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DevExpress.Web.Mvc Namespace

Contains classes which implement the common functionality of DevExpress Extensions for ASP.NET MVC.

Assembly: DevExpress.Web.Mvc5.v24.2.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Web.Mvc5


Name Description
AppointmentRecurrenceFormExtension An extension object that implements the Appointment Recurrence Form.
AppointmentRecurrenceFormSettings Contains Appointment Recurrence Form settings.
AutoCompleteBoxBaseSettings A base class for the ComboBox and TokenBox extension settings.
BinaryImageEditExtension Represents an extension object implementing the BinaryImage functionality.
BinaryImageEditSettings Contains BinaryImage extension settings.
ButtonEditExtension Represents an extension object implementing the ButtonEdit functionality.
ButtonEditSettings Contains the ButtonEdit extension settings.
ButtonExtension Represents an extension object implementing the Button functionality.
ButtonSettings Contains the Button extension settings.
CalendarExtension Represents an extension object implementing the Calendar functionality.
CalendarSettings Contains the Calendar extension settings.
CallbackPanelExtension Represents an extension object implementing the CallbackPanel functionality.
CallbackPanelSettings Contains CallbackPanel extension settings.
CaptchaExtension Represents an extension object implementing the Captcha functionality.
CaptchaSettings Contains the Captcha extension settings.
CardViewColumnState Contains information (the current state) on an individual column.
CardViewColumnStateCollection A collection that contains information (the current state) on column objects.
CardViewCustomBindingArgsBase Provides base arguments to implement custom binding method delegates.
CardViewCustomBindingDataArgsBase Provides base data arguments to implement custom binding method delegates.
CardViewCustomBindingGetDataArgs Provides arguments to implement a method delegate of the CardViewCustomBindingGetDataHandler type.
CardViewCustomBindingGetDataCardCountArgs Provides arguments to implement a method delegate of the CardViewCustomBindingGetDataCardCountHandler type.
CardViewCustomBindingGetSummaryValuesArgs Provides arguments to implement a method delegate of the CardViewCustomBindingGetSummaryValuesHandler type.
CardViewCustomBindingGetUniqueHeaderFilterValuesArgs Provides arguments to implement a method delegate of the CardViewCustomBindingGetUniqueHeaderFilterValuesHandler type.
CardViewExtension Represents an extension object implementing the CardView functionality.
CardViewExtension<CardType> Represents an extension object implementing the CardView functionality.
CardViewFilteringState Contains information about the CardView’s filtering-related state.
CardViewModel A specific view model object that maintains the CardView’s state and provides the means to populate itself with data when the CardView is used in custom data binding mode.
CardViewPagerState Contains information about the CardView’s paging-related state.
CardViewSearchPanelState Contains information about the CardView’s search panel related state.
CardViewSettings Contains the CardView extension settings.
CardViewSettings<CardType> Contains the CardView extension settings.
CardViewSummaryItemState Contains information about an individual summary item.
CardViewSummaryItemStateCollection A collection that contains information (the current state) on summary items.
ChartControlExtension An extension object implementing the Chart functionality.
ChartControlSettings Contains the Chart extension settings.
CheckBoxExtension Represents an extension object implementing the CheckBox functionality.
CheckBoxListExtension An extension object implementing the CheckBoxList functionality.
CheckBoxListSettings Contains the CheckBoxList extension settings.
CheckBoxSettings Contains the CheckBox extension settings.
CollapsiblePanelExtension Represents a base extension functionality for the CallbackPanel and the Panel extensions.
CollapsiblePanelSettings Contains base settings for the CallbackPanel and Panel extensions.
ColorEditExtension Represents an extension object implementing the ColorEdit functionality.
ColorEditSettings Contains the ColorEdit extension settings.
ComboBoxExtension Represents an extension object implementing the ComboBox functionality.
ComboBoxSettings Contains the ComboBox extension settings.
DataViewExtension An extension object implementing the DataView functionality.
DataViewExtensionBase A base extension object implementing the common functionality of data view extensions.
DataViewSettings Contains the DataView extension settings.
DataViewSettingsBase A base extension object implementing the common functionality of data view extensions.
DateEditExtension Represents an extension object implementing the DateEdit functionality.
DateEditSettings Contains the DateEdit extension settings.
DateNavigatorExtension An extension object implementing the DateNavigator functionality.
DateNavigatorSettings Contains DateNavigator-specific settings.
DateRangeAttribute Specifies the date range settings.
DevExpressEditorsBinder Maps a browser request to a data object. This class provides a DevExpress-specific implementation of a model binder.
DevExpressHelper static A helper object containing the most commonly used properties and methods.
DiagramExtension The Diagram extension.
DiagramSettings Contains the Diagram extension settings.
DockManagerExtension Represents an extension object implementing the DockManager functionality.
DockManagerSettings Contains the DockManager extension settings.
DockPanelExtension Represents an extension object implementing the DockPanel functionality.
DockPanelSettings Contains the DockPanel extension settings.
DockZoneExtension Represents an extension object implementing the DockZone functionality.
DockZoneSettings Contains the DockZone extension settings.
DropDownEditExtension Represents an extension object implementing the DropDownEdit functionality.
DropDownEditSettings Contains the DropDownEdit extension settings.
EditorExtension Represents a base class for Data Editors Extensions.
EditorSettings Contains base data editor-specific settings.
ExtensionBase Serves as a base class for DevExpress ASP.NET MVC extensions.
FileManagerExtension Represents an extension object implementing the FileManager functionality.
FileManagerSettings Contains the FileManager extension settings.
FilterControlColumnEditorPropertiesFactory Provides methods that allow you to configure columns of different types in the filter control extension.
FilterControlExtension Represents an extension object implementing the Filter Control functionality.
FilterControlExtension<RowType> Represents an extension object implementing the Filter Control functionality.
FloatingActionButtonExtension Represents an extension object implementing the Floating Action Button functionality.
FloatingActionButtonSettings Contains the Floating Action Button extension settings.
FormLayoutExtension<ModelType> Represents an extension object implementing the FormLayout functionality.
FormLayoutNestedExtensionFactory Contains helper methods to create DevExpress MVC data editors as nested editors within the MVC FormLayout extension.
FormLayoutSettings<ModelType> Contains the FormLayout extension settings.
GanttExtension The Gantt extension.
GanttSettings Contains the Gantt extension settings.
GridBaseColumnState Serves as a base class for the CardViewColumnState, GridLookupColumnState, and GridViewColumnState classes.
GridBaseColumnStateCollection<T> A collection that contains information (the current state) on column objects.
GridBaseFilteringState Serves as a base class for the CardViewFilteringState, GridLookupFilteringState, and GridViewFilteringState classes.
GridBasePagerState Serves as a base class for the CardViewPagerState, GridLookupPagerState, and GridViewPagerState classes.
GridBaseSearchPanelState Serves as a base class for the CardViewSearchPanelState and GridViewSearchPanelState classes.
GridBaseSummaryItemState Contains information (the current state) of an individual summary item.
