DevExpress.Web.Mvc Namespace
Contains classes which implement the common functionality of DevExpress Extensions for ASP.NET MVC.
Assembly: DevExpress.Web.Mvc5.v24.2.dll
NuGet Package: DevExpress.Web.Mvc5
Name | Description |
AppointmentRecurrenceFormExtension | An extension object that implements the Appointment Recurrence Form. |
AppointmentRecurrenceFormSettings | Contains Appointment Recurrence Form settings. |
AutoCompleteBoxBaseSettings | A base class for the ComboBox and TokenBox extension settings. |
BinaryImageEditExtension | Represents an extension object implementing the BinaryImage functionality. |
BinaryImageEditSettings | Contains BinaryImage extension settings. |
ButtonEditExtension | Represents an extension object implementing the ButtonEdit functionality. |
ButtonEditSettings | Contains the ButtonEdit extension settings. |
ButtonExtension | Represents an extension object implementing the Button functionality. |
ButtonSettings | Contains the Button extension settings. |
CalendarExtension | Represents an extension object implementing the Calendar functionality. |
CalendarSettings | Contains the Calendar extension settings. |
CallbackPanelExtension | Represents an extension object implementing the CallbackPanel functionality. |
CallbackPanelSettings | Contains CallbackPanel extension settings. |
CaptchaExtension | Represents an extension object implementing the Captcha functionality. |
CaptchaSettings | Contains the Captcha extension settings. |
CardViewColumnState | Contains information (the current state) on an individual column. |
CardViewColumnStateCollection | A collection that contains information (the current state) on column objects. |
CardViewCustomBindingArgsBase | Provides base arguments to implement custom binding method delegates. |
CardViewCustomBindingDataArgsBase | Provides base data arguments to implement custom binding method delegates. |
CardViewCustomBindingGetDataArgs | Provides arguments to implement a method delegate of the CardViewCustomBindingGetDataHandler type. |
CardViewCustomBindingGetDataCardCountArgs | Provides arguments to implement a method delegate of the CardViewCustomBindingGetDataCardCountHandler type. |
CardViewCustomBindingGetSummaryValuesArgs | Provides arguments to implement a method delegate of the CardViewCustomBindingGetSummaryValuesHandler type. |
CardViewCustomBindingGetUniqueHeaderFilterValuesArgs | Provides arguments to implement a method delegate of the CardViewCustomBindingGetUniqueHeaderFilterValuesHandler type. |
CardViewExtension | Represents an extension object implementing the CardView functionality. |
CardViewExtension<CardType> | Represents an extension object implementing the CardView functionality. |
CardViewFilteringState | Contains information about the CardView’s filtering-related state. |
CardViewModel | A specific view model object that maintains the CardView’s state and provides the means to populate itself with data when the CardView is used in custom data binding mode. |
CardViewPagerState | Contains information about the CardView’s paging-related state. |
CardViewSearchPanelState | Contains information about the CardView’s search panel related state. |
CardViewSettings | Contains the CardView extension settings. |
CardViewSettings<CardType> | Contains the CardView extension settings. |
CardViewSummaryItemState | Contains information about an individual summary item. |
CardViewSummaryItemStateCollection | A collection that contains information (the current state) on summary items. |
ChartControlExtension | An extension object implementing the Chart functionality. |
ChartControlSettings | Contains the Chart extension settings. |
CheckBoxExtension | Represents an extension object implementing the CheckBox functionality. |
CheckBoxListExtension | An extension object implementing the CheckBoxList functionality. |
CheckBoxListSettings | Contains the CheckBoxList extension settings. |
CheckBoxSettings | Contains the CheckBox extension settings. |
CollapsiblePanelExtension | Represents a base extension functionality for the CallbackPanel and the Panel extensions. |
CollapsiblePanelSettings | Contains base settings for the CallbackPanel and Panel extensions. |
ColorEditExtension | Represents an extension object implementing the ColorEdit functionality. |
ColorEditSettings | Contains the ColorEdit extension settings. |
ComboBoxExtension | Represents an extension object implementing the ComboBox functionality. |
ComboBoxSettings | Contains the ComboBox extension settings. |
DataViewExtension | An extension object implementing the DataView functionality. |
DataViewExtensionBase | A base extension object implementing the common functionality of data view extensions. |
DataViewSettings | Contains the DataView extension settings. |
DataViewSettingsBase | A base extension object implementing the common functionality of data view extensions. |
DateEditExtension | Represents an extension object implementing the DateEdit functionality. |
DateEditSettings | Contains the DateEdit extension settings. |
DateNavigatorExtension | An extension object implementing the DateNavigator functionality. |
DateNavigatorSettings | Contains DateNavigator-specific settings. |
DateRangeAttribute | Specifies the date range settings. |
DevExpressEditorsBinder | Maps a browser request to a data object. This class provides a DevExpress-specific implementation of a model binder. |
DevExpressHelper static | A helper object containing the most commonly used properties and methods. |
DiagramExtension | The Diagram extension. |
DiagramSettings | Contains the Diagram extension settings. |
DockManagerExtension | Represents an extension object implementing the DockManager functionality. |
DockManagerSettings | Contains the DockManager extension settings. |
DockPanelExtension | Represents an extension object implementing the DockPanel functionality. |
DockPanelSettings | Contains the DockPanel extension settings. |
DockZoneExtension | Represents an extension object implementing the DockZone functionality. |
DockZoneSettings | Contains the DockZone extension settings. |
DropDownEditExtension | Represents an extension object implementing the DropDownEdit functionality. |
DropDownEditSettings | Contains the DropDownEdit extension settings. |
EditorExtension | Represents a base class for Data Editors Extensions. |
EditorSettings | Contains base data editor-specific settings. |
ExtensionBase | Serves as a base class for DevExpress ASP.NET MVC extensions. |
FileManagerExtension | Represents an extension object implementing the FileManager functionality. |
FileManagerSettings | Contains the FileManager extension settings. |
FilterControlColumnEditorPropertiesFactory | Provides methods that allow you to configure columns of different types in the filter control extension. |
FilterControlExtension | Represents an extension object implementing the Filter Control functionality. |
FilterControlExtension<RowType> | Represents an extension object implementing the Filter Control functionality. |
FloatingActionButtonExtension | Represents an extension object implementing the Floating Action Button functionality. |
FloatingActionButtonSettings | Contains the Floating Action Button extension settings. |
FormLayoutExtension<ModelType> | Represents an extension object implementing the FormLayout functionality. |
FormLayoutNestedExtensionFactory | Contains helper methods to create DevExpress MVC data editors as nested editors within the MVC FormLayout extension. |
FormLayoutSettings<ModelType> | Contains the FormLayout extension settings. |
GanttExtension | The Gantt extension. |
GanttSettings | Contains the Gantt extension settings. |
GridBaseColumnState | Serves as a base class for the CardViewColumnState, GridLookupColumnState, and GridViewColumnState classes. |
GridBaseColumnStateCollection<T> | A collection that contains information (the current state) on column objects. |
GridBaseFilteringState | Serves as a base class for the CardViewFilteringState, GridLookupFilteringState, and GridViewFilteringState classes. |
GridBasePagerState | Serves as a base class for the CardViewPagerState, GridLookupPagerState, and GridViewPagerState classes. |
GridBaseSearchPanelState | Serves as a base class for the CardViewSearchPanelState and GridViewSearchPanelState classes. |
