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TdxCustomChartControl.AddDiagram<T>(string) Method

Creates a new diagram with the specified title in Delphi code.


function AddDiagram<T: TdxChartCustomDiagram>(const ACaption: string = ''): T; overload;


Name Type Description
ACaption string

Optional. Specifies the created diagram’s title.


Type Description

The created diagram.


The AddDiagram function template allows you to create diagrams of any supported type in Delphi code. To create a diagram, you need to instantiate the template with the required diagram class from the following list:


A diagram designed to display series using the axis of arguments (X-axis) and the axis of values (Y-axis). An XY diagram can plot Area, Bar, and Line series.

VCL Chart Control: An XY Diagram Example with Area, Bar, and Line Series


A diagram intended to plot Pie and Doughnut series.

VCL Chart Control: A Simple Diagram Example with Doughnut Series

You can use the Diagrams or VisibleDiagrams property to access all created diagrams by their indexes.

C++Builder Limitations

An AddDiagram function call raises a linker error in a C++Builder project due to Embarcadero RAD Studio® compiler and linker limitations.

To create a diagram, call the corresponding diagram class constructor as demonstrated in the code example below. Alternatively, you can call the following overloaded AddDiagram function version: AddDiagram(TdxChartDiagramClass,string)

Code Example: Create an XY Diagram

The following code example creates an XY diagram with two Bar chart series and populates them with data in unbound mode:

uses cxDataStorage; // This unit declares the TcxStringValueType class
// ...
  AXYDiagram: TdxChartXYDiagram;
  AXYSeries: TdxChartXYSeries;
  ADataBinding: TdxChartXYSeriesUnboundDataBinding;
  dxChartControl1.BeginUpdate;  // Initiates the following batch change
    AXYDiagram := dxChartControl1.AddDiagram<TdxChartXYDiagram>('DevAV Sales by Region');
    AXYDiagram.Title.Appearance.FontOptions.Size := 20;
    AXYDiagram.Axes.AxisY.Title.Text := 'Millions of Dollars';
    AXYSeries := AXYDiagram.AddSeries('2018');  // Creates a new XY series with the caption "2018"
    AXYSeries.DataBindingClass := TdxChartXYSeriesUnboundDataBinding;  // Selects the unbound data access mode
    ADataBinding := AXYSeries.DataBinding as TdxChartXYSeriesUnboundDataBinding;
    ADataBinding.ArgumentField.ValueTypeClass := TcxStringValueType;  // Selects the string data type
    AXYSeries.ViewClass := TdxChartXYSeriesBarView;  // Selects the Bar series View
    AXYSeries.Points.Add('Asia', 4.2372);
    AXYSeries.Points.Add('Australia', 1.7871);
    AXYSeries.Points.Add('Europe', 3.0884);
    AXYSeries.Points.Add('North America', 3.4855);
    AXYSeries.Points.Add('South America', 1.6027);
    AXYSeries.View.ValueLabels.Visible := True;  // Displays value labels on bars
    AXYSeries := AXYDiagram.AddSeries('2019');  // Creates a new XY series with the caption "2019"
    AXYSeries.DataBindingClass := TdxChartXYSeriesUnboundDataBinding;  // Selects the unbound data access mode
    ADataBinding := AXYSeries.DataBinding as TdxChartXYSeriesUnboundDataBinding;
    ADataBinding.ArgumentField.ValueTypeClass := TcxStringValueType; // Selects the string data type
    AXYSeries.ViewClass := TdxChartXYSeriesBarView; // Selects the Bar series View
    AXYSeries.Points.Add('Asia', 4.7685);
    AXYSeries.Points.Add('Australia', 1.9576);
    AXYSeries.Points.Add('Europe', 3.3579);
    AXYSeries.Points.Add('North America', 3.7477);
    AXYSeries.Points.Add('South America', 1.8237);
    AXYSeries.View.ValueLabels.Visible := True;  // Displays value labels on bars
    dxChartControl1.EndUpdate;  // Calls EndUpdate regardless of the batch operation's success

VCL Chart Control: An XY Diagram Example with two Bar Series

Diagram Deletion

To delete a diagram, release it directly in code (call the Free procedure in Delphi or use the delete keyword in C++Builder).

See Also