GridBaseSummaryItemStateCollection<T> Serves as a base class for the CardViewSummaryItemStateCollection and GridViewSummaryItemStateCollection classes.
GridBaseViewModel Serves as a base class for the CardViewModel, GridLookupViewModel, and GridViewModel classes.
GridColumnEditorPropertiesFactory Provides methods that allow you to configure columns of different types in grid-like extensions.
GridExtensionBase A base for the CardViewExtension and GridViewExtension objects.
GridLookupColumnState Contains information (the current state) on an individual column within the GridLookup.
GridLookupColumnStateCollection A collection that contains information (the current state) on column objects of the GridLookup.
GridLookupExtension Represents an extension object implementing the GridLookup functionality.
GridLookupFilteringState Contains information about the GridLookup’s filtering-related state.
GridLookupPagerState Contains information about the GridLookup’s paging-related state.
GridLookupSettings Contains the GridLookup extension settings.
GridLookupViewModel A specific view model object that maintains the state of the GridLookup’s built-in grid and provides the means to populate itself with data when the GridLookup is used in custom data binding mode and its multi-selection mode is enabled.
GridSettingsBase A base for the CardViewSettings and GridViewSettings objects.
GridViewColumnState Contains information (the current state) on an individual column.
GridViewColumnStateCollection A collection that contains information (the current state) on column objects.
GridViewCustomBindingArgsBase Provides base arguments to implement custom binding method delegates.
GridViewCustomBindingDataArgsBase Provides base data arguments to implement custom binding method delegates.
GridViewCustomBindingGetDataArgs Provides arguments to implement a method delegate of the GridViewCustomBindingGetDataHandler type.
GridViewCustomBindingGetDataRowCountArgs Provides arguments to implement a method delegate of the GridViewCustomBindingGetDataRowCountHandler type.
GridViewCustomBindingGetGroupingInfoArgs Provides arguments to implement a method delegate of the GridViewCustomBindingGetGroupingInfoHandler type.
GridViewCustomBindingGetRowValuesArgs Provides arguments to implement a method delegate of the GridViewCustomBindingGetRowValuesHandler type.
GridViewCustomBindingGetSummaryValuesArgs Provides arguments to implement a method delegate of the GridViewCustomBindingGetSummaryValuesHandler type.
GridViewCustomBindingGetUniqueHeaderFilterValuesArgs Provides arguments to implement a method delegate of the GridViewCustomBindingGetUniqueHeaderFilterValuesHandler type.
GridViewExportDetailRowEventArgs Provides arguments to implement a method delegate of the GridViewGetExportDetailGridViewEventHandler type.
GridViewExtension A Grid View extension.
GridViewExtension<RowType> Represents an extension object implementing the GridView functionality.
GridViewFilteringState Contains information about the GridView’s filtering-related state.
GridViewGroupInfo Contains information on a group.
GridViewModel A specific view model object that maintains the GridView’s state and provides the means to populate itself with data when the GridView is used in custom data binding mode.
GridViewPagerState Contains information about the GridView’s paging-related state.
GridViewSearchPanelState Contains information about the GridView’s search panel related state.
GridViewSettings Contains the GridView extension settings.
GridViewSettings<RowType> Contains the GridView extension settings.
GridViewSummaryItemState Contains information about an individual summary item.
GridViewSummaryItemStateCollection A collection that contains information (the current state) on summary items.
HintExtension Represents an extension object implementing the Hint functionality.
HintSettings Contains the Hint extension settings.
HtmlEditorExtension Represents an extension object implementing the HtmlEditor functionality.
HtmlEditorFileSaveSettings Contains settings related to saving an uploaded file to the HtmlEditor extension’s file storage.
HtmlEditorSettings Contains the HtmlEditor extension settings.
HtmlSettingsAttribute Specifies the HTML editing settings (HtmlEditorSettings.SettingsHtmlEditing) for the value of a data field.
HyperLinkExtension Represents an extension object implementing the HyperLink functionality.
HyperLinkSettings Contains the HyperLink extension settings.
ImageEditExtension Represents an extension object implementing the Image functionality.
ImageEditSettings Contains the Image extension settings.
ImageGalleryExtension Represents an extension object implementing the ImageGallery functionality.
ImageGallerySettings Contains the ImageGallery extension settings.
ImageSliderExtension Represents an extension object implementing the ImageSlider functionality.
ImageSliderSettings Contains the ImageSlider extension settings.
ImageZoomExtension Represents an extension object implementing the ImageZoom functionality.
ImageZoomNavigatorExtension Represents an extension object implementing the ImageZoomNavigator functionality.
ImageZoomNavigatorSettings Contains the ImageZoomNavigator extension settings.
ImageZoomSettings Contains the ImageZoom extension settings.
LabelExtension Represents an extension object implementing the Label functionality.
LabelSettings Contains the Label extension settings.
ListBoxExtension Represents an extension object implementing the ListBox functionality.
ListBoxSettings Contains the ListBox extension settings.
LoadingPanelExtension Represents an extension object implementing the LoadingPanel functionality.
LoadingPanelSettings Contains the LoadingPanel extension settings.
MaskAttribute Specifies the mask settings for the value of a data field.
MemoExtension Represents an extension object implementing the Memo functionality.
MemoSettings Contains the Memo extension settings.
MenuExtension Represents an extension object implementing the Menu functionality.
MenuExtensionBase A base extension object implementing the common functionality of menu extensions.
MenuItemState Contains information (the current state) on an individual menu item.
MenuSettings Contains the Menu extension settings.
MenuSettingsBase Serves as a base for classes that define functional settings of the Menu and PopupMenu.
MenuState Contains information (the current state) on all the menu items.
MVCxAppointmentCustomFieldMappingCollection A collection of mappings of the custom properties of appointments to the fields in the data source.
MVCxAppointmentStorage A storage which holds a collection of appointments.
MVCxBatchUpdateValues<T> Contains all the changes that are synchronized between the client and the server side when the extension functions in batch edit mode.
MVCxBatchUpdateValues<T, S> Contains all the changes that are synchronized between the client and the server side when the extension functions in batch edit mode.
MVCxBinaryImage The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side.
MVCxBinaryImageEditProperties Contains BinaryImage specific properties.
MVCxButton The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side.
MVCxButtonEdit The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side.
MVCxButtonEditProperties Contains ButtonEdit specific properties.
MVCxCalendar The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side.
MVCxCalendarProperties Contains Calendar specific properties.
MVCxCallbackPanel The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side.
MVCxCaptcha The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side.
MVCxCardView The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side.
MVCxCardViewColumn Represents a column within the GridView.
MVCxCardViewColumnCollection Represents a collection of columns within the GridView.
MVCxCardViewColumnCollection<CardType> A collection of strongly-typed columns within the CardView.
MVCxCardViewColumnLayoutItem Represents a layout item (with MVC specificity) within the CardView’s edit form.
MVCxCardViewEditingSettings Provides editing settings for CardView.