GridBaseSummaryItemState | Contains information (the current state) of an individual summary item. |
GridBaseSummaryItemStateCollection<T> | Serves as a base class for the CardViewSummaryItemStateCollection and GridViewSummaryItemStateCollection classes. |
GridBaseViewModel | Serves as a base class for the CardViewModel, GridLookupViewModel, and GridViewModel classes. |
GridColumnEditorPropertiesFactory | Provides methods that allow you to configure columns of different types in grid-like extensions. |
GridExtensionBase | A base for the CardViewExtension and GridViewExtension objects. |
GridLookupColumnState | Contains information (the current state) on an individual column within the GridLookup. |
GridLookupColumnStateCollection | A collection that contains information (the current state) on column objects of the GridLookup. |
GridLookupExtension | Represents an extension object implementing the GridLookup functionality. |
GridLookupFilteringState | Contains information about the GridLookup’s filtering-related state. |
GridLookupPagerState | Contains information about the GridLookup’s paging-related state. |
GridLookupSettings | Contains the GridLookup extension settings. |
GridLookupViewModel | A specific view model object that maintains the state of the GridLookup’s built-in grid and provides the means to populate itself with data when the GridLookup is used in custom data binding mode and its multi-selection mode is enabled. |
GridSettingsBase | A base for the CardViewSettings and GridViewSettings objects. |
GridViewColumnState | Contains information (the current state) on an individual column. |
GridViewColumnStateCollection | A collection that contains information (the current state) on column objects. |
GridViewCustomBindingArgsBase | Provides base arguments to implement custom binding method delegates. |
GridViewCustomBindingDataArgsBase | Provides base data arguments to implement custom binding method delegates. |
GridViewCustomBindingGetDataArgs | Provides arguments to implement a method delegate of the GridViewCustomBindingGetDataHandler type. |
GridViewCustomBindingGetDataRowCountArgs | Provides arguments to implement a method delegate of the GridViewCustomBindingGetDataRowCountHandler type. |
GridViewCustomBindingGetGroupingInfoArgs | Provides arguments to implement a method delegate of the GridViewCustomBindingGetGroupingInfoHandler type. |
GridViewCustomBindingGetRowValuesArgs | Provides arguments to implement a method delegate of the GridViewCustomBindingGetRowValuesHandler type. |
GridViewCustomBindingGetSummaryValuesArgs | Provides arguments to implement a method delegate of the GridViewCustomBindingGetSummaryValuesHandler type. |
GridViewCustomBindingGetUniqueHeaderFilterValuesArgs | Provides arguments to implement a method delegate of the GridViewCustomBindingGetUniqueHeaderFilterValuesHandler type. |
GridViewExportDetailRowEventArgs | Provides arguments to implement a method delegate of the GridViewGetExportDetailGridViewEventHandler type. |
GridViewExtension | A Grid View extension. |
GridViewExtension<RowType> | Represents an extension object implementing the GridView functionality. |
GridViewFilteringState | Contains information about the GridView’s filtering-related state. |
GridViewGroupInfo | Contains information on a group. |
GridViewModel | A specific view model object that maintains the GridView’s state and provides the means to populate itself with data when the GridView is used in custom data binding mode. |
GridViewPagerState | Contains information about the GridView’s paging-related state. |
GridViewSearchPanelState | Contains information about the GridView’s search panel related state. |
GridViewSettings | Contains the GridView extension settings. |
GridViewSettings<RowType> | Contains the GridView extension settings. |
GridViewSummaryItemState | Contains information about an individual summary item. |
GridViewSummaryItemStateCollection | A collection that contains information (the current state) on summary items. |
HintExtension | Represents an extension object implementing the Hint functionality. |
HintSettings | Contains the Hint extension settings. |
HtmlEditorExtension | Represents an extension object implementing the HtmlEditor functionality. |
HtmlEditorFileSaveSettings | Contains settings related to saving an uploaded file to the HtmlEditor extension’s file storage. |
HtmlEditorSettings | Contains the HtmlEditor extension settings. |
HtmlSettingsAttribute | Specifies the HTML editing settings (HtmlEditorSettings.SettingsHtmlEditing) for the value of a data field. |
HyperLinkExtension | Represents an extension object implementing the HyperLink functionality. |
HyperLinkSettings | Contains the HyperLink extension settings. |
ImageEditExtension | Represents an extension object implementing the Image functionality. |
ImageEditSettings | Contains the Image extension settings. |
ImageGalleryExtension | Represents an extension object implementing the ImageGallery functionality. |
ImageGallerySettings | Contains the ImageGallery extension settings. |
ImageSliderExtension | Represents an extension object implementing the ImageSlider functionality. |
ImageSliderSettings | Contains the ImageSlider extension settings. |
ImageZoomExtension | Represents an extension object implementing the ImageZoom functionality. |
ImageZoomNavigatorExtension | Represents an extension object implementing the ImageZoomNavigator functionality. |
ImageZoomNavigatorSettings | Contains the ImageZoomNavigator extension settings. |
ImageZoomSettings | Contains the ImageZoom extension settings. |
LabelExtension | Represents an extension object implementing the Label functionality. |
LabelSettings | Contains the Label extension settings. |
LineSeriesViewActionMethodContainer | |
ListBoxExtension | Represents an extension object implementing the ListBox functionality. |
ListBoxSettings | Contains the ListBox extension settings. |
LoadingPanelExtension | Represents an extension object implementing the LoadingPanel functionality. |
LoadingPanelSettings | Contains the LoadingPanel extension settings. |
MaskAttribute | Specifies the mask settings for the value of a data field. |
MemoExtension | Represents an extension object implementing the Memo functionality. |
MemoSettings | Contains the Memo extension settings. |
MenuExtension | Represents an extension object implementing the Menu functionality. |
MenuExtensionBase | A base extension object implementing the common functionality of menu extensions. |
MenuItemState | Contains information (the current state) on an individual menu item. |
MenuSettings | Contains the Menu extension settings. |
MenuSettingsBase | Serves as a base for classes that define functional settings of the Menu and PopupMenu. |
MenuState | Contains information (the current state) on all the menu items. |
MVCxAppointmentCustomFieldMappingCollection | A collection of mappings of the custom properties of appointments to the fields in the data source. |
MVCxAppointmentStorage | A storage which holds a collection of appointments. |
MVCxBatchUpdateValues<T> | Contains all the changes that are synchronized between the client and the server side when the extension functions in batch edit mode. |
MVCxBatchUpdateValues<T, S> | Contains all the changes that are synchronized between the client and the server side when the extension functions in batch edit mode. |
MVCxBinaryImage | The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side. |
MVCxBinaryImageEditProperties | Contains BinaryImage specific properties. |
MVCxButton | The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side. |
MVCxButtonEdit | The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side. |
MVCxButtonEditProperties | Contains ButtonEdit specific properties. |
MVCxCalendar | The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side. |
MVCxCalendarProperties | Contains Calendar specific properties. |
MVCxCallbackPanel | The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side. |
MVCxCaptcha | The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side. |
MVCxCardView | The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side. |
MVCxCardViewColumn | Represents a column within the GridView. |
