TcxCustomTreeView.ToolTips Property
Specifies whether tooltips are displayed for nodes whose contents don’t fit into the control’s area.
property ToolTips: Boolean read; write; default True;
#Property Value
Type | Default |
Boolean | True |
The image below shows an example of a tooltip.
If you need to display node hints, you need to handle the On
The code below is an example of assigning hints to nodes of a tree view. Hints will display the list of child nodes. The OnMouseMove event is handled in the following manner:
procedure TForm1.cxTreeView1MouseMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState;
X, Y: Integer);
Node: TTreeNode;
I: Integer;
Node := cxTreeView1.GetNodeAt(X, Y);
if (Node = nil) or (Node = PrevNode) then Exit;
PrevNode := Node;
cxTreeView1.Hint := 'Children list:';
for I := 0 to Node.Count - 1 do
cxTreeView1.Hint := cxTreeView1.Hint + #13#10 + '- ' + Node.Item[I].Text;
if not Node.HasChildren then cxTreeView1.Hint := 'No children';
Application.ActivateHint(cxTreeView1.ClientToScreen(Point(X, Y)));
Here, PrevNode is the global variable that is assigned nil in the form’s OnCreate event handler.
PrevNode: TTreeNode;
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
PrevNode := nil;
Upon execution, the result is as follows:
The default value of the ToolTips property is False.