MVCxCardViewExporter For internal use only.
MVCxCardViewExportSettings Contains the export settings to be applied when the CardView’s data is exported.
MVCxCardViewFormatConditionCollection A collection of format conditions in the ASPxCardView control.
MVCxCardViewFormatConditionCollection<CardType> A collection of format conditions in the CardView extension.
MVCxCardViewFormLayoutProperties Contains settings that relate to the FormLayout used in the CardView’s edit form.
MVCxCardViewLayoutGroup Represents a layout group (with MVC specificity) within the FormLayout used in the CardView’s edit form.
MVCxCardViewLayoutItemCollection Represents a (MVC specific) collection of layout items and groups within the FormLayout used in the GridView’s edit form.
MVCxCardViewPagerSettings Contains pager settings.
MVCxCardViewPageSizeItemSettings Contains pager size item settings.
MVCxCardViewSearchPanelSettings Contains settings of the CardView’s search panel.
MVCxCardViewTabbedLayoutGroup Represents a (MVC specific) tabbed layout group within the FormLayout used in the CardView’s edit form.
MVCxCardViewToolbar A base class for the Card View’s toolbar.
MVCxCardViewToolbarCollection Represents the CardView’s toolbar collection.
MVCxCardViewToolbarItem Implements the Card View’s toolbar item functionality.
MVCxCardViewToolbarItemCollection Represents a collection of a Vertical Grid’s toolbar items.
MVCxChartControl The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side.
MVCxCheckBox The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side.
MVCxCheckBoxList The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side.
MVCxCheckBoxListProperties Contains CheckBoxList specific properties.
MVCxCheckBoxProperties Contains CheckBox specific properties.
MVCxColorEdit The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side.
MVCxColorEditProperties Contains ColorEdit specific properties.
MVCxColumnBinaryImageEditProperties Contains settings specific to a binary image column.
MVCxColumnButtonEditProperties Contains settings specific to a button edit column.
MVCxColumnCheckBoxProperties Contains settings specific to a check box column.
MVCxColumnColorEditProperties Contains settings specific to a color edit column.
MVCxColumnComboBoxProperties Contains settings specific to a combo box column.
MVCxColumnDateEditProperties Contains settings specific to a date edit column.
MVCxColumnDropDownEditProperties Contains settings specific to a dropdown edit column.
MVCxColumnHyperLinkProperties Contains settings specific to a hyper link column.
MVCxColumnImageEditProperties Contains settings specific to an image edit column.
MVCxColumnMemoProperties Contains settings specific to a memo column.
MVCxColumnProgressBarProperties Contains settings specific to a progress bar column.
MVCxColumnSpinEditProperties Contains settings specific to a spin edit column.
MVCxColumnTextBoxProperties Contains settings specific to a text box column.
MVCxColumnTimeEditProperties Contains settings specific to a time edit column.
MVCxColumnTokenBoxProperties Contains settings specific to a token box column.
MVCxComboBox The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side.
MVCxComboBoxProperties Contains ComboBox specific properties.
MVCxDataSourceFileSystemProvider Represents a FileManager file system provider that obtains file system information from a data source.
MVCxDataView The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side.
MVCxDataViewPagerPageSizeItemSettings Contains pager size item settings.
MVCxDataViewPagerSettings Contains pager settings.
MVCxDateEdit The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side.
MVCxDateEditProperties Contains DateEdit specific properties.
MVCxDateEditRangeSettings The date range settings.
MVCxDateNavigator The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side.
MVCxDiagram A configured instance of the Diagram extension that the sender parameter returns in server-side events.
MVCxDiagramContextToolboxSettings Contains settings that affect the context toolbox’s functionality.
MVCxDiagramCustomShapeCollection A collection of custom shapes.
MVCxDiagramEdgeUpdateValues<TEdge, TKey> Contains information about updated diagram edges.
MVCxDiagramItemUpdateValues<TItem, TKey> The base for classes that contain information about updated diagram items.
MVCxDiagramNodeUpdateValues<TNode, TKey> Contains information about updated diagram nodes.
MVCxDiagramToolboxGroupCollection A collection of toolbox groups.
MVCxDiagramToolboxSettings Contains settings that affect the toolbox’s functionality.
MVCxDiagramToolboxShapeCollection A collection of shapes.
MVCxDockManager The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side.
MVCxDockPanel The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side.
MVCxDockZone The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side.
MVCxDropDownEdit The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side.
MVCxDropDownEditProperties Contains DropDownEdit specific properties.
MVCxFileManager The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side.
MVCxFileManagerDetailsColumn A column used to display file information in the file list details view.
MVCxFileManagerDetailsColumnCollection The FileManager’s column collection.
MVCxFileManagerDetailsCustomColumn A column used to display custom information in the file list details view.
MVCxFileManagerFileListDetailsViewSettings Contains settings that relate to the file list‘s details view functionality.
MVCxFileManagerFileListThumbnailsViewSettings Contains settings that relate to the file list‘s thumbnails view functionality.
MVCxFileManagerSettings Contains specific settings of the FileManager.
MVCxFileManagerSettingsFileList Contains file list settings of the FileManager.
MVCxFileManagerSettingsUpload Contains upload settings of the FileManager.
MVCxFileManagerValidationSettings Contains upload validation settings of a built-in file manager (Document Selector or Image Selector).
MVCxFilterControl The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side.
MVCxFilterControlColumn Represents a column within the Filter Control.
MVCxFilterControlColumnCollection Represents a collection of columns within the Filter Control.
MVCxFilterControlColumnCollection<RowType> A collection of strongly-typed columns within the Filter Control.
MVCxFilterControlExpressionInfo Provides filter criteria information in the controller.
MVCxFilterControlSettings Contains specific settings of the Filter Control.
MVCxFilterControlSettings<RowType> Contains the Filter Control extension settings.
MVCxFloatingActionButton The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side.
MVCxForbiddenZoneCollection A collection of zones disallowed from the collection owner panel.
MVCxFormLayout The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side.
MVCxFormLayoutGroup Represents an individual layout group within the FormLayout extension.
MVCxFormLayoutGroup<ModelType> Represents an individual layout group within the FormLayout.
MVCxFormLayoutItem Represents an individual layout item within the FormLayout.
MVCxFormLayoutItemCollection Represents a collection of layout items and groups within the FormLayout.
MVCxFormLayoutItemCollection<ModelType> Represents a collection of layout items and groups within the FormLayout.
MVCxGantt Represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side.
MVCxGanttDependencyUpdateValues<TDependency, TKey> Contains information about updated dependencies.
MVCxGanttItemUpdateValues<TItem, TKey> Serves as a base class for classes that contain information about updated objects.
MVCxGanttResourceAssignmentUpdateValues<TAssignment, TKey> Contains information about updated resource assignments.
MVCxGanttResourceUpdateValues<TResource, TKey> Contains information about updated resources.
MVCxGanttTaskUpdateValues<TTask, TKey> Contains information about updated tasks.