MVCxCardViewColumnCollection | Represents a collection of columns within the GridView. |
MVCxCardViewColumnCollection<CardType> | A collection of strongly-typed columns within the CardView. |
MVCxCardViewColumnLayoutItem | Represents a layout item (with MVC specificity) within the CardView’s edit form. |
MVCxCardViewEditingSettings | Provides editing settings for CardView. |
MVCxCardViewExporter | For internal use only. |
MVCxCardViewExportSettings | Contains the export settings to be applied when the CardView’s data is exported. |
MVCxCardViewFormatConditionCollection | A collection of format conditions in the ASPxCardView control. |
MVCxCardViewFormatConditionCollection<CardType> | A collection of format conditions in the CardView extension. |
MVCxCardViewFormLayoutProperties | Contains settings that relate to the FormLayout used in the CardView’s edit form. |
MVCxCardViewLayoutGroup | Represents a layout group (with MVC specificity) within the FormLayout used in the CardView’s edit form. |
MVCxCardViewLayoutItemCollection | Represents a (MVC specific) collection of layout items and groups within the FormLayout used in the GridView’s edit form. |
MVCxCardViewPagerSettings | Contains pager settings. |
MVCxCardViewPageSizeItemSettings | Contains pager size item settings. |
MVCxCardViewSearchPanelSettings | Contains settings of the CardView’s search panel. |
MVCxCardViewTabbedLayoutGroup | Represents a (MVC specific) tabbed layout group within the FormLayout used in the CardView’s edit form. |
MVCxCardViewToolbar | A base class for the Card View’s toolbar. |
MVCxCardViewToolbarCollection | Represents the CardView’s toolbar collection. |
MVCxCardViewToolbarItem | Implements the Card View’s toolbar item functionality. |
MVCxCardViewToolbarItemCollection | Represents a collection of a Vertical Grid’s toolbar items. |
MVCxChartControl | The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side. |
MVCxCheckBox | The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side. |
MVCxCheckBoxList | The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side. |
MVCxCheckBoxListProperties | Contains CheckBoxList specific properties. |
MVCxCheckBoxProperties | Contains CheckBox specific properties. |
MVCxColorEdit | The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side. |
MVCxColorEditProperties | Contains ColorEdit specific properties. |
MVCxColumnBinaryImageEditProperties | Contains settings specific to a binary image column. |
MVCxColumnButtonEditProperties | Contains settings specific to a button edit column. |
MVCxColumnCheckBoxProperties | Contains settings specific to a check box column. |
MVCxColumnColorEditProperties | Contains settings specific to a color edit column. |
MVCxColumnComboBoxProperties | Contains settings specific to a combo box column. |
MVCxColumnDateEditProperties | Contains settings specific to a date edit column. |
MVCxColumnDropDownEditProperties | Contains settings specific to a dropdown edit column. |
MVCxColumnHyperLinkProperties | Contains settings specific to a hyper link column. |
MVCxColumnImageEditProperties | Contains settings specific to an image edit column. |
MVCxColumnMemoProperties | Contains settings specific to a memo column. |
MVCxColumnProgressBarProperties | Contains settings specific to a progress bar column. |
MVCxColumnSpinEditProperties | Contains settings specific to a spin edit column. |
MVCxColumnTextBoxProperties | Contains settings specific to a text box column. |
MVCxColumnTimeEditProperties | Contains settings specific to a time edit column. |
MVCxColumnTokenBoxProperties | Contains settings specific to a token box column. |
MVCxComboBox | The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side. |
MVCxComboBoxProperties | Contains ComboBox specific properties. |
MVCxDataSourceFileSystemProvider | Represents a FileManager file system provider that obtains file system information from a data source. |
MVCxDataView | The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side. |
MVCxDataViewPagerPageSizeItemSettings | Contains pager size item settings. |
MVCxDataViewPagerSettings | Contains pager settings. |
MVCxDateEdit | The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side. |
MVCxDateEditProperties | Contains DateEdit specific properties. |
MVCxDateEditRangeSettings | The date range settings. |
MVCxDateNavigator | The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side. |
MVCxDiagram | A configured instance of the Diagram extension that the sender parameter returns in server-side events. |
MVCxDiagramContextToolboxSettings | Contains settings that affect the context toolbox’s functionality. |
MVCxDiagramCustomShapeCollection | A collection of custom shapes. |
MVCxDiagramEdgeUpdateValues<TEdge, TKey> | Contains information about updated diagram edges. |
MVCxDiagramItemUpdateValues<TItem, TKey> | The base for classes that contain information about updated diagram items. |
MVCxDiagramNodeUpdateValues<TNode, TKey> | Contains information about updated diagram nodes. |
MVCxDiagramToolboxGroupCollection | A collection of toolbox groups. |
MVCxDiagramToolboxSettings | Contains settings that affect the toolbox’s functionality. |
MVCxDiagramToolboxShapeCollection | A collection of shapes. |
MVCxDockManager | The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side. |
MVCxDockPanel | The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side. |
MVCxDockZone | The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side. |
MVCxDropDownEdit | The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side. |
MVCxDropDownEditProperties | Contains DropDownEdit specific properties. |
MVCxFileManager | The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side. |
MVCxFileManagerDetailsColumn | A column used to display file information in the file list details view. |
MVCxFileManagerDetailsColumnCollection | The FileManager’s column collection. |
MVCxFileManagerDetailsCustomColumn | A column used to display custom information in the file list details view. |
MVCxFileManagerFileListDetailsViewSettings | Contains settings that relate to the file list‘s details view functionality. |
MVCxFileManagerFileListThumbnailsViewSettings | Contains settings that relate to the file list‘s thumbnails view functionality. |
MVCxFileManagerSettings | Contains specific settings of the FileManager. |
MVCxFileManagerSettingsFileList | Contains file list settings of the FileManager. |
MVCxFileManagerSettingsUpload | Contains upload settings of the FileManager. |
MVCxFileManagerValidationSettings | Contains upload validation settings of a built-in file manager (Document Selector or Image Selector). |
MVCxFilterControl | The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side. |
MVCxFilterControlColumn | Represents a column within the Filter Control. |
MVCxFilterControlColumnCollection | Represents a collection of columns within the Filter Control. |
MVCxFilterControlColumnCollection<RowType> | A collection of strongly-typed columns within the Filter Control. |
MVCxFilterControlExpressionInfo | Provides filter criteria information in the controller. |
MVCxFilterControlSettings | Contains specific settings of the Filter Control. |
MVCxFilterControlSettings<RowType> | Contains the Filter Control extension settings. |
MVCxFloatingActionButton | The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side. |
MVCxForbiddenZoneCollection | A collection of zones disallowed from the collection owner panel. |
MVCxFormLayout | The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side. |
MVCxFormLayoutGroup | Represents an individual layout group within the FormLayout extension. |
MVCxFormLayoutGroup<ModelType> | Represents an individual layout group within the FormLayout. |
MVCxFormLayoutItem | Represents an individual layout item within the FormLayout. |
MVCxFormLayoutItemCollection | Represents a collection of layout items and groups within the FormLayout. |
MVCxFormLayoutItemCollection<ModelType> | Represents a collection of layout items and groups within the FormLayout. |
MVCxGantt | Represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side. |
MVCxGanttDependencyUpdateValues<TDependency, TKey> | Contains information about updated dependencies. |
