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TdxSpreadSheetContainers.FindNextCommentContainer(Integer,Integer,Untyped,Boolean) Method

Returns a comment container located either before or after the specified cell on a Table View worksheet.


function FindNextCommentContainer(ARow: Integer; AColumn: Integer; out AContainer; AGoForward: Boolean = True): Boolean; overload;


Name Type
ARow Integer
AColumn Integer
AGoForward Boolean




Call this function to find a comment container located either to the right of (and/or below)/to the left of (and/or above) the cell object passed as the ACell parameter. If a comment is found, the FindNextCommentContainer function returns True and passes a TdxSpreadSheetCommentContainer object as the AContainer parameter. Otherwise, the function returns False and a variable passed as the AContainer parameter retains its value.

The optional AGoForward parameter specifies if the FindNextCommentContainer searches the next (i.e., located to the right and/or below) or previous (i.e., located to the left and/or above) comment container.

The AGoForward Parameter Value Search Directions

For instance, if the AGoForward parameter value is True, the FindNextCommentContainer function is searching the comment container (commented cell object) to the right of the specified cell. Then, if there are no commented cells within the same row, the FindNextCommentContainer function checks the next row in the same manner.

The overloaded variant allows you to specify the row and column indexes of an initial cell instead of a cell object as the ARow and AColumn parameters, respectively.


The FindNextCommentContainer function is called every time the TdxSpreadSheetNextComment or TdxSpreadSheetPreviousComment action objects are executed.

See Also