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TdxCloudStorage.OnItemDownloading Event

Enables you to perform specific actions in response to downloading a file from the connected online storage’s server.


property OnItemDownloading: TItemDownloadingEvent read; write;


The OnItemDownloading and OnItemDownloaded events occur at the start and successful finish of a file download process, respectively. If an attempt to download a file results in an error, the OnError event occurs after OnItemDownloading.

You can handle this event to mark the visual representation of the currently downloaded file in your application’s UI, indicating the file’s status, and optionally, obtain the file’s total size (in bytes) if an online storage’s server provides this information. Refer to the TItemDownloadingEvent nested type description for details on all parameters accessible within an OnItemDownloading event handler.


Handle the OnItemDownload and OnItemDownloaded events to track the progress of the download process and obtain/save a successfully downloaded file.

See Also