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TdxChartHotTrackElementEvent Type

The procedural type for chart element hot-track events.


TdxChartHotTrackElementEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; const AArgs: TdxChartHotTrackElementEventArgs) of object;


Name Type Description
Sender TObject

Provides access to the Chart control that raised the current visual element hot-track event.

Cast the Sender parameter value to the TdxChartControl class to access all public API members.

AArgs TdxChartHotTrackElementEventArgs

Provides access to both current and previous hot-tracked visual elements and related HitTest information.


A chart element hot-track event occurs when the mouse pointer crosses a border of a visual element within the Chart control client area. You can handle this event to respond to mouse pointer movement between visual chart elements.

For example, you can change the appearance of certain hot-track elements to complement hints and tooltips in the Chart control. Refer to the TdxCustomChartControl.OnHotTrackElement event description for a code example.

Event Parameters

The AArgs parameter allows you to identify and access both current and previous hot-tracked visual elements. You can use AArgs.HitTest and AArgs.PreviousHitTest parameters to obtain corresponding HitTest information.

Refer to the TdxChartHotTrackElementEventArgs class description for detailed information on all available options.

TdxChartHotTrackElementEvent Type References

The Chart control’s OnHotTrackElement event references the TdxChartHotTrackElementEvent procedural type.

See Also