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TdxChartSeriesPoints Methods

A series point collection.
Name Description
Add(Double,Double) Adds a new series point with the specified numeric argument and value.
Add(Double) Adds a new series point with the specified value and the point’s index as an argument.
Add(string,Double) Adds a new series point with the specified argument and value.
Add(Variant,Variant,string,string) Adds a new series point with the specified argument, value, and the corresponding custom display text strings.
Clear Clears the series point collection.
Delete(Integer,Integer) Deletes one or more series points starting from the specified position.
Equals(TObject) Inherited from TObject.
GetHashCode Inherited from TObject.
Insert(Integer,Variant,Variant,string,string) Inserts a series point at the specified position in the collection.
ToString Inherited from TObject.
See Also