MVCxGridBatchUpdateValues<T> Contains all the changes that are synchronized between the client and the server side when the GridView functions in batch edit mode.
MVCxGridBatchUpdateValues<T, S> Contains all the changes that are synchronized between the client and the server side when the GridView functions in batch edit mode.
MVCxGridExportSettings Serves as a base class for the MVCxGridViewExportSettings, MVCxCardViewExportSettings, and MVCxVerticalGridExportSettings classes.
MVCxGridLookup The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side.
MVCxGridLookupProperties Contains GridLookup specific properties.
MVCxGridSelectedKeys<Key> For internal use.
MVCxGridView The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side.
MVCxGridViewBandColumn A band column used to combine other grid columns within its MVCxGridViewBandColumn.Columns collection.
MVCxGridViewBandColumn<RowType> A band column used to combine other grid columns within its MVCxGridViewBandColumn<RowType>.Columns collection.
MVCxGridViewBatchUpdateValues<T> Contains all the changes that are synchronized between the client and the server side when the GridView functions in batch edit mode.
MVCxGridViewBatchUpdateValues<T, S> Contains all the changes that are synchronized between the client and the server side when the GridView functions in batch edit mode.
MVCxGridViewBehaviorSettings Contains behavior specific settings of the GridView.
MVCxGridViewColumn Represents a column within the GridView.
MVCxGridViewColumn<RowType> Represents a strongly-typed column in the GridView extension.
MVCxGridViewColumnCollection Represents a collection of columns within the GridView.
MVCxGridViewColumnCollection<RowType> Represents a collection of strongly-typed columns within the GridView.
MVCxGridViewColumnLayoutItem Represents a layout item (with MVC specificity) within the GridView’s edit form.
MVCxGridViewCommandColumn Represents a command column within a GridView.
MVCxGridViewContextMenu A context menu.
MVCxGridViewDetailSettings Provides detail customization options for GridViews.
MVCxGridViewEditingSettings Provides editing settings for GridView.
MVCxGridViewExporter For internal use only.
MVCxGridViewExportSettings Contains the export settings to be applied when the GridView’s data is exported.
MVCxGridViewFormatConditionCollection A collection of format conditions in the GridView extension.
MVCxGridViewFormatConditionCollection<RowType> A collection of format conditions in the GridView extension.
MVCxGridViewFormLayoutProperties Contains settings that relate to the FormLayout used in the GridView’s edit form.
MVCxGridViewFormLayoutProperties<ModelType> Contains settings that relate to the FormLayout used in the GridView’s edit form.
MVCxGridViewLayoutGroup Represents a layout group (with MVC specificity) within the FormLayout used in the GridView’s edit form.
MVCxGridViewLayoutGroup<ModelType> A layout group with MVC specificity in the FormLayout used in the GridView’s edit form.
MVCxGridViewLayoutItemCollection Represents a (MVC specific) collection of layout items and groups within the FormLayout used in the GridView’s edit form.
MVCxGridViewLayoutItemCollection<ModelType> A collection of layout items and groups in the FormLayout used in the GridView’s edit form.
MVCxGridViewPopupControlSettings Contains specific settings for different popup elements.
MVCxGridViewProperties Contains the properties specific to the GridView that is built in to the ASP.NET MVC GridLookup extension.
MVCxGridViewSearchPanelSettings Contains settings of the GridView’s search panel.
MVCxGridViewSettings Contains specific settings of the GridView.
MVCxGridViewTabbedLayoutGroup Represents a (MVC specific) tabbed layout group within the FormLayout used in the GridView’s edit form.
MVCxGridViewTabbedLayoutGroup<ModelType> A tabbed layout group in the FormLayout used in the GridView’s edit form.
MVCxGridViewTextSettings Contains text settings of the GridView.
MVCxGridViewToolbar A base class for the Grid View’s toolbar.
MVCxGridViewToolbarCollection Represents the Grid View’s toolbar collection.
MVCxGridViewToolbarItem Implements the Grid View’s toolbar item functionality.
MVCxGridViewToolbarItemCollection Represents a collection of a Grid View’s toolbar items.
MVCxHint The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side.
MVCxHtmlEditor The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side.
MVCxHtmlEditorAudioSelectorSettings Contains the HtmlEditor’s Select Audio dialog’s settings (specific to MVC).
MVCxHtmlEditorAudioSelectorUploadSettings Contains (MVC specific) settings that relate to the built-in Audio Selector‘s file upload functionality.
MVCxHtmlEditorAudioUploadSettings Contains settings that relate to the HtmlEditor’s audio uploading functionality.
MVCxHtmlEditorChangeElementPropertiesDialogSettings Contains MVC specific customization settings for the Change Element Properties dialog’s form elements.
MVCxHtmlEditorCustomDialog Represents an individual custom dialog within the HtmlEditor.
MVCxHtmlEditorCustomDialogs Represents a collection of custom dialogs within the HtmlEditor.
MVCxHtmlEditorDefaultDialogSettings Contains (MVC specific) customization settings of the built-in dialogs.
MVCxHtmlEditorDialogFormElementSettings Contains settings concerning customization of dialog form elements.
MVCxHtmlEditorDocumentSelectorSettings Contains settings of the HtmlEditor’s built-in Document Selector.
MVCxHtmlEditorDocumentSelectorUploadSettings Contains settings that relate to the built-in Document Selector‘s file upload functionality.
MVCxHtmlEditorFileManagerUploadSettings Contains base settings that relate to the file upload functionality of the HtmlEditor’s built-in file managers (Image Selector and Document Selector).
MVCxHtmlEditorFileManagerValidationSettings Contains settings that relate to the HtmlEditor’s uploaded file validation.
MVCxHtmlEditorFlashSelectorSettings Contains the HtmlEditor’s Select Flash dialog’s settings.
MVCxHtmlEditorFlashSelectorUploadSettings Contains (MVc specific) settings that relate to the built-in Flash Selector‘s file upload functionality.
MVCxHtmlEditorFlashUploadSettings Contains settings that relate to the HtmlEditor’s flash uploading functionality.
MVCxHtmlEditorFormsSettings Contains dialog form related settings.
MVCxHtmlEditorImageSelectorSettings Contains settings of the HtmlEditor’s built-in Image Selector.
MVCxHtmlEditorImageSelectorUploadSettings Contains settings that relate to the built-in Image Selector‘s file upload functionality.
MVCxHtmlEditorImageUploadSettings Contains settings that relate to the HtmlEditor’s functionality for uploading images (this functionality can be accessed via the Insert Image Dialog‘s ‘From your computer’ option).
MVCxHtmlEditorInsertAudioDialogSettings Contains (MVC specific) customization settings for the Insert Audio dialog’s form elements.
MVCxHtmlEditorInsertFlashDialogSettings Contains (MVC specific) customization settings for the Insert Flash dialog’s form elements.
MVCxHtmlEditorInsertImageDialogSettings Contains (MVC specific) customization settings for the Insert Image dialog’s form elements.