MVCxGanttItemUpdateValues<TItem, TKey> | Serves as a base class for classes that contain information about updated objects. |
MVCxGanttResourceAssignmentUpdateValues<TAssignment, TKey> | Contains information about updated resource assignments. |
MVCxGanttResourceUpdateValues<TResource, TKey> | Contains information about updated resources. |
MVCxGanttTaskUpdateValues<TTask, TKey> | Contains information about updated tasks. |
MVCxGridBatchUpdateValues<T> | Contains all the changes that are synchronized between the client and the server side when the GridView functions in batch edit mode. |
MVCxGridBatchUpdateValues<T, S> | Contains all the changes that are synchronized between the client and the server side when the GridView functions in batch edit mode. |
MVCxGridExportSettings | Serves as a base class for the MVCxGridViewExportSettings, MVCxCardViewExportSettings, and MVCxVerticalGridExportSettings classes. |
MVCxGridLookup | The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side. |
MVCxGridLookupProperties | Contains GridLookup specific properties. |
MVCxGridSelectedKeys<Key> | For internal use. |
MVCxGridView | The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side. |
MVCxGridViewBandColumn | A band column used to combine other grid columns within its MVCxGridViewBandColumn.Columns collection. |
MVCxGridViewBandColumn<RowType> | A band column used to combine other grid columns within its MVCxGridViewBandColumn<RowType>.Columns collection. |
MVCxGridViewBatchUpdateValues<T> | Contains all the changes that are synchronized between the client and the server side when the GridView functions in batch edit mode. |
MVCxGridViewBatchUpdateValues<T, S> | Contains all the changes that are synchronized between the client and the server side when the GridView functions in batch edit mode. |
MVCxGridViewBehaviorSettings | Contains behavior specific settings of the GridView. |
MVCxGridViewColumn | Represents a column within the GridView. |
MVCxGridViewColumn<RowType> | Represents a strongly-typed column in the GridView extension. |
MVCxGridViewColumnCollection | Represents a collection of columns within the GridView. |
MVCxGridViewColumnCollection<RowType> | Represents a collection of strongly-typed columns within the GridView. |
MVCxGridViewColumnLayoutItem | Represents a layout item (with MVC specificity) within the GridView’s edit form. |
MVCxGridViewCommandColumn | Represents a command column within a GridView. |
MVCxGridViewContextMenu | A context menu. |
MVCxGridViewDetailSettings | Provides detail customization options for GridViews. |
MVCxGridViewEditingSettings | Provides editing settings for GridView. |
MVCxGridViewExporter | For internal use only. |
MVCxGridViewExportSettings | Contains the export settings to be applied when the GridView’s data is exported. |
MVCxGridViewFormatConditionCollection | A collection of format conditions in the GridView extension. |
MVCxGridViewFormatConditionCollection<RowType> | A collection of format conditions in the GridView extension. |
MVCxGridViewFormLayoutProperties | Contains settings that relate to the FormLayout used in the GridView’s edit form. |
MVCxGridViewFormLayoutProperties<ModelType> | Contains settings that relate to the FormLayout used in the GridView’s edit form. |
MVCxGridViewLayoutGroup | Represents a layout group (with MVC specificity) within the FormLayout used in the GridView’s edit form. |
MVCxGridViewLayoutGroup<ModelType> | A layout group with MVC specificity in the FormLayout used in the GridView’s edit form. |
MVCxGridViewLayoutItemCollection | Represents a (MVC specific) collection of layout items and groups within the FormLayout used in the GridView’s edit form. |
MVCxGridViewLayoutItemCollection<ModelType> | A collection of layout items and groups in the FormLayout used in the GridView’s edit form. |
MVCxGridViewPopupControlSettings | Contains specific settings for different popup elements. |
MVCxGridViewProperties | Contains the properties specific to the GridView that is built in to the ASP.NET MVC GridLookup extension. |
MVCxGridViewSearchPanelSettings | Contains settings of the GridView’s search panel. |
MVCxGridViewSettings | Contains specific settings of the GridView. |
MVCxGridViewTabbedLayoutGroup | Represents a (MVC specific) tabbed layout group within the FormLayout used in the GridView’s edit form. |
MVCxGridViewTabbedLayoutGroup<ModelType> | A tabbed layout group in the FormLayout used in the GridView’s edit form. |
MVCxGridViewTextSettings | Contains text settings of the GridView. |
MVCxGridViewToolbar | A base class for the Grid View’s toolbar. |
MVCxGridViewToolbarCollection | Represents the Grid View’s toolbar collection. |
MVCxGridViewToolbarItem | Implements the Grid View’s toolbar item functionality. |
MVCxGridViewToolbarItemCollection | Represents a collection of a Grid View’s toolbar items. |
MVCxHint | The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side. |
MVCxHtmlEditor | The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side. |
MVCxHtmlEditorAudioSelectorSettings | Contains the HtmlEditor’s Select Audio dialog’s settings (specific to MVC). |
MVCxHtmlEditorAudioSelectorUploadSettings | Contains (MVC specific) settings that relate to the built-in Audio Selector‘s file upload functionality. |
MVCxHtmlEditorAudioUploadSettings | Contains settings that relate to the HtmlEditor’s audio uploading functionality. |
MVCxHtmlEditorChangeElementPropertiesDialogSettings | Contains MVC specific customization settings for the Change Element Properties dialog’s form elements. |
MVCxHtmlEditorCustomDialog | Represents an individual custom dialog within the HtmlEditor. |
MVCxHtmlEditorCustomDialogs | Represents a collection of custom dialogs within the HtmlEditor. |
MVCxHtmlEditorDefaultDialogSettings | Contains (MVC specific) customization settings of the built-in dialogs. |
MVCxHtmlEditorDialogFormElementSettings | Contains settings concerning customization of dialog form elements. |
MVCxHtmlEditorDocumentSelectorSettings | Contains settings of the HtmlEditor’s built-in Document Selector. |
MVCxHtmlEditorDocumentSelectorUploadSettings | Contains settings that relate to the built-in Document Selector‘s file upload functionality. |
MVCxHtmlEditorFileManagerUploadSettings | Contains base settings that relate to the file upload functionality of the HtmlEditor’s built-in file managers (Image Selector and Document Selector). |
MVCxHtmlEditorFileManagerValidationSettings | Contains settings that relate to the HtmlEditor’s uploaded file validation. |
MVCxHtmlEditorFlashSelectorSettings | Contains the HtmlEditor’s Select Flash dialog’s settings. |
MVCxHtmlEditorFlashSelectorUploadSettings | Contains (MVc specific) settings that relate to the built-in Flash Selector‘s file upload functionality. |
MVCxHtmlEditorFlashUploadSettings | Contains settings that relate to the HtmlEditor’s flash uploading functionality. |
MVCxHtmlEditorFormsSettings | Contains dialog form related settings. |
MVCxHtmlEditorImageSelectorSettings | Contains settings of the HtmlEditor’s built-in Image Selector. |
MVCxHtmlEditorImageSelectorUploadSettings | Contains settings that relate to the built-in Image Selector‘s file upload functionality. |
MVCxHtmlEditorImageUploadSettings | Contains settings that relate to the HtmlEditor’s functionality for uploading images (this functionality can be accessed via the Insert Image Dialog‘s ‘From your computer’ option). |
MVCxHtmlEditorInsertAudioDialogSettings | Contains (MVC specific) customization settings for the Insert Audio dialog’s form elements. |
MVCxHtmlEditorInsertFlashDialogSettings | Contains (MVC specific) customization settings for the Insert Flash dialog’s form elements. |
MVCxHtmlEditorInsertImageDialogSettings | Contains (MVC specific) customization settings for the Insert Image dialog’s form elements. |
MVCxHtmlEditorInsertLinkDialogSettings | Contains (MVC specific) customization settings for the Insert Link dialog’s form elements. |
MVCxHtmlEditorInsertMediaDialogSettings | Serves as a base for classes containing (MVC specific) customization settings for form elements of the built-in media dialogs. |
MVCxHtmlEditorInsertMediaDialogSettingsBase | Serves as a base for classes containing (MVC specific) customization settings for form elements of the built-in media dialogs. |
