BaseView Methods
Serves as the base for objects representing Views in a grid control.Name | Description |
Assign(BaseView, Boolean) | Copies the settings of a View object to the current one. |
BeginDataUpdate() | Prevents visual and internal data updates until the BaseView.EndDataUpdate method is called. |
BeginInit() | Starts the runtime View initialization. |
BeginSelection() | Prevents selection updates until the BaseView.EndSelection or the BaseView.CancelSelection method is called. |
BeginUpdate() | Locks the BaseView object by preventing visual updates of the object and its elements until the EndUpdate method is called. |
CalcHitInfo(Point) | Returns information about the View elements located at the specified point. |
CalcHitInfo(Int32, Int32) | Returns information about the View elements located at the specified point. |
CancelSelection() | Enables selection updates after the BaseView.BeginSelection method call, but doesn’t force an immediate update. |
CheckLoaded() | Forces the grid control to finish its initialization. |
ClearDocument() | Clears a previously generated document for printing/exporting. |
CloseEditor() | Hides the active editor saving changes made. |
Connect(Object) | Connects the View to the specified object. |
CopyToClipboard() | Copies the selected record(s) to the Clipboard as text. |
CreateDocument() | Creates a print/export document from the View’s data. |
CreateExportLink(IExportProvider) | Returns an object that enables you to export a View’s data in a number of different formats. |
CreateObjRef(Type) | Creates an object that contains all the relevant information required to generate a proxy used to communicate with a remote object. Inherited from MarshalByRefObject. |
Disconnect(Object) | Removes the connection between the View and the specified object. |
Dispose() | Releases all resources used by the Component. Inherited from Component. |
EndDataUpdate() | Enables visual and internal data updates after the BaseView.BeginDataUpdate method call, and forces an immediate View update. |
EndInit() | Ends the runtime View initialization. |
EndSelection() | Enables selection updates after calling the BaseView.BeginSelection method and forces an immediate update. |
EndUpdate() | Unlocks the BaseView object after a call to the BeginUpdate method and causes an immediate visual update. |
Equals(Object, Object) static | Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. Inherited from Object. |
Equals(Object) | Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. Inherited from Object. |
Export(ExportTarget, Stream, ExportOptionsBase) | Exports the data displayed by the GridControl.DefaultView (the GridControl.MainView or the currently maximized detail View) in the specified format to a stream, using the specified options. |
Export(ExportTarget, Stream) | Exports the data displayed by the GridControl.DefaultView (the GridControl.MainView or the currently maximized detail View) in the specified format to a stream. |
Export(ExportTarget, String, ExportOptionsBase) | Exports the data displayed by the GridControl.DefaultView (the GridControl.MainView or the currently maximized detail View) in the specified format to a file, using the specified options. |
Export(ExportTarget, String) | Exports the data displayed by the GridControl.DefaultView (the GridControl.MainView or the currently maximized detail View) in the specified format to a file. |
ExportToCsv(Stream, CsvExportOptions) | Exports the control’s data to the specified stream in CSV format using the specified options. |
ExportToCsv(Stream) | Exports the control’s data to the specified stream in CSV format. |
ExportToCsv(String, CsvExportOptions) | Exports the control’s data to the specified file in CSV format using the specified options. |
ExportToCsv(String) | Exports the control’s data to the specified file in CSV format. |
ExportToDocx(Stream, DocxExportOptions) | Exports the view’s data in the Office Open XML format (DOCX file) and sends it to the specified stream. |
ExportToDocx(Stream) | Exports the view’s data in the Office Open XML file format (DOCX file) and sends it to the specified stream. |
ExportToDocx(String, DocxExportOptions) | Exports the view’s data in the Office Open XML format and saves it to the specified DOCX file. |
ExportToDocx(String) | Exports the view’s data in the Office Open XML file format and saves it to the specified DOCX file. |
ExportToExcelOld(String) | Obsolete. Exports the GridControl.DefaultView‘s data to the specified file in MS Excel format. |
ExportToHtml(Stream, HtmlExportOptions) | Exports the GridControl.DefaultView‘s data to the specified stream in HTML format using the specified options. |
ExportToHtml(Stream, String, String, Boolean) | Obsolete. Exports the GridControl.DefaultView‘s data to a stream in HTML format using the specified character encoding, with the specified title. The output file can be compressed (secondary characters e.g. spaces are removed) if required. |
ExportToHtml(Stream) | Exports the GridControl.DefaultView‘s data to a stream in HTML format. |
ExportToHtml(String, HtmlExportOptions) | Exports the GridControl.DefaultView‘s data to the specified file in HTML format using the specified options. |
ExportToHtml(String, String, String, Boolean) | Obsolete. Exports the GridControl.DefaultView‘s data to the specified HTML file with the specified title, using the specified character encoding. The output file can be compressed (secondary characters e.g. spaces are removed) if required. |