MVCxHtmlEditorInsertLinkDialogSettings Contains (MVC specific) customization settings for the Insert Link dialog’s form elements.
MVCxHtmlEditorInsertMediaDialogSettings Serves as a base for classes containing (MVC specific) customization settings for form elements of the built-in media dialogs.
MVCxHtmlEditorInsertMediaDialogSettingsBase Serves as a base for classes containing (MVC specific) customization settings for form elements of the built-in media dialogs.
MVCxHtmlEditorInsertPlaceholderDialogSettings Contains (MVC specific) customization settings for the Insert Placeholder dialog’s form elements.
MVCxHtmlEditorInsertTableDialogSettings Contains (MVC specific) customization settings for the Insert Table dialog’s form elements.
MVCxHtmlEditorInsertVideoDialogSettings Contains (MVC specific) customization settings for the Insert Video dialog’s form elements.
MVCxHtmlEditorPasteFromWordDialogSettings Contains customization settings for the Paste from Word dialog’s form elements.
MVCxHtmlEditorRibbonContextTabCategoryCollection A collection of context tab categories in the HtmlEditor extension.
MVCxHtmlEditorRibbonTabCollection Represents a collection of tabs within the HtmlEditor’s built-in ribbon.
MVCxHtmlEditorSpellChecker Contains settings that pertain to the HtmlEditor’s built-in spell checking functionality.
MVCxHtmlEditorTableCellPropertiesDialogSettings Contains customization settings for the Cell Properties dialog’s form elements.
MVCxHtmlEditorTableElementPropertiesDialogSettings Contains customization settings for the element properties dialog’s form elements.
MVCxHtmlEditorToolbar A base class for toolbar.
MVCxHtmlEditorToolbarCollection A collection of toolbar objects.
MVCxHtmlEditorToolbarItemCollection A collection of toolbar item objects.
MVCxHtmlEditorVideoSelectorSettings Contains the HtmlEditor’s Select Video dialog’s settings.
MVCxHtmlEditorVideoSelectorUploadSettings Contains settings that relate to the built-in Video Selector‘s file upload functionality.
MVCxHtmlEditorVideoUploadSettings Contains (MVC specific) settings that relate to a control’s video uploading functionality.
MVCxHyperLink The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side.
MVCxHyperLinkProperties Contains HyperLink specific properties.
MVCxICalendarExportSettings Contains settings specific to iCalendar export of the Scheduler.
MVCxICalendarImportSettings Contains settings specific to iCalendar export of the Scheduler.
MVCxImage The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side.
MVCxImageEditProperties Contains ImageEdit specific properties.
MVCxImageGallery The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side.
MVCxImageGalleryItem Represents an individual item within the ImageGallery.
MVCxImageGalleryItemCollection Represents a collection of items within the ImageGallery.
MVCxImageGalleryPagerPageSizeItemSettings Contains pager size item settings.
MVCxImageGalleryPagerSettings Contains the ImageGallery‘s pager settings.
MVCxImageSlider The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side.
MVCxImageSliderItem Represents an ImageSlider item.
MVCxImageSliderItemCollection Represents a collection of ImageSlider items.
MVCxImageZoom The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side.
MVCxImageZoomNavigator The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side.
MVCxLabel The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side.
MVCxLabelProperties Contains Label specific properties.
MVCxLayoutItemCaptionSettings Contains the layout item caption settings.
MVCxListBox The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side.
MVCxListBoxColumn Contains settings that define an individual column within list editors.
MVCxListBoxColumnCellTemplateContainer A container for the templates used to render cells within a list editor column.
MVCxListBoxColumnCollection Represents a collection of columns for list editors.
MVCxListBoxProperties Contains ListBox specific properties.
MVCxListEditItemTemplateContainer A container for the templates used to render list edit items.
MVCxLoadingPanel The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side.
MVCxMemo The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side.
MVCxMemoProperties Contains Memo specific properties.
MVCxMenu The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side.
MVCxMenuItem Represents an individual menu item within the Menu.
MVCxMenuItemCollection Represents a collection that maintains menu items.
MVCxNavBar The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side.
MVCxNavBarGroup Represents an individual group within the NavBar.
MVCxNavBarGroupCollection Represents a collection of groups within the NavBar.
MVCxNavBarItem Represents an individual item within the NavBar.
MVCxNavBarItemCollection Represents a collection of items within a navbar group.
MVCxPageControl The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side.
MVCxPanel The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side.
MVCxPivotGrid The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side.
MVCxPivotGridExporter Performs WYSIWYG PivotGrid export and raises export events.
MVCxPivotGridExportSettings Contains the export settings to be applied when the PivotGrid’s data is exported.
MVCxPivotGridField A field within the PivotGrid.
MVCxPivotGridFieldCollection A field collection for the PivotGrid extension.
MVCxPivotGridWebGroup A group of fields.
MVCxPivotGridWebGroupCollection Represents the PivotGrid‘s group collection.
MVCxPivotGridWebOptionsData Provides data specific options for PivotGrid.
MVCxPivotGridWebOptionsDataField Provides options which control data fields presentation in the PivotGrid extension.
MVCxPivotGridWebOptionsLoadingPanel Provides settings that affect the Loading Panel’s appearance and functionality.
MVCxPivotGridWebOptionsView Provides view options for the PivotGrid.
MVCxPopupControl The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side.
MVCxPopupMenu The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side.
MVCxPopupWindow An individual popup window within PopupControl.
MVCxPopupWindowCollection Represents a collection of popup windows within the PopupControl.
MVCxProgressBar The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side.
MVCxProgressBarProperties Contains ProgressBar specific properties.
MVCxQueryBuilder The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side.
MVCxQueryBuilderClientSideEvents Provides additional client-side events to an MVCxQueryBuilder.
MVCxRadioButton The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side.
MVCxRadioButtonList The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side.
MVCxRadioButtonListProperties Contains RadioButtonList specific properties.
MVCxRadioButtonProperties Contains RadioButton specific properties.
MVCxRatingControl The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side.
MVCxReportDesigner An ASP.NET MVC equivalent of the ASPxReportDesigner control.
MVCxReportDesignerClientSideEvents Provides additional client-side events to an MVCxClientReportDesigner.
MVCxResourceStorage A storage which holds appointment resources.
MVCxRibbon The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side.
MVCxRibbonComboBoxItem Represents an individual item of a combo box in the ribbon.
MVCxRibbonComboBoxProperties Contains settings specific to a combo box in the ribbon.
MVCxRibbonContextTabCategory An individual context tab category in the Ribbon extension.
MVCxRibbonContextTabCategoryCollection A collection of context tab categories in the Ribbon extension.
MVCxRibbonGroup Represents an individual group within the Ribbon.
MVCxRibbonGroupCollection Represents a collection of groups within the Ribbon.
MVCxRibbonItemCollection Represents a collection of items within the Ribbon.
MVCxRibbonTab Represents an individual tab within the Ribbon.
MVCxRibbonTabCollection Represents a collection of tabs within the Ribbon.
MVCxRibbonTemplateItem Represents a template item within the Ribbon.