MVCxHtmlEditorInsertPlaceholderDialogSettings | Contains (MVC specific) customization settings for the Insert Placeholder dialog’s form elements. |
MVCxHtmlEditorInsertTableDialogSettings | Contains (MVC specific) customization settings for the Insert Table dialog’s form elements. |
MVCxHtmlEditorInsertVideoDialogSettings | Contains (MVC specific) customization settings for the Insert Video dialog’s form elements. |
MVCxHtmlEditorPasteFromWordDialogSettings | Contains customization settings for the Paste from Word dialog’s form elements. |
MVCxHtmlEditorRibbonContextTabCategoryCollection | A collection of context tab categories in the HtmlEditor extension. |
MVCxHtmlEditorRibbonTabCollection | Represents a collection of tabs within the HtmlEditor’s built-in ribbon. |
MVCxHtmlEditorSpellChecker | Contains settings that pertain to the HtmlEditor’s built-in spell checking functionality. |
MVCxHtmlEditorTableCellPropertiesDialogSettings | Contains customization settings for the Cell Properties dialog’s form elements. |
MVCxHtmlEditorTableElementPropertiesDialogSettings | Contains customization settings for the element properties dialog’s form elements. |
MVCxHtmlEditorToolbar | A base class for toolbar. |
MVCxHtmlEditorToolbarCollection | A collection of toolbar objects. |
MVCxHtmlEditorToolbarItemCollection | A collection of toolbar item objects. |
MVCxHtmlEditorVideoSelectorSettings | Contains the HtmlEditor’s Select Video dialog’s settings. |
MVCxHtmlEditorVideoSelectorUploadSettings | Contains settings that relate to the built-in Video Selector‘s file upload functionality. |
MVCxHtmlEditorVideoUploadSettings | Contains (MVC specific) settings that relate to a control’s video uploading functionality. |
MVCxHyperLink | The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side. |
MVCxHyperLinkProperties | Contains HyperLink specific properties. |
MVCxICalendarExportSettings | Contains settings specific to iCalendar export of the Scheduler. |
MVCxICalendarImportSettings | Contains settings specific to iCalendar export of the Scheduler. |
MVCxImage | The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side. |
MVCxImageEditProperties | Contains ImageEdit specific properties. |
MVCxImageGallery | The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side. |
MVCxImageGalleryItem | Represents an individual item within the ImageGallery. |
MVCxImageGalleryItemCollection | Represents a collection of items within the ImageGallery. |
MVCxImageGalleryPagerPageSizeItemSettings | Contains pager size item settings. |
MVCxImageGalleryPagerSettings | Contains the ImageGallery‘s pager settings. |
MVCxImageSlider | The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side. |
MVCxImageSliderItem | Represents an ImageSlider item. |
MVCxImageSliderItemCollection | Represents a collection of ImageSlider items. |
MVCxImageZoom | The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side. |
MVCxImageZoomNavigator | The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side. |
MVCxLabel | The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side. |
MVCxLabelProperties | Contains Label specific properties. |
MVCxLayoutItemCaptionSettings | Contains the layout item caption settings. |
MVCxListBox | The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side. |
MVCxListBoxColumn | Contains settings that define an individual column within list editors. |
MVCxListBoxColumnCellTemplateContainer | A container for the templates used to render cells within a list editor column. |
MVCxListBoxColumnCollection | Represents a collection of columns for list editors. |
MVCxListBoxProperties | Contains ListBox specific properties. |
MVCxListEditItemTemplateContainer | A container for the templates used to render list edit items. |
MVCxLoadingPanel | The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side. |
MVCxMemo | The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side. |
MVCxMemoProperties | Contains Memo specific properties. |
MVCxMenu | The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side. |
MVCxMenuItem | Represents an individual menu item within the Menu. |
MVCxMenuItemCollection | Represents a collection that maintains menu items. |
MVCxNavBar | The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side. |
MVCxNavBarGroup | Represents an individual group within the NavBar. |
MVCxNavBarGroupCollection | Represents a collection of groups within the NavBar. |
MVCxNavBarItem | Represents an individual item within the NavBar. |
MVCxNavBarItemCollection | Represents a collection of items within a navbar group. |
MVCxPageControl | The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side. |
MVCxPanel | The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side. |
MVCxPivotGrid | The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side. |
MVCxPivotGridExporter | Performs WYSIWYG PivotGrid export and raises export events. |
MVCxPivotGridExportSettings | Contains the export settings to be applied when the PivotGrid’s data is exported. |
MVCxPivotGridField | A field within the PivotGrid. |
MVCxPivotGridFieldCollection | A field collection for the PivotGrid extension. |
MVCxPivotGridWebGroup | A group of fields. |
MVCxPivotGridWebGroupCollection | Represents the PivotGrid‘s group collection. |
MVCxPivotGridWebOptionsData | Provides data specific options for PivotGrid. |
MVCxPivotGridWebOptionsDataField | Provides options which control data fields presentation in the PivotGrid extension. |
MVCxPivotGridWebOptionsLoadingPanel | Provides settings that affect the Loading Panel’s appearance and functionality. |
MVCxPivotGridWebOptionsView | Provides view options for the PivotGrid. |
MVCxPopupControl | The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side. |
MVCxPopupMenu | The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side. |
MVCxPopupWindow | An individual popup window within PopupControl. |
MVCxPopupWindowCollection | Represents a collection of popup windows within the PopupControl. |
MVCxProgressBar | The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side. |
MVCxProgressBarProperties | Contains ProgressBar specific properties. |
MVCxQueryBuilder | The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side. |
MVCxQueryBuilderClientSideEvents | Provides additional client-side events to an MVCxQueryBuilder. |
MVCxRadioButton | The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side. |
MVCxRadioButtonList | The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side. |
MVCxRadioButtonListProperties | Contains RadioButtonList specific properties. |
MVCxRadioButtonProperties | Contains RadioButton specific properties. |
MVCxRatingControl | The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side. |
MVCxReportDesigner | An ASP.NET MVC equivalent of the ASPxReportDesigner control. |
MVCxReportDesignerClientSideEvents | Provides additional client-side events to an MVCxClientReportDesigner. |
MVCxResourceStorage | A storage which holds appointment resources. |
MVCxRibbon | The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side. |
MVCxRibbonComboBoxItem | Represents an individual item of a combo box in the ribbon. |
MVCxRibbonComboBoxProperties | Contains settings specific to a combo box in the ribbon. |
MVCxRibbonContextTabCategory | An individual context tab category in the Ribbon extension. |
MVCxRibbonContextTabCategoryCollection | A collection of context tab categories in the Ribbon extension. |
MVCxRibbonGroup | Represents an individual group within the Ribbon. |
MVCxRibbonGroupCollection | Represents a collection of groups within the Ribbon. |
MVCxRibbonItemCollection | Represents a collection of items within the Ribbon. |
MVCxRibbonTab | Represents an individual tab within the Ribbon. |
MVCxRibbonTabCollection | Represents a collection of tabs within the Ribbon. |
MVCxRibbonTemplateItem | Represents a template item within the Ribbon. |
MVCxRichEdit | The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side. |
MVCxRoundPanel | The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side. |
MVCxScheduler | The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side. |
MVCxSchedulerAgendaView | Represents an Agenda View. |
MVCxSchedulerClientSideEvents | Contains a client-side MVCxScheduler event list. |
MVCxSchedulerDayView | Contains settings for the scheduler’s Day view. |
MVCxSchedulerExportSettings | Holds settings specific to the export of Scheduler data in different formats. |
MVCxSchedulerFullWeekView | Contains settings for the scheduler’s Full Week view. |
MVCxSchedulerImportSettings | Holds settings specific to the import of Scheduler data in different formats. |
MVCxSchedulerMonthView | Contains settings for the scheduler’s Month (Multi-week) view. |
MVCxSchedulerOptionsForms | Contains settings and methods used to specify the content, visibility and other options of the end-user dialog forms. |
MVCxSchedulerOptionsToolTips | Provides properties and methods which allow you to specify tooltip visibility, layout options and templates used for rendering tooltips. |
MVCxSchedulerStorage | A storage which holds data for the Scheduler control. |
MVCxSchedulerStorageControl | The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side. |
MVCxSchedulerTimelineView | Contains settings for the scheduler’s Timeline view. |
MVCxSchedulerViewRepository | A storage for Scheduler views. |
MVCxSchedulerWeekView | Contains settings for the scheduler’s Week view. |
MVCxSchedulerWorkWeekView | Contains settings for the scheduler’s WorkWeek view. |
MVCxSpellChecker | The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side. |
MVCxSpellCheckerDictionaryCollection | A collection of dictionaries for the Spell Checker |
MVCxSpellCheckerFormsSettings | Contains dialog form related settings. |
MVCxSpinEdit | The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side. |
MVCxSpinEditProperties | Contains SpinEdit specific properties. |
MVCxSplitter | The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side. |
MVCxSplitterPane | Represents an individual pane within the Splitter. |
MVCxSplitterPaneCollection | Represents a collection of panes within the Splitter. |
MVCxSpreadsheet | The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side. |
MVCxSpreadsheetFormsSettings | Contains settings that are specific to customizable versions of the Spreadsheet‘s built-in dialogs. |
MVCxSpreadsheetSettings | Contains specific settings of the Spreadsheet. |
MVCxTab | Represents an individual tab within the TabControl. |
MVCxTabbedFormLayoutGroup | Represents an individual tabbed layout group within the FormLayout. |
MVCxTabbedFormLayoutGroup<ModelType> | Represents an individual tabbed layout group within the FormLayout. |
MVCxTabCollection | Represents a collection of tabs within a tabbed extension (PageControl or TabControl). |
MVCxTabControl | The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side. |
MVCxTabPage | Represents a tabbed page within the PageControl. |
MVCxTabPageCollection | Represents a collection of tabbed pages within the PageControl. |
MVCxTextBox | The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side. |
MVCxTextBoxProperties | Contains TextBox specific properties. |
MVCxTimeEdit | The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side. |
MVCxTimeEditProperties | Contains TimeEdit specific properties. |
MVCxTimeRulerCollection | A collection of time rulers. |
MVCxTimeZoneEdit | The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side. |
MVCxTokenBox | The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side. |
MVCxTokenBoxProperties | Contains TokenBox specific properties. |
MVCxTrackBar | The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side. |
MVCxTrackBarProperties | Contains TrackBar specific properties. |
MVCxTreeList | The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side. |
MVCxTreeListBatchUpdateValues<T, S> | Contains all the changes that are synchronized between the client and the server side when the TreeList functions in batch edit mode. |
MVCxTreeListColumn | Denotes an individual column within the TreeList. |
MVCxTreeListColumnCollection | A collection of columns within the TreeList. |
MVCxTreeListColumnCollection<RowType> | A collection of strongly-typed columns within the TreeList. |
MVCxTreeListCommandColumn | Denotes an individual command column within the TreeList. |
MVCxTreeListExporter | For internal use only. |
MVCxTreeListNode | Denotes an individual node within the TreeList. |
MVCxTreeListNodeCollection | A collection of columns within the TreeList. |
MVCxTreeListNodeInfo<T> | Contains information on a tree list cell. |
MVCxTreeListPopupControlSettings | Contains specific settings for different popup elements of the tree list. |
MVCxTreeListPrintSettings | Provides print settings for the TreeList. |
MVCxTreeListSelectedKeys<Key> | For internal use. |
MVCxTreeListSettings | Contains specific settings of the TreeList. |
MVCxTreeListSettingsBehavior | Contains behavior specific settings of the TreeList. |
MVCxTreeListSettingsCookies | Provides cookies settings for the TreeList. |
MVCxTreeListSettingsCustomizationWindow | Provides settings that affect the Customization Window‘s position and functionality. |
MVCxTreeListSettingsDataSecurity | Provides security settings that allow you to disable data modification operations (edit, insert, delete). |
MVCxTreeListSettingsEditing | Provides editing settings for the TreeList. |
MVCxTreeListSettingsExport | Contains the export settings to be applied when the TreeList’s data is exported. |
MVCxTreeListSettingsLoadingPanel | Provides settings that affect the loading panel’s appearance and functionality. |
MVCxTreeListSettingsPager | Contains pager settings. |
MVCxTreeListSettingsPopupEditForm | Contains popup edit form settings. |
MVCxTreeListSettingsSearchPanel | Contains the search panel settings. |
MVCxTreeListSettingsSelection | Provides selection settings for the TreeList. |
MVCxTreeListSettingsText | Contains text settings of the TreeList. |
MVCxTreeListSummaryCollection | A collection of summary items within the TreeList. |
MVCxTreeListToolbar | A base class for the Tree List’s toolbar. |
MVCxTreeListToolbarCollection | Represents the TreeList’s toolbar collection. |
MVCxTreeListToolbarItem | Implements the Tree List’s toolbar item functionality. |
MVCxTreeListToolbarItemCollection | Represents a collection of a Tree List’s toolbar items. |
MVCxTreeView | The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side. |
MVCxTreeViewNode | Represents an individual node within the TreeView. |
MVCxTreeViewNodeCollection | Represents a collection of nodes within the TreeView. |
MVCxUploadControl | The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side. |
MVCxValidationEdit | For internal use only. |
MVCxValidationEditProperties | For internal use only. |
MVCxValidationSettings | Contains the settings that relate to editor validation. |
MVCxValidationSummary | The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side. |
MVCxVerticalGrid | The object of this type represents a configured instance of the corresponding extension and is intended to be used mainly as a sender parameter when processing events on the server side. |
MVCxVerticalGridCategoryRow | A category row used to combine other grid rows within its MVCxVerticalGridCategoryRow.Rows collection. |
MVCxVerticalGridCategoryRow<ColumnType> | A category row used to combine other VerticalGrid rows within its MVCxVerticalGridCategoryRow<ColumnType>.Rows collection. |
MVCxVerticalGridCommandRow | Represents a command row within a VerticalGrid. |
MVCxVerticalGridEditingSettings | Provides editing settings for VerticalGrid. |
MVCxVerticalGridExporter | For internal use only. |
MVCxVerticalGridExportSettings | Contains the export settings to be applied when the VerticalGrid’s data is exported. |
MVCxVerticalGridFormatConditionCollection | A collection of format conditions in the VerticalGrid extension. |
MVCxVerticalGridFormatConditionCollection<ColumnType> | A collection of format conditions in the Vertical Grid extension. |
MVCxVerticalGridRow | Represents a row within the VerticalGrid. |
MVCxVerticalGridRow<ColumnType> | A row used to combine other VerticalGrid rows within its MVCxVerticalGridCategoryRow<ColumnType>.Rows collection. |
MVCxVerticalGridRowCollection | Represents a collection of rows within the VerticalGrid. |
MVCxVerticalGridRowCollection<ColumnType> | Represents a collection of strongly-typed rows within the VerticalGrid. |
