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TdxChartSeriesValueLabelAppearance Properties

Stores series value label appearance settings.
Name Description
Border Specifies if the visual element displays a border. Inherited from TdxChartVisualElementAppearance.
BorderColor Specifies label border color. Inherited from TdxChartCustomLabelsAppearance.
BorderThickness Specifies visual element border thickness, in pixels. Inherited from TdxChartVisualElementAppearance.
FillOptions Provides access to visual element background fill settings. Inherited from TdxChartVisualElementAppearance.
FontOptions Provides access to font settings of a chart label. Inherited from TdxChartCustomLabelsAppearance.
LineOptions Provides access to the appearance settings of lines that connect labels to the corresponding series values.
Margins protected Specifies visual element margins, in pixels. Inherited from TdxChartVisualElementAppearance.
Owner protected Provides access to the persistent object to which the current property set or persistent information container belongs. Inherited from TcxOwnedPersistent.
Padding Specifies visual element paddings, in pixels. Inherited from TdxChartVisualElementAppearance.
ParentBackground protected Specifies if the visual element uses background fill settings of its parent. Inherited from TdxChartVisualElementAppearance.
StrokeOptions protected Provides access to visual element outline settings. Inherited from TdxChartVisualElementAppearance.
TextColor Specifies label text color. Inherited from TdxChartCustomLabelsAppearance.
See Also