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XtraReport.SnappingMode Property

Specifies the mode in which report elements are snapped to each other when they are resized or being relocated.

Namespace: DevExpress.XtraReports.UI

Assembly: DevExpress.XtraReports.v24.2.dll

NuGet Package: DevExpress.Reporting.Core


public SnappingMode SnappingMode { get; set; }

Property Value

Type Default Description
SnappingMode SnapLines

A SnappingMode enumeration value representing the snapping mode.


The SnappingMode property specifies the snapping mode used to align report elements to each other.

  • None - no snapping is used.
  • SnapLines - enables snapping to snap lines, which appear around the report control that is being moved or resized and indicates the distance to other report elements. Snap lines maintain the inner padding of report bands and outer margins of report controls specified by the Band.SnapLinePadding and XRControl.SnapLineMargin properties, respectively.
  • SnapToGrid - enables snapping to the snap grid whose dimensions are defined by the XtraReport.SnapGridSize property. To specify whether to draw the grid over the report surface, use the XtraReport.DrawGrid property.
  • SnapToGridAndSnapLines - enables snapping to both the snap grid and snap lines.

For more information, refer to Arrange Report Controls.


You can set the SnappingMode property globally, so that all the newly created reports have this property set to the required value. For this purpose, use the Report Designer Options dialog available within the XtraReports menu.

See Also