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TdxSpreadSheetContainers Members

A collection of floating containers on a single worksheet.


Name Description
Create Inherited from TObjectList<T>.
Create(Boolean) Inherited from TObjectList<T>.
Create(TdxSpreadSheetCustomView) Initializes a new instance of the TdxSpreadSheetContainers class with specified settings.
Create(IComparer<T>,Boolean) Inherited from TObjectList<T>.
Create(IComparer<T>) Inherited from TList<T>.
Create(T[]) Inherited from TList<T>.
Create(TEnumerable<T>,Boolean) Inherited from TObjectList<T>.
Create(TEnumerable<T>) Inherited from TList<T>.


Name Description
Capacity Inherited from TList<T>.
Comparer Inherited from TList<T>.
Count Inherited from TList<T>.
Items Inherited from TList<T>.
List Inherited from TList<T>.
Owner Returns the worksheet to which the container collection belongs.
OwnsObjects Inherited from TObjectList<T>.
PList Inherited from TList<T>.


Name Description
Add(TdxSpreadSheetContainerClass,Untyped) Creates a new floating container object within the worksheet.
Add(T) Inherited from TList<T>.
AddCommentContainer(TdxSpreadSheetCell,Untyped) Creates a new floating comment container attached to the specified cell object.
AddRange(IEnumerable<T>) Inherited from TList<T>.
AddRange(T[]) Inherited from TList<T>.
AddRange(TEnumerable<T>) Inherited from TList<T>.
BinarySearch(T,Integer,IComparer<T>,Integer,Integer) Inherited from TList<T>.
BinarySearch(T,Integer,IComparer<T>) Inherited from TList<T>.
BinarySearch(T,Integer) Inherited from TList<T>.
Clear Inherited from TList<T>.
Contains(T) Inherited from TList<T>.
Delete(Integer) Inherited from TList<T>.
DeleteRange(Integer,Integer) Inherited from TList<T>.
EnumCommentContainers(TRect,TdxSpreadSheetContainerEnumProc) Performs the required actions on all comment containers in the current collection.
Equals(TObject) Inherited from TObject.
Error(PResStringRec,NativeInt) Inherited from TList<T>.
Error(String,NativeInt) Inherited from TList<T>.
Exchange(Integer,Integer) Inherited from TList<T>.
Expand Inherited from TList<T>.
Extract(T) Inherited from TList<T>.
ExtractAt(Integer) Inherited from TList<T>.
ExtractItem(T,TDirection) Inherited from TList<T>.
FindByName(string,TdxSpreadSheetContainer) Returns a stored floating container by the specified name.
FindCommentContainer(Integer,Integer,Untyped) Returns a comment container by its specified cell object.
FindNextCommentContainer(Integer,Integer,Untyped,Boolean) Returns a comment container located either before or after the specified cell on a Table View worksheet.
First Inherited from TList<T>.
GetFirstVisibleContainer Returns a visible floating container object with the lowest Index property value.
GetHashCode Inherited from TObject.
GetLastVisibleContainer Returns a visible floating container object with the largest Index property value.
GetNextVisibleContainer(TdxSpreadSheetContainer) Returns the next visible floating container object within the collection.
GetPrevVisibleContainer(TdxSpreadSheetContainer) Returns the previous visible floating container object within the collection.
IndexOf(T) Inherited from TList<T>.
IndexOfItem(T,TDirection) Inherited from TList<T>.
Insert(Integer,T) Inherited from TList<T>.
InsertRange(Integer,IEnumerable<T>) Inherited from TList<T>.
InsertRange(Integer,T[],Integer) Inherited from TList<T>.
InsertRange(Integer,T[]) Inherited from TList<T>.
InsertRange(Integer,TEnumerable<T>) Inherited from TList<T>.
IsCellUsed(TdxSpreadSheetCell) Returns a value indicating whether the specified cell object is used as an anchor cell by at least one floating container object within the collection.
Last Inherited from TList<T>.
LastIndexOf(T) Inherited from TList<T>.
Move(Integer,Integer) Inherited from TList<T>.
Pack Inherited from TList<T>.
Pack(TEmptyFunc) Inherited from TList<T>.
Remove(T) Inherited from TList<T>.
RemoveItem(T,TDirection) Inherited from TList<T>.
Reverse Inherited from TList<T>.
Sort Inherited from TList<T>.
Sort(IComparer<T>,Integer,Integer) Inherited from TList<T>.
Sort(IComparer<T>) Inherited from TList<T>.
ToArray Inherited from TEnumerable<T>.
ToString Inherited from TObject.
TrimExcess Inherited from TList<T>.


Name Description
OnNotify Inherited from TList<T>.
See Also