TdxCloudStorageFiles Class
The base class for all classes that implement cloud file storage managers.
TdxCloudStorageFiles = class abstract(TObject)
This abstract class implements the core functionality required by all cloud service-specific file storage managers, such as the special folder list and the capability to populate it from the connected cloud storage server.
The TdxCloudStorageFiles class provides the following members that allow you to:
Load the full content structure from the connected cloud storage’s server to the root and special folders (FetchAll);
Access the storage’s content structure (Root);
Search specific resources within the loaded content structure (FindByID);
Access the content structure of all available special folders (SpecialFolders and Trash).
TdxCloudStorageFiles is an abstract class. Use the TdxCloudStorageGoogleDriveFiles and TdxCloudStorageMicrosoftOneDriveFiles classes instead.