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Filter Control

  • 2 minutes to read

The FilterControlExtension allows end users to build complex filter criteria with an unlimited number of filter conditions, combined by logical operators, and apply them to extensions or data models.


Run Demo: Filter Control Extension - Features


#Custom Appearance

The following table provides API members you can use to customize the filter control’s appearance.

Element Property
Combining operator FilterControlStyles.GroupType
Add and Remove buttons FilterControlStyles.ImageButton
Comparison operator FilterControlStyles.Operation
Field name area FilterControlStyles.PropertyName
Filter area FilterControlStyles.Table
Filter criteria value FilterControlStyles.Value

#Filter Expression Validation

Use the ASPxClientFilterControl.IsFilterExpressionValid and FilterControlExtension.GetFilterExpressionInfo methods to get whether the filter criteria is valid. These methods check whether an end-user has entered the required criteria values and indicate whether or not it’s safe to apply the criteria. You can define validation settings for each column separately. See the Validation topic to learn more.

#Client-Side APIs

The ASPxClientFilterControl object serves as the FilterControlExtension‘s client-side equivalent and provides client-side APIs.

Method Description
Apply Applies the filter criteria.
GetAppliedFilterExpression Gets the filter criteria that is applied to the associated extension.
GetEditor(index, valueIndex) Returns the editor used to edit the specified filter column’s operand values.
GetFilterExpression Gets the filter criteria.
IsFilterExpressionValid Specifies whether the filter criteria is valid.
Reset Resets the current filter criteria and returns it to the associated extension’s filter expression.


Use the FilterControl(MVCxFilterControlSettings) helper method to add the Filter Control (FilterControlExtension) extension to a view. The method’s parameter provides access to the filter control’s settings (MVCxFilterControlSettings).


The following code adds the filter control to a view.

var excludeColumnList = new List<string>() {
    "CategoryID", "ProductID", "SupplierID", "Supplier.SupplierID", "Supplier.HomePage",
    "Category.CategoryID", "Category.CategoryName", "EAN13"

Html.DevExpress().FilterControl<Product>(settings => {
    settings.Name = "filterControl";
    settings.Width = Unit.Percentage(100);
    settings.CallbackRouteValues = new { Controller = "Editors", Action = "FilterControlPartial" };
    settings.ClientSideEvents.Applied = "filterControl_Applied";
    settings.ViewMode = FilterControlViewMode.VisualAndText;
    settings.AllowHierarchicalColumns = true;
    settings.MaxHierarchyDepth = 1;

    settings.Init = (sender, e) => {
        var filterControl = (MVCxFilterControl)sender;
        excludeColumnList.ForEach(c => filterControl.Columns.Remove(c));

        var categoryNameColumn = new MVCxFilterControlColumn("CategoryName");
        categoryNameColumn.EditorProperties().ComboBox(p => {
            p.DataSource = DevExpress.Web.Demos.Mvc.NorthwindDataProvider.GetCategories();
            p.TextField = "CategoryName";
            p.ValueField = "CategoryName";
            p.ValueType = typeof(string);
        var categoryColumn = (FilterControlComplexTypeColumn)filterControl.Columns["Category"];
        categoryColumn.Columns.Insert(0, categoryNameColumn);
    settings.PreRender = (sender, e) => {
        var filterControl = (MVCxFilterControl)sender;
        filterControl.FilterExpression = "[Category.CategoryName] = 'Beverages'";


The Partial View should contain only the extension’s code.