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XtraSchedulerReport Properties

Represents the base class for a report in the XtraScheduler Suite.
Name Description
BackColor Gets or sets a control’s background color. Inherited from XRControl.
Band Provides access to the owner band, in which the current control is situated. Inherited from XRControl.
Bands Gets the collection of bands contained in a report. Inherited from XtraReportBase.
Bookmark Gets or sets the text shown as a root bookmark in a Document Map. Inherited from XtraReport.
BookmarkDuplicateSuppress Specifies whether or not to suppress duplicated bookmarks in a final document. Inherited from XtraReport.
BorderColor Gets or sets the control’s border color. Inherited from XRControl.
BorderDashStyle Specifies the dash style for the control’s border. Inherited from XRControl.
Borders Specifies a set of borders (top, right, bottom, left) that should be visible for the control. Inherited from XRControl.
BorderWidth Specifies the width of cell borders in pixels, as a floating point value. Inherited from XRControl.
CalculatedFields Provides access to a report’s collection of calculated fields. Inherited from XtraReport.
CanHaveChildren Overrides the XRControl.CanHaveChildren property. Inherited from Band.
CanRaiseEvents protected Gets a value indicating whether the component can raise an event. Inherited from Component.
ComponentStorage Retrieves a collection of components serialized along with the report, such as data sources. Inherited from XtraReport.
Container Gets the IContainer that contains the Component. Inherited from Component.
ControlType Gets the assembly-qualified name of the report. Inherited from XtraReport.
CrossBandControls Provides access to a collection of cross-band controls in the current report. Inherited from XtraReport.
CurrentRowHierarchyLevel Inherited from XtraReportBase.
CurrentRowIndex Gets the index of the current data row in a report’s XtraReportBase.DataSource. Inherited from XtraReportBase.
DataAdapter Specifies the data adapter that should be used to populate a report’s data source. Inherited from XtraReportBase.
DataMember Specifies the collection, list, or table in the object assigned to the DataSource property from which to retrieve the data. Inherited from XtraReportBase.
DataSource Gets or sets an object that supplies data to the report. Inherited from XtraReportBase.
DataSourceSchema Gets or sets an XML/XSD file, containing a schema of a report’s data source. Inherited from XtraReport.
DefaultExtension static
DefaultPrinterSettingsUsing Provides access to an object that defines which of the system’s default printer settings should be used when printing an XtraReport. Inherited from XtraReport.
DesignerOptions Provides access to the options that determine the availability of popup hints and warnings in the Report Designer. Inherited from XtraReport.
DesignMode protected Gets a value that indicates whether the Component is currently in design mode. Inherited from Component.
DisplayName Gets or sets the report’s display name. If the name is not empty, it serves as the default name of the exported document and appears in the End-User Designer‘s report tab. Otherwise, the value of the report’s Name property is used as a display name. Inherited from XtraReport.
DrawGrid Gets or sets a value indicating whether to draw the snap grid over the report surface. Inherited from XtraReport.
DrawWatermark Gets or sets a value indicating whether or not to draw a watermark at design time. Inherited from XtraReport.
Events protected Gets the list of event handlers that are attached to this Component. Inherited from Component.
Expanded For internal use. Inherited from XtraReport.
ExportOptions Gets the settings used to specify exporting parameters when exporting a report. Inherited from XtraReport.
ExpressionBindings Provides access to a control’s collection of expression bindings. Inherited from XRControl.
Extensions Provides access to the report’s extensions. Inherited from XtraReport.
FilterString Specifies the criteria used to filter data in a report. Inherited from XtraReportBase.
Font Gets or sets the control’s font. Inherited from XRControl.
ForeColor Gets or sets the control’s foreground color. Inherited from XRControl.
FormattingRules Provides access to a collection of formatting rules applied to this control. Inherited from XRControl.
FormattingRuleSheet Provides access to a collection of formatting rules stored in a report. Inherited from XtraReport.
HasChildren Gets a value indicating whether the control contains other XRControl objects. Inherited from XRControl.
HorizontalContentSplitting When the brick dimensions do not fit into the bottom page margin, specifies whether the brick content is split across two pages or moved to a new page. Inherited from XtraReport.
ImageResources Provides access to a collection of the report’s named images. Inherited from XtraReport.
Index Gets the zero-based index of this control in its parent’s collection of controls. Inherited from XRControl.
IsDisposed For internal use. Gets a value indicating whether the control has been disposed of. Inherited from XRControl.
IsSingleChild Checks whether the report element (control or band) is a single child of its parent. Inherited from XRControl.
Landscape Gets or sets a value indicating whether the page orientation is landscape. Inherited from XtraReport.
LocalizationItems Provides access to a collection of items that combine the property name, its value and a language name. Inherited from XtraReport.
Margins Gets or sets the report’s page margins. Inherited from XtraReport.
MasterReport Gets or sets the XtraReport object which contains the current report as a subreport. Inherited from XtraReport.
Name Gets or sets a name of the control. Inherited from XRControl.