MVCxRichEdit The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side.
MVCxRoundPanel The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side.
MVCxScheduler The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side.
MVCxSchedulerAgendaView Represents an Agenda View.
MVCxSchedulerClientSideEvents Contains a client-side MVCxScheduler event list.
MVCxSchedulerDayView Contains settings for the scheduler’s Day view.
MVCxSchedulerExportSettings Holds settings specific to the export of Scheduler data in different formats.
MVCxSchedulerFullWeekView Contains settings for the scheduler’s Full Week view.
MVCxSchedulerImportSettings Holds settings specific to the import of Scheduler data in different formats.
MVCxSchedulerMonthView Contains settings for the scheduler’s Month (Multi-week) view.
MVCxSchedulerOptionsForms Contains settings and methods used to specify the content, visibility and other options of the end-user dialog forms.
MVCxSchedulerOptionsToolTips Provides properties and methods which allow you to specify tooltip visibility, layout options and templates used for rendering tooltips.
MVCxSchedulerStorage A storage which holds data for the Scheduler control.
MVCxSchedulerStorageControl The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side.
MVCxSchedulerTimelineView Contains settings for the scheduler’s Timeline view.
MVCxSchedulerViewRepository A storage for Scheduler views.
MVCxSchedulerWeekView Contains settings for the scheduler’s Week view.
MVCxSchedulerWorkWeekView Contains settings for the scheduler’s WorkWeek view.
MVCxSpellChecker The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side.
MVCxSpellCheckerDictionaryCollection A collection of dictionaries for the Spell Checker
MVCxSpellCheckerFormsSettings Contains dialog form related settings.
MVCxSpinEdit The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side.
MVCxSpinEditProperties Contains SpinEdit specific properties.
MVCxSplitter The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side.
MVCxSplitterPane Represents an individual pane within the Splitter.
MVCxSplitterPaneCollection Represents a collection of panes within the Splitter.
MVCxSpreadsheet The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side.
MVCxSpreadsheetFormsSettings Contains settings that are specific to customizable versions of the Spreadsheet‘s built-in dialogs.
MVCxSpreadsheetSettings Contains specific settings of the Spreadsheet.
MVCxTab Represents an individual tab within the TabControl.
MVCxTabbedFormLayoutGroup Represents an individual tabbed layout group within the FormLayout.
MVCxTabbedFormLayoutGroup<ModelType> Represents an individual tabbed layout group within the FormLayout.
MVCxTabCollection Represents a collection of tabs within a tabbed extension (PageControl or TabControl).
MVCxTabControl The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side.
MVCxTabPage Represents a tabbed page within the PageControl.
MVCxTabPageCollection Represents a collection of tabbed pages within the PageControl.
MVCxTextBox The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side.
MVCxTextBoxProperties Contains TextBox specific properties.
MVCxTimeEdit The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side.
MVCxTimeEditProperties Contains TimeEdit specific properties.
MVCxTimeRulerCollection A collection of time rulers.
MVCxTimeZoneEdit The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side.
MVCxTokenBox The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side.
MVCxTokenBoxProperties Contains TokenBox specific properties.
MVCxTrackBar The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side.
MVCxTrackBarProperties Contains TrackBar specific properties.
MVCxTreeList The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side.
MVCxTreeListBatchUpdateValues<T, S> Contains all the changes that are synchronized between the client and the server side when the TreeList functions in batch edit mode.
MVCxTreeListColumn Denotes an individual column within the TreeList.
MVCxTreeListColumnCollection A collection of columns within the TreeList.
MVCxTreeListColumnCollection<RowType> A collection of strongly-typed columns within the TreeList.
MVCxTreeListCommandColumn Denotes an individual command column within the TreeList.
MVCxTreeListExporter For internal use only.
MVCxTreeListNode Denotes an individual node within the TreeList.
MVCxTreeListNodeCollection A collection of columns within the TreeList.
MVCxTreeListNodeInfo<T> Contains information on a tree list cell.
MVCxTreeListPopupControlSettings Contains specific settings for different popup elements of the tree list.
MVCxTreeListPrintSettings Provides print settings for the TreeList.
MVCxTreeListSelectedKeys<Key> For internal use.
MVCxTreeListSettings Contains specific settings of the TreeList.
MVCxTreeListSettingsBehavior Contains behavior specific settings of the TreeList.
MVCxTreeListSettingsCookies Provides cookies settings for the TreeList.
MVCxTreeListSettingsCustomizationWindow Provides settings that affect the Customization Window‘s position and functionality.
MVCxTreeListSettingsDataSecurity Provides security settings that allow you to disable data modification operations (edit, insert, delete).
MVCxTreeListSettingsEditing Provides editing settings for the TreeList.
MVCxTreeListSettingsExport Contains the export settings to be applied when the TreeList’s data is exported.
MVCxTreeListSettingsLoadingPanel Provides settings that affect the loading panel’s appearance and functionality.
MVCxTreeListSettingsPager Contains pager settings.
MVCxTreeListSettingsPopupEditForm Contains popup edit form settings.
MVCxTreeListSettingsSearchPanel Contains the search panel settings.
MVCxTreeListSettingsSelection Provides selection settings for the TreeList.
MVCxTreeListSettingsText Contains text settings of the TreeList.
MVCxTreeListSummaryCollection A collection of summary items within the TreeList.
MVCxTreeListToolbar A base class for the Tree List’s toolbar.
MVCxTreeListToolbarCollection Represents the TreeList’s toolbar collection.
MVCxTreeListToolbarItem Implements the Tree List’s toolbar item functionality.
MVCxTreeListToolbarItemCollection Represents a collection of a Tree List’s toolbar items.
MVCxTreeView The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side.
MVCxTreeViewNode Represents an individual node within the TreeView.
MVCxTreeViewNodeCollection Represents a collection of nodes within the TreeView.
MVCxUploadControl The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side.
MVCxValidationEdit For internal use only.
MVCxValidationEditProperties For internal use only.
MVCxValidationSettings Contains the settings that relate to editor validation.
MVCxValidationSummary The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side.
MVCxVerticalGrid The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side.
MVCxVerticalGridCategoryRow A category row used to combine other grid rows within its MVCxVerticalGridCategoryRow.Rows collection.
MVCxVerticalGridCategoryRow<ColumnType> A category row used to combine other VerticalGrid rows within its MVCxVerticalGridCategoryRow<ColumnType>.Rows collection.
MVCxVerticalGridCommandRow Represents a command row within a VerticalGrid.
MVCxVerticalGridEditingSettings Provides editing settings for VerticalGrid.
MVCxVerticalGridExporter For internal use only.
MVCxVerticalGridExportSettings Contains the export settings to be applied when the VerticalGrid’s data is exported.
MVCxVerticalGridFormatConditionCollection A collection of format conditions in the VerticalGrid extension.
MVCxVerticalGridFormatConditionCollection<ColumnType> A collection of format conditions in the Vertical Grid extension.
