ILinksHolder Members
Declares methods that are common to objects displaying bar item links.Properties
Name | Description |
ActualLinks | Returns the links currently displayed by the link container. |
CustomItemsGlyphSize | Gets or sets the size of the glyph for the bar items within the current ILinksHolder implementation. This property affects the glyph size if the bar item’s GlyphSize property is set to Custom. |
CustomizedItems | This property supports the internal infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code. |
Focusable | Gets or sets a value that indicates whether focus can be set to this element. Inherited from IInputElement. |
HolderType | Gets the type of the parent object displaying bar item links. |
ImmediateActionsManager | This member supports the internal infrastructure, and is not intended to be used directly from your code. |
IsEnabled | Gets a value that indicates whether this element is enabled in the user interface (UI). Inherited from IInputElement. |
IsKeyboardFocused | Gets a value that indicates whether this element has keyboard focus. Inherited from IInputElement. |
IsKeyboardFocusWithin | Gets a value that indicates whether keyboard focus is anywhere inside the element bounds, including if keyboard focus is inside the bounds of any visual child elements. Inherited from IInputElement. |
IsMouseCaptured | Gets a value that indicates whether the mouse is captured to this element. Inherited from IInputElement. |
IsMouseDirectlyOver | Gets a value that indicates whether the mouse pointer is over this element in the strictest hit testing sense. Inherited from IInputElement. |
IsMouseOver | Gets a value that indicates whether the mouse pointer is located over this element (including visual children elements that are inside its bounds). Inherited from IInputElement. |
IsStylusCaptured | Gets a value that indicates whether the stylus is captured to this element. Inherited from IInputElement. |
IsStylusDirectlyOver | Gets a value that indicates whether the stylus is over this element in the strictest hit testing sense. Inherited from IInputElement. |
IsStylusOver | Gets a value that indicates whether the stylus is located over this element (or over visual child elements that are inside its bounds). Inherited from IInputElement. |
Items | Provides access to BarItems displayed within the parent container, derived from the ILinksHolder interface. |
ItemsGlyphSize | Gets the size of images used by bar item links owned by the current object. |
ItemsSource | Gets a collection of objects providing information to generate and initialize BarItemLinks for the ILinksHolder interface. |
Links | Gets the collection of links owned by the current object. |
MergedChildren | Gets the links that have been merged with the current container. |
MergedParent | Gets a parent link container with which the current child link container has been merged. |
ShowDescription | Gets or sets whether descriptions are displayed for links owned by the current container. |
Name | Description |
AddHandler(RoutedEvent, Delegate) | Adds a routed event handler for a specific routed event to an element. Inherited from IInputElement. |
CaptureMouse() | Attempts to force capture of the mouse to this element. Inherited from IInputElement. |
CaptureStylus() | Attempts to force capture of the stylus to this element. Inherited from IInputElement. |
Focus() | Attempts to focus the keyboard on this element. Inherited from IInputElement. |
GetDefaultItemsGlyphSize(LinkContainerType) | Gets the default size of items’ glyphs when the items are displayed in a container of the specified type. |
GetLogicalChildrenEnumerator() | Gets an enumerator used to iterate through bar item links. |
Merge(ILinksHolder) | Adds the visible links from the specified link container onto the current link container. |
OnLinkAdded(BarItemLinkBase) | This method is called before a bar item link is added to the current link holder. |
OnLinkRemoved(BarItemLinkBase) | This method is called before a bar item link is removed from the current link holder. |
RaiseEvent(RoutedEventArgs) | Raises the routed event that is specified by the RoutedEvent property within the provided RoutedEventArgs. Inherited from IInputElement. |
ReleaseMouseCapture() | Releases the mouse capture, if this element holds the capture. Inherited from IInputElement. |
ReleaseStylusCapture() | Releases the stylus capture, if this element holds the capture. Inherited from IInputElement. |
RemoveHandler(RoutedEvent, Delegate) | Removes all instances of the specified routed event handler from this element. Inherited from IInputElement. |
UnMerge() | Removes the links of other link containers from the current link container. This method is in effect when other link containers have been merged with the current container. |
UnMerge(ILinksHolder) | Removes the links of the specified link container from the current link container. This method is in effect when the specified link container has been merged with the current container. |
Name | Description |
ActualLinksChanged | Occurs whenever the ILinksHolder.ActualLinks collection for this holder changes. |
GotKeyboardFocus | Occurs when the keyboard is focused on this element. Inherited from IInputElement. |
GotMouseCapture | Occurs when the element captures the mouse. Inherited from IInputElement. |
GotStylusCapture | Occurs when the element captures the stylus. Inherited from IInputElement. |
KeyDown | Occurs when a key is pressed while the keyboard is focused on this element. Inherited from IInputElement. |
