TdxCloudStorage.OnTreeDataLoading Event
Enables you to perform specific actions in response to downloading a cloud folder‘s content structure from the connected cloud file storage’s server.
property OnTreeDataLoading: TFolderChangeEvent read; write;
The OnTreeDataLoading and OnTreeDataLoaded events occur at the start and successful finish of populating or updating the content structure of a folder accessible via the Files property. If an attempt to populate or update a folder results in an error, the OnError event occurs instead of OnTreeDataLoaded. Call the Files.FetchAll procedure or a cloud folder metadata container’s FetchChildren procedure to start populating or updating the entire cloud file structure representation or only a specific folder, respectively. If the cloud storage component has retrieved or updated the entire content structure, an OnTreeDataLoading event handler receives nil instead of a specific folder metadata container as the AFolder parameter.
For instance, you can handle this event to mark the visual representation of the target folder in your application’s UI, indicating that the folder is currently being populated or updated. Refer to the TFolderChangeEvent nested type description for details on all parameters accessible within an OnTreeDataLoading event handler.
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