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DevExpress v24.2 Update — Your Feedback Matters

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TdxCloudStorageRoot Class

A metadata container corresponding to the root of the cloud file storage in the connected account.


TdxCloudStorageRoot = class(


“Root” is a special folder that includes all the content hierarchically stored in a cloud service storage account, and therefore, cannot be copied, moved, or deleted.

The TdxCloudStorageRoot class has the following members that allow you to:

  • Identify if the root folder includes the content structure loaded from the connected server (IsLoaded);

  • Populate the first nesting level of the content structure (FetchChildren);

  • Identify whether the file storage is empty (IsLoaded and HasChildren);

  • Access all stored files and folders (Children);

  • Identify if a specific file or folder is stored at the first nesting level (IndexOf);

  • Create a new empty folder (CreateFolder);

  • Upload a local file as a new online resource (UploadFile).

The cloud storage component’s Files.Root property references a TdxCloudStorageRoot object. The “Root” folder is accessible only if the cloud storage is connected to an online account.

See Also