KeyUp | Occurs when a key is released while the keyboard is focused on this element. Inherited from IInputElement. |
LostKeyboardFocus | Occurs when the keyboard is no longer focused on this element. Inherited from IInputElement. |
LostMouseCapture | Occurs when this element loses mouse capture. Inherited from IInputElement. |
LostStylusCapture | Occurs when this element loses stylus capture. Inherited from IInputElement. |
MouseEnter | Occurs when the mouse pointer enters the bounds of this element. Inherited from IInputElement. |
MouseLeave | Occurs when the mouse pointer leaves the bounds of this element. Inherited from IInputElement. |
MouseLeftButtonDown | Occurs when the left mouse button is pressed while the mouse pointer is over the element. Inherited from IInputElement. |
MouseLeftButtonUp | Occurs when the left mouse button is released while the mouse pointer is over the element. Inherited from IInputElement. |
MouseMove | Occurs when the mouse pointer moves while the mouse pointer is over the element. Inherited from IInputElement. |
MouseRightButtonDown | Occurs when the right mouse button is pressed while the mouse pointer is over the element. Inherited from IInputElement. |
MouseRightButtonUp | Occurs when the right mouse button is released while the mouse pointer is over the element. Inherited from IInputElement. |
MouseWheel | Occurs when the mouse wheel moves while the mouse pointer is over this element. Inherited from IInputElement. |
PreviewGotKeyboardFocus | Occurs when the keyboard is focused on this element. Inherited from IInputElement. |
PreviewKeyDown | Occurs when a key is pressed while the keyboard is focused on this element. Inherited from IInputElement. |
PreviewKeyUp | Occurs when a key is released while the keyboard is focused on this element. Inherited from IInputElement. |
PreviewLostKeyboardFocus | Occurs when the keyboard is no longer focused on this element. Inherited from IInputElement. |
PreviewMouseLeftButtonDown | Occurs when the left mouse button is pressed while the mouse pointer is over the element. Inherited from IInputElement. |
PreviewMouseLeftButtonUp | Occurs when the left mouse button is released while the mouse pointer is over the element. Inherited from IInputElement. |
PreviewMouseMove | Occurs when the mouse pointer moves while the mouse pointer is over the element. Inherited from IInputElement. |
PreviewMouseRightButtonDown | Occurs when the right mouse button is pressed while the mouse pointer is over the element. Inherited from IInputElement. |
PreviewMouseRightButtonUp | Occurs when the right mouse button is released while the mouse pointer is over the element. Inherited from IInputElement. |
PreviewMouseWheel | Occurs when the mouse wheel moves while the mouse pointer is over this element. Inherited from IInputElement. |
PreviewStylusButtonDown | Occurs when the stylus button is pressed down while the stylus is over this element. Inherited from IInputElement. |
PreviewStylusButtonUp | Occurs when the stylus button is released while the stylus is over this element. Inherited from IInputElement. |
PreviewStylusDown | Occurs when the stylus touches the digitizer while over this element. Inherited from IInputElement. |
PreviewStylusInAirMove | Occurs when the stylus moves over an element, but without touching the digitizer. Inherited from IInputElement. |
PreviewStylusInRange | Occurs when the stylus is close enough to the digitizer to be detected. Inherited from IInputElement. |
PreviewStylusMove | Occurs when the stylus moves while the stylus is over the element. Inherited from IInputElement. |
PreviewStylusOutOfRange | Occurs when the stylus is too far from the digitizer to be detected. Inherited from IInputElement. |
PreviewStylusSystemGesture | Occurs when one of several stylus gestures are detected, for example, Tap or Drag. Inherited from IInputElement. |
PreviewStylusUp | Occurs when the stylus is raised off the digitizer while over this element. Inherited from IInputElement. |
PreviewTextInput | Occurs when this element gets text in a device-independent manner. Inherited from IInputElement. |
StylusButtonDown | Occurs when the stylus button is pressed while the stylus is over this element. Inherited from IInputElement. |
StylusButtonUp | Occurs when the stylus button is released while the stylus is over this element. Inherited from IInputElement. |
StylusDown | Occurs when the stylus touches the digitizer while over this element. Inherited from IInputElement. |
StylusEnter | Occurs when the stylus cursor enters the bounds of the element. Inherited from IInputElement. |
StylusInAirMove | Occurs when the stylus moves over an element, but without touching the digitizer. Inherited from IInputElement. |
StylusInRange | Occurs when the stylus is close enough to the digitizer to be detected. Inherited from IInputElement. |
StylusLeave | Occurs when the stylus cursor leaves the bounds of the element. Inherited from IInputElement. |
StylusMove | Occurs when the stylus cursor moves over the element. Inherited from IInputElement. |
StylusOutOfRange | Occurs when the stylus is too far from the digitizer to be detected. Inherited from IInputElement. |
StylusSystemGesture | Occurs when one of several stylus gestures are detected, for example, Tap or Drag. Inherited from IInputElement. |
StylusUp | Occurs when the stylus is raised off the digitizer while over this element. Inherited from IInputElement. |
TextInput | Occurs when this element gets text in a device-independent manner. Inherited from IInputElement. |
See Also