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Create(TPersistent,TMouseButton,TdxModifierKeys) Constructor

Initializes a new instance of the TdxChartMouseAction class with specified settings.


constructor Create(AOwner: TPersistent; AMouseButton: TMouseButton; AModifierKeys: TdxModifierKeys); reintroduce;


Name Type Description
AOwner TPersistent

The Chart property set to which the created mouse action settings belong.

AMouseButton TMouseButton

The mouse button that executes the mouse action. This parameter initializes the MouseButton property.

AModifierKeys TdxModifierKeys

The set of modifier keys required to execute the mouse action in addition to the mouse button. This parameter initializes the ModifierKeys property.



Do not call this constructor in your code. The Chart control automatically creates TdxChartMouseAction class instances for its settings that define user interaction with diagrams.

See Also