ExportToHtml(String, String) | Obsolete. Exports the GridControl.DefaultView‘s data to an HTML file using the specified character encoding. |
ExportToHtml(String) | Exports the GridControl.DefaultView‘s data to the specified file in HTML format. |
ExportToHtmlOld(String) | Obsolete. Exports the GridControl.DefaultView‘s data to the specified file in HTML format. |
ExportToMht(Stream, MhtExportOptions) | Exports the GridControl.DefaultView‘s data to the specified stream in MHT format using the specified options. |
ExportToMht(Stream, String, String, Boolean) | Obsolete. Exports the GridControl.DefaultView‘s data to a stream in MHT format using the specified character encoding, with the specified title. The output file can be compressed (secondary characters e.g. spaces are removed) if required. |
ExportToMht(String, MhtExportOptions) | Exports the GridControl.DefaultView‘s data to the specified file in MHT format using the specified options. |
ExportToMht(String, String, String, Boolean) | Obsolete. Exports the GridControl.DefaultView‘s data to the specified file in MHT format using the specified character encoding, with the specified title. The output file can be compressed (secondary characters e.g. spaces are removed) if required. |
ExportToMht(String, String) | Obsolete. Exports the GridControl.DefaultView‘s data to the specified file in MHT format using the specified character encoding. |
ExportToMht(String) | Exports the GridControl.DefaultView‘s data to the specified file in MHT format. |
ExportToPdf(Stream) | Exports the GridControl.DefaultView‘s data to a stream in PDF format. |
ExportToPdf(String, PdfExportOptions) | Exports the GridControl.DefaultView‘s data to the specified file in PDF format. |
ExportToPdf(String) | Exports the GridControl.DefaultView‘s data to the specified file in PDF format. |
ExportToRtf(Stream, RtfExportOptions) | Exports the view’s data to a stream in RTF format. |
ExportToRtf(Stream) | Exports the GridControl.DefaultView‘s data to a stream in RTF format. |
ExportToRtf(String, RtfExportOptions) | Exports the view’s data to a file in RTF format. |
ExportToRtf(String) | Exports the GridControl.DefaultView‘s data to a file in RTF format. |
ExportToText(Stream, TextExportOptions) | Exports the GridControl.DefaultView‘s data to the specified stream in Text format using the specified options. |
ExportToText(Stream, String, Boolean, Encoding) | Obsolete. Exports the GridControl.DefaultView‘s data to a stream in TXT format using the specified separator string, quotation and text encoding settings. |
ExportToText(Stream, String, Boolean) | Obsolete. Exports the GridControl.DefaultView‘s data to a stream in TXT format using the specified separator string and quotation settings. |
ExportToText(Stream, String) | Obsolete. Exports the GridControl.DefaultView‘s data to a stream in TXT format using the specified separator string. |
ExportToText(Stream) | Exports the GridControl.DefaultView‘s data to a stream in TXT format. |
ExportToText(String, TextExportOptions) | Exports the GridControl.DefaultView‘s data to the specified file in Text format using the specified options. |
ExportToText(String, String, Boolean, Encoding) | Obsolete. Exports the GridControl.DefaultView‘s data to a file in TXT format using the specified separator string, quotation and text encoding settings. |
ExportToText(String, String, Boolean) | Obsolete. Exports the GridControl.DefaultView‘s data to a file in TXT format using the specified separator string and quotation settings. |
ExportToText(String, String) | Obsolete. Exports the GridControl.DefaultView‘s data to a file in TXT format using the specified separator string. |
ExportToText(String) | Exports the GridControl.DefaultView‘s data to the specified file in TXT format. |
ExportToTextOld(String) | Obsolete. Exports the GridControl.DefaultView‘s data to the specified file in TXT format. |
ExportToXls(Stream, XlsExportOptions) | Exports the GridControl.DefaultView‘s data to the specified stream in XLS format using the specified options. |
ExportToXls(Stream, Boolean) | Obsolete. Exports the GridControl.DefaultView‘s data to a stream in XLS format with the specified formatting settings. |
ExportToXls(Stream) | Exports the GridControl.DefaultView‘s data to a stream in XLS format |
ExportToXls(String, XlsExportOptions) | Exports the GridControl.DefaultView‘s data to the specified file in XLS format using the specified options. |
ExportToXls(String, Boolean) | Obsolete. Exports the GridControl.DefaultView‘s data to a file in XLS format with the specified formatting settings. |
ExportToXls(String) | Exports the GridControl.DefaultView‘s data to a file in XLS format. |
ExportToXlsx(Stream, XlsxExportOptions) | Exports the GridControl.DefaultView‘s data to the specified stream in XLSX (MS Excel 2007) format using the specified options. |
ExportToXlsx(Stream) | Exports the GridControl.DefaultView‘s data to the specified stream in XLSX (MS Excel 2007) format. |
ExportToXlsx(String, XlsxExportOptions) | Exports the GridControl.DefaultView‘s data to the specified file in XLSX (MS Excel 2007) format using the specified options. |
ExportToXlsx(String) | Exports the GridControl.DefaultView‘s data to the specified file in XLSX (MS Excel 2007) format. |
Focus() | Focuses the Grid Control and current View within it. |
GetHashCode() | Serves as the default hash function. Inherited from Object. |
