MVCxDiagramCustomShapeCollection Class
In This Article
A collection of custom shapes.
Namespace: DevExpress.Web.Mvc
Assembly: DevExpress.Web.Mvc5.v24.2.dll
NuGet Package: DevExpress.Web.Mvc5
public class MVCxDiagramCustomShapeCollection :
#Related API Members
The following members return MVCxDiagramCustomShapeCollection objects:
The MVCxDiagramCustomShapeCollection is a collection of DiagramCustomShape objects.
An instance of the MVCxDiagramCustomShapeCollection class can be accessed via the CustomShapes property.
@Html.DevExpress().Diagram(settings => {
settings.Name = "Diagram";
settings.SettingsToolbox.Groups.Add(g => {
g.Category = DevExpress.Web.ASPxDiagram.DiagramShapeCategory.Custom;
g.CustomCategoryName = "hardware";
g.Title = "Hardware";
settings.CustomShapes.Add(c => {
c.Type = "internet";
c.Category = "hardware";
c.Title = "Internet";
c.BackgroundImageUrl = "../Content/customshapes/shapes/internet.svg";
c.BackgroundImageLeft = 0.15M;
c.BackgroundImageTop = 0;
c.BackgroundImageWidth = 0.7M;
c.BackgroundImageHeight = 0.7M;
c.DefaultWidth = 0.75M;
c.DefaultHeight = 0.75M;
c.DefaultText = "Internet";
c.AllowEditText = true;
c.TextLeft = 0;
c.TextTop = 0.7M;
c.TextWidth = 1;
c.TextHeight = 0.3M;
c.ConnectionPoints.Add(0.5M, 0);
c.ConnectionPoints.Add(0.9M, 0.5M);
c.ConnectionPoints.Add(0.5M, 1);
c.ConnectionPoints.Add(0.1M, 0.5M);
See Also