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TdxCustomFormattedLabelProperties Class

The base class for all classes that implement formatted label settings.


TdxCustomFormattedLabelProperties = class(


A formatted label is a simple control designed to display a short static description with support for BBCode-inspired markup tags.

VCL Editors Library: The Formatted Text Editor

Main API Members

The list below outlines key members of the TdxCustomFormattedLabelProperties class. These members allow you to configure the formatted label.

Appearance Options

Specifies content alignment.
Specifies hyperlink color.
Specifies if the formatted label displays an ellipsis if content does not fit into the label’s dimensions.

User Interaction APIs

Provides access to UI Automation and accessibility settings.
Allows you to respond to a click on a hyperlink or prevent hyperlink activation.
OnHyperlinkMouseEnter | OnHyperlinkMouseLeave
Allow you to track mouse pointer movement between hyperlinks in label content.
Allows you to customize hyperlink hints.
Specifies if hyperlink hints are enabled.

General-Purpose API Members

AssignedValues | RestoreDefaults
Allow you to track the state of individual editor-specific settings and reset them.
BeginUpdate | EndUpdate | LockUpdate | DoUpdate | Update | Changed | ChangedLocked | DataChanged
Allow you to manage editor updates and avoid excessive redraw operations during batch editor setting changes.

Terminal TdxCustomFormattedLabelProperties Class Descendant

Do not use the TdxCustomFormattedLabelProperties class directly. Use the TdxFormattedLabelProperties class instead.

See Also