MVCxVerticalGridSearchPanelSettings | Contains settings of the VerticalGrid’s search panel. |
MVCxVerticalGridToolbar | A base class for the Vertical Grid’s toolbar. |
MVCxVerticalGridToolbarCollection | Represents the VerticalGrid’s toolbar collection. |
MVCxVerticalGridToolbarItem | Implements the Vertical Grid’s toolbar item functionality. |
MVCxVerticalGridToolbarItemCollection | Represents a collection of a Vertical Grid’s toolbar items. |
MVCxWebDocumentViewer | An ASP.NET MVC equivalent of the ASPxWebDocumentViewer control. |
NavBarExtension | Represents an extension object implementing the NavBar functionality. |
NavBarGroupState | Contains information (the current state) on an individual navbar group. |
NavBarItemState | Contains information (the current state) on an individual navbar item. |
NavBarItemStateBase | Contains base information (the current state) that is common to a navbar item and group. |
NavBarSettings | Contains the NavBar extension settings. |
NavBarState | Contains information (the current state) on all the navbar items and groups. |
OfficeWorkSessionProcessing | Process work sessions in an application in stateless mode. |
PageControlExtension | Represents an extension object implementing the PageControl functionality. |
PageControlSettings | Contains the PageControl extension settings. |
PageControlState | Contains information (the current state) on all the PageControl tab pages. |
PageControlTabState | Contains information (the current state) on an individual tab (or tab page). |
PanelExtension | Represents an extension object implementing the Panel functionality. |
PanelSettings | Contains the Panel extension settings. |
PivotCustomizationExtension | An extension object that implements the PivotCustomization extension functionality. |
PivotCustomizationExtensionSettings | Contains the PivotCustomizationExtension specific settings. |
PivotGridExtension | Represents an extension object implementing the PivotGrid functionality. |
PivotGridSettings | Contains the PivotGrid extension settings. |
PopupControlExtension | An extension object implementing the PopupControl functionality. |
PopupControlExtensionBase | A base extension object implementing the common functionality of the PopupControl and DockPanel extensions. |
PopupControlSettings | Contains the PopupControl extension settings. |
PopupControlSettingsBase | A base class containing common settings of the PopupControl and DockPanel extensions. |
PopupMenuExtension | Represents an extension object implementing the PopupMenu functionality. |
PopupMenuSettings | Contains the PopupMenu extension settings. |
ProgressBarExtension | Represents an extension object implementing the ProgressBar functionality. |
ProgressBarSettings | Contains the ProgressBar extension settings. |
QueryBuilderExtension | Represents an extension object implementing the Query Builder functionality. |
QueryBuilderSaveCallbackResult | |
QueryBuilderSettings | Contains the Query Builder extension settings. |
RadioButtonExtension | Represents an extension object implementing the RadioButton functionality. |
RadioButtonListExtension | Represents an extension object implementing the RadioButtonList functionality. |
RadioButtonListSettings | Contains the RadioButtonList extension settings. |
RadioButtonSettings | Contains the RadioButton extension settings. |
RatingControlExtension | Represents an extension object implementing the RatingControl functionality. |
RatingControlSettings | Contains the RatingControl extension settings. |
ReportDesignerExtension | Renders the ASPxReportDesigner in ASP.NET MVC. |
ReportDesignerSettings | Stores settings of the ReportDesignerExtension. |
RibbonExtension | Represents an extension object implementing the Ribbon functionality. |
RibbonSettings | Contains the Ribbon extension settings. |
RichEditCustomDocumentProcessor | Provides methods to process a document in the Controller in a custom manner. |
RichEditExtension | Represents an extension object implementing the RichEdit functionality. |
RichEditSettings | Contains the RichEdit extension settings. |
RoundPanelExtension | Represents an extension object implementing the RoundPanel functionality. |
RoundPanelSettings | Contains the RoundPanel extension settings. |
SchedulerExtension | An extension object implementing the Scheduler functionality. |
SchedulerSettings | Contains the Scheduler extension settings. |
SchedulerStatusInfoExtension | An extension object specifying the Scheduler Status Info Settings. |
SchedulerStatusInfoSettings | Contains Scheduler Status Info settings |
SchedulerStorageControlExtension | An extension object implementing the Scheduler Storage Control functionality. |
SchedulerStorageControlSettings | Contains the Scheduler Storage Control extension settings. |
SeriesViewActionMethodContainer | A class allowing you to configure a series view using delegate methods. |
SettingsBase | Represents a base class for DevExpress ASP.NET MVC extension settings. |
SpellCheckerExtension | Represents an extension object implementing the Spell Checker functionality. |
SpellCheckerSettings | Contains the Spell Checker extension settings. |
SpinEditExtension | Represents an extension object implementing the SpinEdit functionality. |
SpinEditSettings | Contains the SpinEdit extension settings. |
SplitterExtension | Represents an extension object implementing the Splitter functionality. |
SplitterSettings | Contains the Splitter extension settings. |
SpreadsheetCustomDocumentProcessor | Provides methods to process a document in the Controller in a custom manner. |
SpreadsheetExtension | An extension object that implement the Spreadsheet functionality. |
SpreadsheetSettings | Contains the Spreadsheet extension settings. |
TabControlExtension | Represents an extension object implementing the TabControl functionality. |
TabControlExtensionBase | Represents a base class implementing the common functionality of tabbed extensions (like TabControl). |
TabControlSettings | Contains the TabControl extension settings. |
TabControlSettingsBase | Represents a base class containing common settings of a tabbed control. |
TextBoxExtension | Represents an extension object implementing the TextBox functionality. |
TextBoxSettings | Contains the TextBox extension settings. |
TimeEditExtension | Represents an extension object implementing the TimeEdit functionality. |
TimeEditSettings | Contains the TimeEdit extension settings. |
TimeZoneEditExtension | Represents an extension object implementing the TimeZone Editor functionality. |
TimeZoneEditSettings | Contains TimeZone Editor specific settings. |
TokenBoxExtension | Represents an extension object implementing the TokenBox functionality. |
TokenBoxSettings | Contains the TokenBox extension settings. |
TrackBarExtension | An extension object implementing the TrackBar functionality. |
TrackBarSettings | Contains the TrackBar extension settings. |
TreeListColumnEditorPropertiesFactory | Provides methods that allow you to configure columns of different types in the tree list extension. |
TreeListExtension | An extension object implementing the TreeList functionality. |
TreeListExtension<RowType> | An extension object implementing the TreeList functionality. |
TreeListSettings | Contains the TreeList extension settings. |
TreeListSettings<RowType> | Contains the TreeList extension settings. |
TreeViewExtension | An extension object implementing the TreeView functionality. |
TreeViewNodeState | Contains information (the current state) on an individual TreeView node. |
TreeViewSettings | Contains the TreeView extension settings. |
TreeViewState | Contains information (the current state) on all treeview nodes. |
UploadControlExtension | An extension object implementing the UploadControl functionality. |
UploadControlSettings | Contains the UploadControl extension settings. |
ValidationSummaryExtension | An extension object implementing the ValidationSummary functionality. |
ValidationSummarySettings | Contains the ValidationSummary extension settings. |
VerticalGridCustomBindingArgsBase | Provides base arguments to implement custom binding method delegates. |
VerticalGridCustomBindingDataArgsBase | Provides base data arguments to implement custom binding method delegates. |