Padding Gets or sets the control’s padding values (measured in report units). Inherited from XRControl.
PageColor Gets or sets the fill color of report pages. Inherited from XtraReport.
PageHeight Gets or sets the height of the report pages (measured in report units). Available only if the XtraReport.PaperKind is set to Custom. Inherited from XtraReport.
Pages Gets a collection of pages generated for this report. Inherited from XtraReport.
PageSize Gets or sets the size of the report’s pages (measured in report units). Inherited from XtraReport.
PageWidth Gets or sets the width of the report pages measured in report units. Only in effect if XtraReport.PaperKind is set to Custom. Inherited from XtraReport.
PaperKind Gets or sets the report’s paper kind. Inherited from XtraReport.
PaperName Gets or sets the name of the custom paper which is used in the printer that the document is going to be printed on. Inherited from XtraReport.
ParameterPanelLayoutItems Inherited from XtraReport.
Parameters Provides access to a report’s collection of parameters. Inherited from XtraReport.
Parent Specifies the parent object that contains the current control. Inherited from XRControl.
PrintColorSchema Gets or sets the color mode used to print the report.
PrinterName Specifies the name of the printer to use for printing the report. Inherited from XtraReport.
PrintingSystem Returns a report’s Printing System that provides print and export settings. Inherited from XtraReport.
Report Provides access to the report that contains the control. Inherited from XRControl.
ReportPrintOptions Provides access to options that define a report’s print-out. Inherited from XtraReportBase.
ReportUnit Specifies the system of measurement that is used throughout a report for expressing the values of certain properties (e.g., an element’s location, dimensions and margins). Inherited from XtraReport.
RequestParameters Specifies whether the report document creation should start only after the user submits all the report parameter values. Inherited from XtraReport.
RightToLeft Specifies the content orientation of the XtraReport‘s controls. Inherited from XtraReport.
RightToLeftLayout Specifies the position of controls within report bands. Inherited from XtraReport.
RollPaper Specifies whether the document is supposed to be printed on roll paper (in other words, as a single uninterrupted page). Inherited from XtraReport.
RootReport Provides access to the report to which the control belongs. Inherited from XRControl.
RowCount Gets the total amount of data rows in a report’s XtraReportBase.DataSource. Inherited from XtraReportBase.
SchedulerAdapter Gets or sets the scheduler adapter for the current report.
ScriptLanguage Gets or sets the scripting language of all the scripts used in this XtraReport object. Inherited from XtraReport.
ScriptReferences Specifies the collection of file names (with full or relative paths) of the assemblies used by the scripts in a report. Inherited from XtraReport.
ScriptReferencesString Gets or sets the string containing all script references represented by the XtraReport.ScriptReferences property. Inherited from XtraReport.
Scripts Provides access to an object that contains XtraReport-specific scripts to handle its events in the End-User Designer. Inherited from XtraReport.
ScriptsSource Specifies the report scripts. Inherited from XtraReport.
ShowPreviewMarginLines Specifies whether the report preview window shows page margin lines. Inherited from XtraReport.
ShowPrintMarginsWarning Gets or sets a value which specifies whether an error message is shown when the page margins are set outside the printable area. Inherited from XtraReport.
ShowPrintStatusDialog Gets or sets a value specifying whether a print status dialog is shown when a document is printed. Inherited from XtraReport.
ShowUserFriendlyNamesInUserDesigner static Obsolete. Gets or sets a value indicating whether all property names and their values should be displayed in the user-friendly format in the Properties window and smart tags of the End-User Designer. Inherited from XtraReport.
Site Gets or sets the ISite of the Component. Inherited from Component.
SnapGridSize Specifies the dimensions of the report designer snap grid. Inherited from XtraReport.
SnapGridStepCount Specifies the number of grid cells comprising a larger snap grid unit. Inherited from XtraReport.
SnappingMode Specifies the mode in which report elements are snapped to each other when they are resized or being relocated. Inherited from XtraReport.
SourceUrl For internal use. Inherited from XtraReport.
StyleSheet Provides access to a collection of styles stored in a report. Inherited from XtraReport.
StyleSheetPath Gets or sets a path to the style sheet contained in a style sheet file. Inherited from XtraReport.
Tag Bindable. Gets or sets the object that contains data about this control. Inherited from XRControl.
TextAlignment Specifies the positioning of text within a control. Inherited from XRControl.
VerticalContentSplitting Gets or sets a value indicating whether report controls outside the right page margin should be split across pages, or moved in their entirety to the next page. Inherited from XtraReport.
Views Provides access to the collection of Views available for the current report.
Visible Gets or sets a value that specifies whether the report control is displayed in the document. Inherited from XRControl.
WatermarkId Bindable. Specifies the unique identifier of a watermark to be displayed in a report. Inherited from XtraReport.
Watermarks Gets the collection of watermarks. Inherited from XtraReport.
XmlDataPath Specifies the path to an XML file that should be used as the report’s data source. Inherited from XtraReportBase.
See Also