TcxButtonColors Properties
Contains a list of colors, which represent different button states.Name | Description |
AssignedColors | Specifies which button states have their corresponding color assigned by the Colors property. |
Default | Specifies the background color representing the normal state of a button when its Default property is set to True. |
DefaultText | Specifies the foreground color representing the normal state of a button when its Default property is set to True. |
Disabled | Specifies the background color for a disabled button. |
DisabledText | Specifies the foreground color for a disabled button. |
Hot | Specifies the background color for a button when the mouse pointer is positioned over it. |
HotText | Specifies the foreground color for a button when the mouse pointer is positioned over it. |
Normal | Specifies the background color representing the normal state of a button when its Default property is set to False. |
NormalText | Specifies the foreground color representing the normal state of a button when its Default property is set to False. |
Pressed | Specifies the background color for a pressed button. |
PressedText | Specifies the foreground color for a pressed button. |
See Also