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TdxSpreadSheetContainers.EnumCommentContainers(TRect,TdxSpreadSheetContainerEnumProc) Method

Performs the required actions on all comment containers in the current collection.


procedure EnumCommentContainers(const AArea: TRect; AProc: TdxSpreadSheetContainerEnumProc); overload;


Name Type
AArea TRect
AProc TdxSpreadSheetContainerEnumProc


The EnumCommentContainers procedure provides a convenient way to apply a uniform set of actions to all comment containers in a Table View worksheet. For instance, you can add a specific text string to all cell comments.

The AProc parameter specifies the TdxSpreadSheetContainerEnumProc anonymous function whose AContainer parameter is used to address each comment container in either the entire current worksheet or its specific area passed as the AArea parameter in the overloaded variant.


To access and modify only a specific comment container in the current collection, use the FindCommentContainer and FindNextCommentContainer functions.

See Also