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Use Report Parameters

  • 2 minutes to read

Report parameters allow you and your end-users to filter report data dynamically.

Report parameters example

#Supported Features/Capabilities

Refer to the following documentation section for more details: Create a Report Parameter.

#Reference Report Parameters

Once you create a parameter, you can reference it in your report’s filter string to filter underlying report data.

Reference parameter in report filter string

You can also reference the parameter in a report control’s expression or its Text property.

Reference report parameter in a control's expression

When used in this manner, you can filter data displayed within an individual report control (such as XRLabel) conditionally.

You can also bind data source parameters to report parameters and filter data at the data source level. Refer to the following help topic for more information: Reference Report Parameters.

#Specify Parameter Values

Available report parameters appear within a report’s Print Preview window (inside the Parameters panel). Use this panel to specify desired parameter values:

Specify parameter values in the Parameters Panel

You can also specify parameter values in code. Refer to the following topic for more information: Specify Parameter Values.

#Demos and Samples

#Drill-Down Report

In the following samples, date-range report parameters are used to display invoices created within a specified time period.

Run Demo: Drill-Down Report (Desktop) Run Demo: Drill-Down Report (Web)


In the following samples, multi-value report parameters are used to filter invoices by company name.

Run Demo: Invoice (Desktop) Run Demo: Invoice (Web)

#Video Tutorials

Watch Video: Introduction to Report Parameters Watch Video: Advanced Scenarios with Report Parameters

#Use Report Parameters in the End-User Report Designer

Tutorials that explain how to use this functionality in EUD Report Designers for WinForms and Web are included in the End-User Documentation online help section: