TdxCloudStorageItem Class
The base class for all classes that implement metadata containers corresponding to individual resources (such as folders and files) stored on a connected online cloud storage’s server.
TdxCloudStorageItem = class abstract(TObject)
This abstract class implements the core functionality required by all metadata containers that represent the files, ordinary and special folders within the connected cloud storage. You can use these containers to obtain information on the corresponding online resources and perform file operations (such as copy, delete, or move) on those resources that support them.
The TdxCloudStorageItem class provides the following members that allow you to:
Identify the online resource’s name and identifier on a server (Name and ID).
Obtain the resource’s create and last modification date (CreatedDate and ModifiedDate).
Identify whether the stored online resource is a folder or file (IsFolder).
Identify the resource’s MIME content type (MIMEType).
Identify if the resource is within a special folder (Shared and Trashed).
Manage access permissions (Permissions).
Copy, move, or delete the resource if it supports the required operation (CopyTo, Delete, MoveTo, MoveToTrash, or RestoreFromTrash).
Access the list of folders to which the resource belongs (Parents).
TdxCloudStorageItem is an abstract class. Use the TdxCloudStorageFile, TdxCloudStorageFolder, TdxCloudStorageSpecialFolder, and TdxCloudStorageRoot classes instead.