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TdxSpreadSheetFormulaController Methods

A formula expression manager employed by the Spreadsheet and Report Designer controls.
Name Description
Add(Pointer) Inherited from TList.
AddArrayFormula(TdxSpreadSheetCustomFormula) Inherited from TdxSpreadSheetCustomFormulaController.
Assign(TList,TListAssignOp,TList) Inherited from TList.
Calculate Calculates all formula expressions in the opened spreadsheet document.
Clear Clears the list. Inherited from TcxObjectList.
Delete(Integer) Inherited from TList.
EnumArrayFormulas(TObject,TdxSpreadSheetEnumFormulasFunc) Inherited from TdxSpreadSheetCustomFormulaController.
Equals(TObject) Inherited from TObject.
Error(PResStringRec,NativeInt) Inherited from TList.
Error(String,NativeInt) Inherited from TList.
Exchange(Integer,Integer) Inherited from TList.
Expand Inherited from TList.
Extract(Pointer) Inherited from TList.
ExtractItem(Pointer,TDirection) Inherited from TList.
First Inherited from TList.
FreeAndDelete(Integer) Destroys a stored item by its index in the list. Inherited from TcxObjectList.
FreeAndRemove(TObject) Removes the specified item from the list and destroys it. Inherited from TcxObjectList.
GetHashCode Inherited from TObject.
IndexOf(Pointer) Inherited from TList.
IndexOfItem(Pointer,TDirection) Inherited from TList.
Insert(Integer,Pointer) Inherited from TList.
Last Inherited from TList.
Move(Integer,Integer) Inherited from TList.
Pack Inherited from TList.
Remove(TdxSpreadSheetCustomFormula) Inherited from TdxSpreadSheetCustomFormulaController.
Remove(Pointer) Inherited from TList.
RemoveItem(Pointer,TDirection) Inherited from TList.
Sort(TListSortCompare) Inherited from TList.
SortList(TListSortCompareFunc) Inherited from TList.
ToString Inherited from TObject.
UpdateAnchorsAndBounds Inherited from TdxSpreadSheetCustomFormulaController.
UpdateReferences(TdxSpreadSheetTableView,TRect,TPoint,TdxSpreadSheetFormulaUpdateReferencesMode) Updates cell references for one or more parsed formula expressions.
See Also