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TdxChartDiagramLegend Properties

Stores settings of the legend pane displayed in a diagram.
Name Description
AlignmentHorz Specifies legend pane position within the Chart control or diagram area. Inherited from TdxChartCustomLegend.
AlignmentVert Specifies vertical legend pane position within the Chart control or diagram area. Inherited from TdxChartCustomLegend.
Appearance Provides access to general legend pane appearance settings. Inherited from TdxChartCustomLegend.
Diagram Provides access to the diagram to which the legend pane belongs.
Direction Specifies the legend pane layout and the order of items in it. Inherited from TdxChartCustomLegend.
MaxCaptionWidth Specifies the maximum caption width (in pixels) in multi-column and narrow vertical legend pane layouts. Inherited from TdxChartCustomLegend.
MaxHeightPercent Specifies the maximum height, as a percentage of the parent diagram or Chart control height. Inherited from TdxChartCustomLegend.
MaxWidthPercent Specifies the maximum legend pane width, as a percentage of the parent diagram or Chart control width. Inherited from TdxChartCustomLegend.
Owner protected Provides access to the persistent object to which the current property set or persistent information container belongs. Inherited from TcxOwnedPersistent.
ShowCaptions Specifies if legend item captions are visible. Inherited from TdxChartCustomLegend.
ShowCheckBoxes Specifies if legend item check boxes are visible. Inherited from TdxChartCustomLegend.
ShowImages Specifies if legend item glyphs are visible. Inherited from TdxChartCustomLegend.
Title Specifies the legend pane title, and its position and appearance. Inherited from TdxChartCustomLegend.
Visible Specifies if the Chart displays the visual element. Inherited from TdxChartVisualElementPersistent.
See Also