MVCxVerticalGridRow Represents a row within the VerticalGrid.
MVCxVerticalGridRow<ColumnType> A row used to combine other VerticalGrid rows within its MVCxVerticalGridCategoryRow<ColumnType>.Rows collection.
MVCxVerticalGridRowCollection Represents a collection of rows within the VerticalGrid.
MVCxVerticalGridRowCollection<ColumnType> Represents a collection of strongly-typed rows within the VerticalGrid.
MVCxVerticalGridSearchPanelSettings Contains settings of the VerticalGrid’s search panel.
MVCxVerticalGridToolbar A base class for the Vertical Grid’s toolbar.
MVCxVerticalGridToolbarCollection Represents the VerticalGrid’s toolbar collection.
MVCxVerticalGridToolbarItem Implements the Vertical Grid’s toolbar item functionality.
MVCxVerticalGridToolbarItemCollection Represents a collection of a Vertical Grid’s toolbar items.
MVCxWebDocumentViewer An ASP.NET MVC equivalent of the ASPxWebDocumentViewer control.
NavBarExtension Represents an extension object implementing the NavBar functionality.
NavBarGroupState Contains information (the current state) on an individual navbar group.
NavBarItemState Contains information (the current state) on an individual navbar item.
NavBarItemStateBase Contains base information (the current state) that is common to a navbar item and group.
NavBarSettings Contains the NavBar extension settings.
NavBarState Contains information (the current state) on all the navbar items and groups.
OfficeWorkSessionProcessing Process work sessions in an application in stateless mode.
PageControlExtension Represents an extension object implementing the PageControl functionality.
PageControlSettings Contains the PageControl extension settings.
PageControlState Contains information (the current state) on all the PageControl tab pages.
PageControlTabState Contains information (the current state) on an individual tab (or tab page).
PanelExtension Represents an extension object implementing the Panel functionality.
PanelSettings Contains the Panel extension settings.
PivotCustomizationExtension An extension object that implements the PivotCustomization extension functionality.
PivotCustomizationExtensionSettings Contains the PivotCustomizationExtension specific settings.
PivotGridExtension Represents an extension object implementing the PivotGrid functionality.
PivotGridSettings Contains the PivotGrid extension settings.
PopupControlExtension An extension object implementing the PopupControl functionality.
PopupControlExtensionBase A base extension object implementing the common functionality of the PopupControl and DockPanel extensions.
PopupControlSettings Contains the PopupControl extension settings.
PopupControlSettingsBase A base class containing common settings of the PopupControl and DockPanel extensions.
PopupMenuExtension Represents an extension object implementing the PopupMenu functionality.
PopupMenuSettings Contains the PopupMenu extension settings.
ProgressBarExtension Represents an extension object implementing the ProgressBar functionality.
ProgressBarSettings Contains the ProgressBar extension settings.
QueryBuilderExtension Represents an extension object implementing the Query Builder functionality.
QueryBuilderSettings Contains the Query Builder extension settings.
RadioButtonExtension Represents an extension object implementing the RadioButton functionality.
RadioButtonListExtension Represents an extension object implementing the RadioButtonList functionality.
RadioButtonListSettings Contains the RadioButtonList extension settings.
RadioButtonSettings Contains the RadioButton extension settings.
RatingControlExtension Represents an extension object implementing the RatingControl functionality.
RatingControlSettings Contains the RatingControl extension settings.
ReportDesignerExtension Renders the ASPxReportDesigner in ASP.NET MVC.
ReportDesignerSettings Stores settings of the ReportDesignerExtension.
RibbonExtension Represents an extension object implementing the Ribbon functionality.
RibbonSettings Contains the Ribbon extension settings.
RichEditCustomDocumentProcessor Provides methods to process a document in the Controller in a custom manner.
RichEditExtension Represents an extension object implementing the RichEdit functionality.
RichEditSettings Contains the RichEdit extension settings.
RoundPanelExtension Represents an extension object implementing the RoundPanel functionality.
RoundPanelSettings Contains the RoundPanel extension settings.
SchedulerExtension An extension object implementing the Scheduler functionality.
SchedulerSettings Contains the Scheduler extension settings.
SchedulerStatusInfoExtension An extension object specifying the Scheduler Status Info Settings.
SchedulerStatusInfoSettings Contains Scheduler Status Info settings
SchedulerStorageControlExtension An extension object implementing the Scheduler Storage Control functionality.
SchedulerStorageControlSettings Contains the Scheduler Storage Control extension settings.
SeriesViewActionMethodContainer A class allowing you to configure a series view using delegate methods.
SettingsBase Represents a base class for DevExpress ASP.NET MVC extension settings.
SpellCheckerExtension Represents an extension object implementing the Spell Checker functionality.
SpellCheckerSettings Contains the Spell Checker extension settings.
SpinEditExtension Represents an extension object implementing the SpinEdit functionality.
SpinEditSettings Contains the SpinEdit extension settings.
SplitterExtension Represents an extension object implementing the Splitter functionality.
SplitterSettings Contains the Splitter extension settings.
SpreadsheetCustomDocumentProcessor Provides methods to process a document in the Controller in a custom manner.
SpreadsheetExtension An extension object that implement the Spreadsheet functionality.
SpreadsheetSettings Contains the Spreadsheet extension settings.
TabControlExtension Represents an extension object implementing the TabControl functionality.
TabControlExtensionBase Represents a base class implementing the common functionality of tabbed extensions (like TabControl).
TabControlSettings Contains the TabControl extension settings.
TabControlSettingsBase Represents a base class containing common settings of a tabbed control.
TextBoxExtension Represents an extension object implementing the TextBox functionality.
TextBoxSettings Contains the TextBox extension settings.
TimeEditExtension Represents an extension object implementing the TimeEdit functionality.
TimeEditSettings Contains the TimeEdit extension settings.
TimeZoneEditExtension Represents an extension object implementing the TimeZone Editor functionality.
TimeZoneEditSettings Contains TimeZone Editor specific settings.
TokenBoxExtension Represents an extension object implementing the TokenBox functionality.
TokenBoxSettings Contains the TokenBox extension settings.
TrackBarExtension An extension object implementing the TrackBar functionality.
TrackBarSettings Contains the TrackBar extension settings.
TreeListColumnEditorPropertiesFactory Provides methods that allow you to configure columns of different types in the tree list extension.
TreeListExtension An extension object implementing the TreeList functionality.
TreeListExtension<RowType> An extension object implementing the TreeList functionality.
TreeListSettings Contains the TreeList extension settings.
TreeListSettings<RowType> Contains the TreeList extension settings.
TreeViewExtension An extension object implementing the TreeView functionality.
TreeViewNodeState Contains information (the current state) on an individual TreeView node.
TreeViewSettings Contains the TreeView extension settings.
TreeViewState Contains information (the current state) on all treeview nodes.
UploadControlExtension An extension object implementing the UploadControl functionality.
UploadControlSettings Contains the UploadControl extension settings.
ValidationSummaryExtension An extension object implementing the ValidationSummary functionality.
