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TcxCustomTreeView.Indent Property

Specifies the horizontal indent between parent and child nodes.


property Indent: Integer read; write; default 19;

Property Value

Type Default
Integer 19


Use the Indent property to change the indent between parent nodes and their children. The indent is set in pixels. Note that changing the Indent property also affects the position of first level nodes.

The images below show the same tree view control with the Indent property set to 19 and 30. Note the change of the horizontal offset between items at different levels.

The Indent property cannot be set to a value less than 19.


if the ShowRoot property is set to False (expand buttons and tree lines are not displayed for root items), the Indent property doesn’t affect the offset of root level items from the left edge of the control. The contents of root level items are always aligned to left in this instance.


The Indent property is useful if you want to paint custom expand buttons that are wider than the default. A single click on the expand button and anywhere before the node’s image/caption results in the expansion or collapse of the node. Please refer to the OnCustomDrawItem and OnAdvancedCustomDrawItem event descriptions for details on painting tree view nodes manually.

The default value of the Indent property is 19.

See Also