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DevExpress v24.2 Update — Your Feedback Matters

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TdxCustomChartControl.HitTest Property

Provides access to HitTest information on the inspected point within the Chart control client area.


property HitTest: TdxChartHitTest read;

#Property Value

Type Description

Stores HitTest information on the inspected point within the Chart control client area.


You can use HitTest.Point and HitTest.HitCode properties to obtain the inspected point’s position within the Chart control area and identify the type of the visual element to which the inspected point belongs.

VCL Chart Control: Inspected Point Coordinates and Visual Chart Elements

Refer to the TdxChartHitTest class description for detailed information on available options.

#Chart HitTest Information Updates

HitTest information accessible through the HitTest property updates every time when:

In addition, HitTest.Argument and HitTest.Value property values change to corresponding coordinates in axis measurement units if the inspected point is within the plot area of an XY diagram.

See Also