VerticalGridCustomBindingGetDataArgs | Provides arguments to implement a method delegate of the VerticalGridCustomBindingGetDataHandler type. |
VerticalGridCustomBindingGetDataColumnCountArgs | Provides arguments to implement a method delegate of the VerticalGridCustomBindingGetDataColumnCountHandler type. |
VerticalGridCustomBindingGetSummaryValuesArgs | Provides arguments to implement a method delegate of the VerticalGridCustomBindingGetSummaryValuesHandler type. |
VerticalGridCustomBindingGetUniqueHeaderFilterValuesArgs | Provides arguments to implement a method delegate of the VerticalGridCustomBindingGetUniqueHeaderFilterValuesHandler type. |
VerticalGridExtension | Represents an extension object implementing the VerticalGrid functionality. |
VerticalGridExtension<ColumnType> | Represents an extension object implementing the VerticalGrid functionality. |
VerticalGridFilteringState | Contains information about the VerticalGrid’s filtering-related state. |
VerticalGridModel | A specific view model object that maintains the VerticalGrid’s state and provides the means to populate itself with data when the VerticalGrid is used in the custom data binding mode. |
VerticalGridPagerState | Contains information about the VerticalGrid’s paging-related state. |
VerticalGridRowState | Contains information (the current state) on an individual row. |
VerticalGridRowStateCollection | A collection that contains information (the current state) on row objects. |
VerticalGridSearchPanelState | Contains information about the VerticalGrid’s search panel related state. |
VerticalGridSettings | Contains the VerticalGrid extension settings. |
VerticalGridSettings<ColumnType> | Contains the VerticalGrid extension settings. |
VerticalGridSummaryItemState | Contains information about an individual summary item. |
VerticalGridSummaryItemStateCollection | A collection that contains information (the current state) on summary items. |
WaterfallSeriesViewActionMethodContainer | |
WebDocumentViewerExtension | Renders the ASPxWebDocumentViewer in ASP.NET MVC. |
WebDocumentViewerSettings | Stores settings of the WebDocumentViewerExtension. |
XtraChartsCollectionExtensions static | A class storing extension methods allowing you to add chart elements configured using delegate methods to collections. |
XtraChartsIndicatorCollectionExtensions static | A class storing extension methods allowing you to add indicators configured using delegate methods to the indicators collection. |
XtraChartsLineSeriesViewExtensions static | |
XtraChartsSeriesBaseExtensions static | A class providing an extension method allowing you to configure a series view using delegate methods. |
XtraChartsSeriesViewExtensions static | A class providing an extension method allowing you to configure series labels using delegate methods. |
XtraChartsWaterfallSeriesViewExtensions static |
Name | Description |
CardViewCustomBindingGetDataCardCountHandler | A delegate method that enables you to return the total number of data records within your model, when implementing custom data binding of the CardView. |
CardViewCustomBindingGetDataHandler | A delegate method that enables you to populate the CardView view model with data cards requested by the CardView when implementing custom data binding of the CardView. |
CardViewCustomBindingGetSummaryValuesHandler | A delegate method that enables you to calculate and return values of summaries required within the CardView when implementing custom data binding of the CardView. |
CardViewCustomBindingGetUniqueHeaderFilterValuesHandler | A delegate method that enables you to return unique values to be displayed in the header filter dropdown list invoked for a column when implementing custom data binding of the CardView. |
FetchAppointmentsMethod | A delegate method that enables you to dynamically limit the number of appointments loaded into the Scheduler storage. |
GridViewCustomBindingGetDataHandler | A delegate method that enables you to populate the grid view model with data rows requested by the grid, when implementing custom data binding of the GridView. |
GridViewCustomBindingGetDataRowCountHandler | A delegate method that enables you to return the total number of data rows within your model, when implementing custom data binding of the GridView. |
GridViewCustomBindingGetGroupingInfoHandler | A delegate method that enables you to return grouping information for group rows (the group value - key, and the number of data rows within the group - count), when implementing custom data binding of the GridView. |
GridViewCustomBindingGetRowValuesHandler | A delegate method that enables you to populate the GridLookup’s grid view model with data rows requested by the grid, when implementing custom data binding of the built-in GridView. |
GridViewCustomBindingGetSummaryValuesHandler | A delegate method that enables you to calculate and return values of summaries required within the grid, when implementing custom data binding of the GridView. |
GridViewCustomBindingGetUniqueHeaderFilterValuesHandler | A delegate method that enables you to return unique values to be displayed in the header filter dropdown list invoked for a column, when implementing custom data binding of the GridView. |
GridViewGetExportDetailGridViewEventHandler | A delegate method that enables you to populate the collection of detail grids that correspond to individual records within the master GridView. |
ItemRequestedByValueMethod | A delegate method that enables you to implement retrieval of an item by its value. |
ItemsRequestedByFilterConditionMethod | A delegate method that enables you to implement retrieval of items requested by the applied filter conditions. |
ListEditCustomFilteringMethod | A delegate method that enables you to implement custom filtering logic before the server-side filtering is executed. |
PersistentObjectCancelMethod | A delegate method that enables you to hide specific persistent objects (appointments or resources) in the scheduler. |
TreeListVirtualModeCreateChildrenMethod | A delegate method that enables you to create a list of business objects that correspond to the child nodes owned by the processed node within the TreeList. |
TreeListVirtualModeNodeCreatingMethod | A delegate method that enables you to specify the node’s key value and cell values within the TreeList. |
TreeViewVirtualModeCreateChildrenMethod | A delegate method that enables you to create a list of business objects that correspond to the child nodes owned by the processed node within the TreeView. |
VerticalGridCustomBindingGetDataColumnCountHandler | A delegate method that enables you to return the total number of data columns within your model when implementing custom data binding of the VerticalGrid. |
VerticalGridCustomBindingGetDataHandler | A delegate method that enables you to populate the grid view model with data rows requested by the grid when implementing custom data binding of the VerticalGrid. |
VerticalGridCustomBindingGetSummaryValuesHandler | A delegate method that enables you to calculate and return values of summaries required within the grid when implementing custom data binding of the VerticalGrid. |
VerticalGridCustomBindingGetUniqueHeaderFilterValuesHandler | A delegate method that enables you to return unique values to be displayed in the header filter dropdown list invoked for a row when implementing custom data binding of the VerticalGrid. |
Name | Description |
CardViewOperationType | Lists values that identify data operations initiated within the CardView. |
FormLayoutNestedExtensionItemType | Lists values that specify the nested extension type. |
GridViewOperationType | Lists values that identify data operations initiated within the GridView. |
MVCxCardViewColumnType | Lists values that specify the column editor type. |
MVCxGridViewColumnType | Lists values that specify the column editor type. |
MVCxRibbonItemType | Lists values that specify the Ribbon item type. |
MVCxTreeListColumnType | Lists values that specify the column editor type. |
MVCxVerticalGridRowType | Lists values that specify the row editor type within the VerticalGrid. |
VerticalGridOperationType | Lists values that identify data operations initiated within the ASPxVerticalGrid. |