TdxSpreadSheetCustomFormulaController Class
The base class for all classes that implement formula expression controllers in DevExpress products.
TdxSpreadSheetCustomFormulaController = class abstract(TcxObjectList, IcxFormatControllerListener, IdxLocalizerListener, IInterface)
The TdxSpreadSheetCustomFormulaController class extends its ancestor with properties allowing you to:
Force formula recalculation and reference updates (Calculate);
Identify whether the formula recalculation process is currently running (CalculationInProcess);
Customize formula token format settings (FormatSettings);
Get zero-based indexed access to all parsed formula expressions within the worksheet or Grid View of their actual location (Items);
Access the list of parsed array formula expressions (ArrayFormulas);
Obtain a circular reference used in recursive calculations (CircularReferencePaths and CircularReferencePathsAsString).
The following properties reference a TdxSpreadSheetCustomFormulaController class instance:
The parsed formula expression‘s Controller property;
The Spreadsheet/Report Designer control’s FormulaController property (as a TdxSpreadSheetFormulaController object);
The FormulaController property of the conditional formatting provider associated with a data controller.