GetLifetimeService() | Retrieves the current lifetime service object that controls the lifetime policy for this instance. Inherited from MarshalByRefObject. |
GetRow(Int32) | Returns an object representing a row specified by its handle. |
GetService(Type) protected | Returns an object that represents a service provided by the Component or by its Container. Inherited from Component. |
GetType() | Gets the Type of the current instance. Inherited from Object. |
GetViewCaption() | Gets the View’s display caption. |
GetViewInfo() | Returns the object which contains the internal information used to render the View. |
HideEditor() | Hides the currently active editor discarding changes made. |
InitializeLifetimeService() | Obtains a lifetime service object to control the lifetime policy for this instance. Inherited from MarshalByRefObject. |
Invalidate() | Invalidates the region occupied by the current View (adds it to the control’s update region that will be repainted during the next paint operation), and causes a paint message to be sent to the grid control. |
InvalidateHitObject(BaseHitInfo) | Invalidates the View element located at the point specified by the hit information object. |
InvalidateRect(Rectangle) | Invalidates the specified region of a View (adds it to the control’s update region, which will be repainted during the next paint operation), and causes a paint message to be sent to the grid control. |
LayoutChanged() | Updates the current View. |
MemberwiseClone() protected | Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. Inherited from Object. |
MemberwiseClone(Boolean) protected | Creates a shallow copy of the current MarshalByRefObject object. Inherited from MarshalByRefObject. |
NormalView() | Restores View layout after the View has been maximized. |
PopulateColumns() | Creates grid columns/card fields for fields in the View’s bound data source. |
PostEditor() | Saves the modified cell value to the data source. If the GridOptionsView.RowAutoHeight setting is disabled, the currently active cell editor remains opened. |
Print() | Prints the grid control’s GridControl.DefaultView (the GridControl.MainView or the currently maximized detail View) without showing a print preview or print dialog. |
PrintDialog() | Displays the standard Print dialog to print the data displayed in the Grid Control’s GridControl.DefaultView. |
QueryMoreRows() | Sends a request to a data source to load more records in virtual (event-based) server mode. |
ReferenceEquals(Object, Object) static | Determines whether the specified Object instances are the same instance. Inherited from Object. |
RefreshData() | Reloads data into View from the data source. |
ResetCursor() | Sets the mouse cursor to the grid’s Cursor property value. |
RestoreLayoutFromRegistry(String, OptionsLayoutBase) | Restores the View’s layout using the specified settings stored at the specified system registry path. |
RestoreLayoutFromRegistry(String) | Restores a View’s layout stored at the specified system registry path. |
RestoreLayoutFromStream(Stream, OptionsLayoutBase) | Restores the View’s layout using the specified settings which are stored in the specified stream. |
RestoreLayoutFromStream(Stream) | Restores a View’s layout from the specified stream. |
RestoreLayoutFromXml(String, OptionsLayoutBase) | Restores the View’s layout using the specified settings from the specified XML file. |
RestoreLayoutFromXml(String) | Restores a View’s layout from a specific XML file. |
SaveLayoutToRegistry(String, OptionsLayoutBase) | Saves the View’s layout using the specified settings to the specified system registry path. |
SaveLayoutToRegistry(String) | Saves a View’s layout to a system registry path. |
SaveLayoutToStream(Stream, OptionsLayoutBase) | Saves the View’s layout using the specified settings to the specified stream. |
SaveLayoutToStream(Stream) | Saves a View’s layout to a specific stream. |
SaveLayoutToXml(String, OptionsLayoutBase) | Saves the View’s layout using the specified settings to the specified XML file. |
SaveLayoutToXml(String) | Saves a View’s layout to a specific XML file. |
ShowEditor() | Activates the focused cell’s editor. |
ShowEditorByKey(KeyEventArgs) | Activates an editor for the focused row cell and passes a specific key to it. |
ShowEditorByKeyPress(KeyPressEventArgs) | Activates an editor for the focused row cell and passes a specific key to it. |
ShowEditorByMouse(DXMouseEventArgs) | Activates an editor for the focused row cell and passes a mouse click to it. |
ShowPrintPreview() | Opens the Print Preview window with a Bars UI. |
ShowRibbonPrintPreview() | Displays the Print Preview window with a Ribbon UI. |
Synchronize(BaseView, SynchronizationMode) | Copies the specified settings of a View to the current View. |
Synchronize(BaseView) | Copies the visual and data representation settings of a specific View to the current View. |
SynchronizeData(BaseView) | Synchronizes the data representation settings of the current view with a another View object. |
SynchronizeVisual(BaseView) | Synchronizes the visual representation settings of the current view with a specific View object. |
ToString() | Returns a String containing the name of the Component, if any. This method should not be overridden. Inherited from Component. |
UpdateCurrentRow() | Validates the currently focused row’s value/data. |
ValidateEditor() | Validates the active editor. |
ZoomView() | Maximizes the current detail View. |
See Also