TdxCloudStorage Class
A cloud storage component.
TdxCloudStorage = class(
The cloud storage is a non-visual component designed to access, modify, and manage files stored on cloud file storage servers. The component uses a cloud data provider and an associated compatible authorization agent to interact with the corresponding online file storage service on behalf of a user.
The TdxCloudStorage class has the following members that allow you to:
Access registered cloud storage data providers (RegisteredProviders).
Set a registered data provider as active (ProviderClassName and ProviderClass).
Access the active data provider and associate it with the corresponding authorization agent (Provider).
Obtain information on any occurring file operation errors (OnError).
Manage the connection to a file storage account (Connected).
Track authorization session status changes (OnConnectedChanged).
Access and manage stored online resources (Files).
Manage cloud storage folders (CreateFolder(TdxCloudStorageFolder,string), CreateFolder(string), and DeleteFolder(TdxCloudStorageFolder)).
Download files and receive downloaded content (DownloadFile and OnItemDownloaded).
Upload new and update existing files (UploadFile).
Manage access permissions (FetchPermissions, CreateSharedLink, DeletePermission, and InviteUsers).
Track the start and successful finish of content structure synchronization between the cloud storage component and the connected cloud storage service’s server (OnTreeDataLoading and OnTreeDataLoaded).
Track added and revoked access permissions (OnItemPermissionCreated and OnItemPermissionDeleted).
Refresh displayed lists of access permissions for individual files and folders (OnItemPermissionsLoaded).
Track the start and successful finish of data synchronization between your application and the connected server (OnFileContentUploading, OnFileContentUploaded, OnItemDownloading, OnItemDownloaded, OnItemUploading, and OnItemUploaded).
Track the ongoing progress of data synchronization (OnFileContentUpload, OnItemDownload, and OnItemUpload).
Track successful file operations on the connected server (OnFolderCreated, OnItemCopied, OnItemDeleted, OnItemMoved, OnItemMovedToTrash, and OnItemRestoredFromTrash).
Refer to the following topic for information on how to select and configure an authorization agent: Authorization Agents and Data Providers.