether the visual range sticks to the whole range’s start or end.
StickToEnd Obsolete. Gets or sets the value indicating whether the visual range should move to the new end of the whole range if the visual range is at the end of the whole range and the end of the whole range has been changed.
Strips Gets an object that represents the collection of axis strips. Inherited from Axis2D.
Tag Gets or sets the object that contains data related to the chart element. Inherited from ChartElement.
Thickness Specifies the thickness (in pixels) of the axis. Inherited from Axis2D.
Tickmarks Gets the tickmark settings of an axis for 2D Charts. Inherited from Axis2D.
TimeSpanScaleOptions Stores the settings of a scale when its type is time-span. Inherited from AxisBase.
Title Gets the title settings of an axis. Inherited from Axis2D.
Visibility Specifies whether to show X and Y-axes on a diagram. Inherited from Axis2D.
VisibilityInPanes Gets a list of panes in which to display the current axis. Inherited from Axis2D.
Visible Obsolete. Specifies whether the axis is visible. Inherited from Axis2D.
VisibleInPanesSerializable Gets or sets the string value used to support serialization of the Axis2D.VisibilityInPanes property. Inherited from Axis2D.
VisualRange Gets the settings that specify the visible range of the axis coordinates. Inherited from AxisBase.
WholeRange Gets the range through which it’s possible to scroll an axis. Inherited from AxisBase.
WorkdaysOnly Obsolete. Specifies whether holidays and non-working days should be excluded from the axis scale. Inherited from AxisBase.
WorkdaysOptions Obsolete. Provides access to the information about non-working days to adjust the date-time axis scale. Inherited from AxisBase.

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Name Description
Assign(ChartElement) Copies all the settings from the AxisXBase object passed as the parameter.
Clone() Creates a copy of the current ChartElement object. Inherited from ChartElement.
Equals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. Inherited from Object.
Equals(Object) Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. Inherited from Object.
GetHashCode() Serves as the default hash function. Inherited from Object.
GetScaleInternalValue(DateTime) Converts the specified date-time value to an internal numeric format of the current X-axis scale. Inherited from AxisBase.
GetScaleInternalValue(Double) Converts the specified numeric value to an internal numeric format of the current X-axis scale. Inherited from AxisBase.
GetScaleInternalValue(String) Converts the specified qualitative value to an internal numeric format of the current axis scale. Inherited from AxisBase.
GetScaleInternalValue(TimeSpan) Converts the specified time-span value to an internal numeric format of the current X-axis scale. Inherited from AxisBase.
GetScaleValueFromInternal(Double) Converts the specified internal value of the current X-axis scale to a scale value. Inherited from AxisBase.
GetType() Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from Object.
GetVisibilityInPane(XYDiagramPaneBase) Returns a value that specifies whether or not an axis is visible on the panes. Inherited from Axis2D.
MemberwiseClone() protected Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Inherited from Object.
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) static Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from Object.
SetVisibilityInPane(Boolean, XYDiagramPaneBase) Specifies panes in which an axis should be visible. Inherited from Axis2D.
ToString() Returns the textual representation of the named chart element. Inherited from ChartElementNamed.
See Also