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TdxCloudStorage.OnItemMovedToTrash Event

Notifies that an online resource is successfully moved to the “Trash” special folder within the connected cloud file storage.


property OnItemMovedToTrash: TItemChangedEvent read; write;


This event occurs every time a cloud storage metadata container‘s MoveToTrash procedure call successfully moves the corresponding file or folder to the “Trash” folder within the cloud file storage. If an attempt to move a file or folder to “Trash” results in an error, the OnError event occurs instead.

For instance, you can handle the OnItemMovedToTrash event to refresh the file storage structure displayed in your application’s UI to reflect the changes when certain files or folders are moved to the “Trash” special folder. Refer to the TItemChangedEvent nested type description for details on parameters accessible within an OnItemMovedToTrash event handler.


An attempt to move the cloud storage root or any special folder to “Trash” raises an exception rather than the OnError event.

See Also