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ShapeLine Members

Contains format settings for a line or a shape’s border.


Name Description
BeginArrowLength Specifies the arrowhead length at the beginning of a line.
BeginArrowType Specifies the arrowhead type at the beginning of a line.
BeginArrowWidth Specifies the arrowhead width at the beginning of a line.
CapType Gets or sets a cap style for line ends.
Color Gets or sets a line color.
CompoundType Gets or sets the compound type for a line.
DashType Gets or sets a dash type for a line.
EndArrowLength Specifies the arrowhead length at the end of a line.
EndArrowType Specifies the arrowhead type at the end of a line.
EndArrowWidth Specifies the arrowhead width at the end of a line.
Fill Allows you to specify fill options for a line and a shape’s border.
JoinType Gets or sets how two lines are joined.
LineAlignment Gets or sets where the outline is drawn for a shape.
Thickness Gets or sets the line width in points.
See Also