ValidationSummarySettings Contains the ValidationSummary extension settings.
VerticalGridCustomBindingArgsBase Provides base arguments to implement custom binding method delegates.
VerticalGridCustomBindingDataArgsBase Provides base data arguments to implement custom binding method delegates.
VerticalGridCustomBindingGetDataArgs Provides arguments to implement a method delegate of the VerticalGridCustomBindingGetDataHandler type.
VerticalGridCustomBindingGetDataColumnCountArgs Provides arguments to implement a method delegate of the VerticalGridCustomBindingGetDataColumnCountHandler type.
VerticalGridCustomBindingGetSummaryValuesArgs Provides arguments to implement a method delegate of the VerticalGridCustomBindingGetSummaryValuesHandler type.
VerticalGridCustomBindingGetUniqueHeaderFilterValuesArgs Provides arguments to implement a method delegate of the VerticalGridCustomBindingGetUniqueHeaderFilterValuesHandler type.
VerticalGridExtension Represents an extension object implementing the VerticalGrid functionality.
VerticalGridExtension<ColumnType> Represents an extension object implementing the VerticalGrid functionality.
VerticalGridFilteringState Contains information about the VerticalGrid’s filtering-related state.
VerticalGridModel A specific view model object that maintains the VerticalGrid’s state and provides the means to populate itself with data when the VerticalGrid is used in the custom data binding mode.
VerticalGridPagerState Contains information about the VerticalGrid’s paging-related state.
VerticalGridRowState Contains information (the current state) on an individual row.
VerticalGridRowStateCollection A collection that contains information (the current state) on row objects.
VerticalGridSearchPanelState Contains information about the VerticalGrid’s search panel related state.
VerticalGridSettings Contains the VerticalGrid extension settings.
VerticalGridSettings<ColumnType> Contains the VerticalGrid extension settings.
VerticalGridSummaryItemState Contains information about an individual summary item.
VerticalGridSummaryItemStateCollection A collection that contains information (the current state) on summary items.
WebDocumentViewerExtension Renders the ASPxWebDocumentViewer in ASP.NET MVC.
WebDocumentViewerSettings Stores settings of the WebDocumentViewerExtension.
XtraChartsCollectionExtensions static A class storing extension methods allowing you to add chart elements configured using delegate methods to collections.
XtraChartsIndicatorCollectionExtensions static A class storing extension methods allowing you to add indicators configured using delegate methods to the indicators collection.
XtraChartsLineSeriesViewExtensions static
XtraChartsSeriesBaseExtensions static A class providing an extension method allowing you to configure a series view using delegate methods.
XtraChartsSeriesViewExtensions static A class providing an extension method allowing you to configure series labels using delegate methods.
XtraChartsWaterfallSeriesViewExtensions static


Name Description
CardViewCustomBindingGetDataCardCountHandler A delegate method that enables you to return the total number of data records within your model, when implementing custom data binding of the CardView.
CardViewCustomBindingGetDataHandler A delegate method that enables you to populate the CardView view model with data cards requested by the CardView when implementing custom data binding of the CardView.
CardViewCustomBindingGetSummaryValuesHandler A delegate method that enables you to calculate and return values of summaries required within the CardView when implementing custom data binding of the CardView.
CardViewCustomBindingGetUniqueHeaderFilterValuesHandler A delegate method that enables you to return unique values to be displayed in the header filter dropdown list invoked for a column when implementing custom data binding of the CardView.
FetchAppointmentsMethod A delegate method that enables you to dynamically limit the number of appointments loaded into the Scheduler storage.
GridViewCustomBindingGetDataHandler A delegate method that enables you to populate the grid view model with data rows requested by the grid, when implementing custom data binding of the GridView.
GridViewCustomBindingGetDataRowCountHandler A delegate method that enables you to return the total number of data rows within your model, when implementing custom data binding of the GridView.
GridViewCustomBindingGetGroupingInfoHandler A delegate method that enables you to return grouping information for group rows (the group value - key, and the number of data rows within the group - count), when implementing custom data binding of the GridView.
GridViewCustomBindingGetRowValuesHandler A delegate method that enables you to populate the GridLookup’s grid view model with data rows requested by the grid, when implementing custom data binding of the built-in GridView.
GridViewCustomBindingGetSummaryValuesHandler A delegate method that enables you to calculate and return values of summaries required within the grid, when implementing custom data binding of the GridView.
GridViewCustomBindingGetUniqueHeaderFilterValuesHandler A delegate method that enables you to return unique values to be displayed in the header filter dropdown list invoked for a column, when implementing custom data binding of the GridView.
GridViewGetExportDetailGridViewEventHandler A delegate method that enables you to populate the collection of detail grids that correspond to individual records within the master GridView.
ItemRequestedByValueMethod A delegate method that enables you to implement retrieval of an item by its value.
ItemsRequestedByFilterConditionMethod A delegate method that enables you to implement retrieval of items requested by the applied filter conditions.
ListEditCustomFilteringMethod A delegate method that enables you to implement custom filtering logic before the server-side filtering is executed.
PersistentObjectCancelMethod A delegate method that enables you to hide specific persistent objects (appointments or resources) in the scheduler.
TreeListVirtualModeCreateChildrenMethod A delegate method that enables you to create a list of business objects that correspond to the child nodes owned by the processed node within the TreeList.
TreeListVirtualModeNodeCreatingMethod A delegate method that enables you to specify the node’s key value and cell values within the TreeList.
TreeViewVirtualModeCreateChildrenMethod A delegate method that enables you to create a list of business objects that correspond to the child nodes owned by the processed node within the TreeView.
VerticalGridCustomBindingGetDataColumnCountHandler A delegate method that enables you to return the total number of data columns within your model when implementing custom data binding of the VerticalGrid.
VerticalGridCustomBindingGetDataHandler A delegate method that enables you to populate the grid view model with data rows requested by the grid when implementing custom data binding of the VerticalGrid.
VerticalGridCustomBindingGetSummaryValuesHandler A delegate method that enables you to calculate and return values of summaries required within the grid when implementing custom data binding of the VerticalGrid.
VerticalGridCustomBindingGetUniqueHeaderFilterValuesHandler A delegate method that enables you to return unique values to be displayed in the header filter dropdown list invoked for a row when implementing custom data binding of the VerticalGrid.


Name Description
CardViewOperationType Lists values that identify data operations initiated within the CardView.
FormLayoutNestedExtensionItemType Lists values that specify the nested extension type.
GridViewOperationType Lists values that identify data operations initiated within the GridView.
MVCxCardViewColumnType Lists values that specify the column editor type.
MVCxGridViewColumnType Lists values that specify the column editor type.
MVCxRibbonItemType Lists values that specify the Ribbon item type.
MVCxTreeListColumnType Lists values that specify the column editor type.
MVCxVerticalGridRowType Lists values that specify the row editor type within the VerticalGrid.
VerticalGridOperationType Lists values that identify data operations initiated within the ASPxVerticalGrid.