TdxCustomAuthorizationAgent Class
The base class for all classes that implement components that authorize DevExpress products in online accounts.
TdxCustomAuthorizationAgent = class abstract(TComponent)
This class implements the functionality common to all authorization agent components, such as account connection management and the capability to obtain authentication and authorization errors. The TdxCustomAuthorizationAgent class provides the following members that allow you to:
Specify how your application identifies itself to an online account (UserAgent).
Manage the authorization session (StartAuthorization, FinishAuthorization, and RestartAuthorization).
Identify if the agent is authorized in an online account (IsAuthorized).
Obtain information on an error occurring on authentication or authorization (OnError).
Respond to the authorization session initiation and termination (OnStartAuthorization and OnFinishAuthorization).
You do not need to create instances of the TdxCustomAuthorizationAgent class. Use its descendants instead.