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TcxCustomTreeView.ToolTips Property

Specifies whether tooltips are displayed for nodes whose contents don’t fit into the control’s area.


property ToolTips: Boolean read; write; default True;

Property Value

Type Default
Boolean True


The image below shows an example of a tooltip.


If you need to display node hints, you need to handle the OnHint event of the application object. The event handler must determine the hovered node using the GetNodeAt method of the tree view and assign the appropriate hint to the control’s Hint property. Note that the tree view’s ShowHint property must be set to True and a non-empty string must be assigned to the Hint property so that the OnHint event can be raised.

The code below is an example of assigning hints to nodes of a tree view. Hints will display the list of child nodes. The OnMouseMove event is handled in the following manner:

procedure TForm1.cxTreeView1MouseMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState;
  X, Y: Integer);
  Node: TTreeNode;
  I: Integer;
  Node := cxTreeView1.GetNodeAt(X, Y);
  if (Node = nil) or (Node = PrevNode) then Exit;
  PrevNode := Node;
  cxTreeView1.Hint := 'Children list:';
  for I := 0 to Node.Count - 1 do
    cxTreeView1.Hint := cxTreeView1.Hint + #13#10 + '- ' + Node.Item[I].Text;
  if not Node.HasChildren then cxTreeView1.Hint := 'No children';
  Application.ActivateHint(cxTreeView1.ClientToScreen(Point(X, Y)));

Here, PrevNode is the global variable that is assigned nil in the form’s OnCreate event handler.

  PrevNode: TTreeNode;
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
  PrevNode := nil;

Upon execution, the result is as follows:

The default value of the ToolTips property is False.

See Also