DevExpress.XtraRichEdit.Commands Namespace
Contains command objects used in the RichEditControl end-user interface, and internally.
Assembly: DevExpress.RichEdit.v24.1.Core.dll
NuGet Packages: DevExpress.RichEdit.Core, DevExpress.Win.Navigation
Name | Description |
AddSpacingAfterParagraphCommand | A command to add spacing after a paragraph. |
AddSpacingBeforeParagraphCommand | A command to add spacing before a paragraph. |
AddWordToDictionaryCommand | Adds a word to the dictionary. |
BackSpaceKeyCommand | A command to move the cursor backwards and erase the character in that space. |
CapitalizeEachWordCaseCommand | A command to capitalize each word in the selected sentence. |
ChangeCaseCommand | Changes selected text between title case, upper case, and lower case. |
ChangeDoubleFontSizeCommand | Doubles the font size of the selected text. |
ChangeFloatingObjectFillColorCommand | Changes the fill color of a selected floating object. |
ChangeFloatingObjectOutlineColorCommand | Specifies the color for the outline of the selected floating object. |
ChangeFloatingObjectOutlineWidthCommand | Specifies the width of the outline of the selected floating object. |
ChangeFontBackColorCommand | A command to highlight characters in a selected range. |
ChangeFontColorCommand | A command to change the font color of the selected text. |
ChangeFontNameCommand | A command to change the font typeface of the selected text. |
ChangeFontSizeCommand | Obsolete. Use the ChangeDoubleFontSizeCommand class instead. |
ChangeInlinePictureScaleCommand | A command to scale the inline picture, by setting the X and Y axis scaling percentages. |
ChangeLanguageCommand | Changes the language of spell checking. |
ChangeNoProofCommand | Specifies whether or not to check spelling or grammar in a document. |
ChangePageColorCommand | Sets the background color of the page. |
ChangeParagraphBackColorCommand | Changes the background color of the current paragraph. |
ChangeParagraphLineSpacingCommand | A command to change the line spacing of the selected paragraph. |
ChangeRectangularObjectScaleCommand | A command used to scale a rectangular object within a document, such as frame or picture, by setting the X and Y axis scaling percentages. |
ChangeSectionPaperKindCommand | Changes paper size for the current section pages. |
ChangeTableCellsShadingCommand | Changes shading applied to the selected table cells. |
ChangeTableStyleCommand | Changes the style and text formatting options of the selected table. |
CheckSpellingCommand | Represents a command that starts the spell check in the current document. |
ClearFormattingCommand | A command to reset the formatting of the selected text to default. |
ClearUndoCommand | Deletes command history for the document. |
ClosePageHeaderFooterCommand | A command to finish header/footer editing. |
CollapseOrExpandFormulaBarCommand | For internal use. |
CopySelectionCommand | A command to copy the selected text to the Clipboard. |
CreateBookmarkCommand | Creates a new bookmark with the specified name that references the current selection. |
CreateEmptyDocumentCommand | Creates a new, blank document and loads it in the RichEdit control. |
CreateFieldCommand | Creates an empty field in the document. |
CutSelectionCommand | A command to cut the selected text and place it to the Clipboard. |
DecreaseFontSizeCommand | Decreases the font size of the selection to the closest smaller predefined value. |
DecrementFontSizeCommand | Decreases the font size of the selection by one point. |
DecrementIndentCommand | Decrements the indent level of the paragraph. |
DecrementIndentCommandBase | A base class for DecrementIndentCommand and RtlDecrementIndentCommand classes. |
DecrementNumerationFromParagraphCommand | Decrements numeration of a paragraph in a numbering list. |
DecrementNumerationParagraphIndentCommand | Decrements the indent level of a paragraph in a numbered list. |
DecrementParagraphOutlineLevelCommand | Decreases the number of the paragraph outline level. |
DeleteAllCommentsCommand | Deletes all comments from a document. |
DeleteAllCommentsShownCommand | Deletes all currently visible comments. |
DeleteBookmarkCommand | A command to delete a selected bookmark. |
DeleteCommand | Deletes the selected text. |
DeleteOneCommentCommand | Deletes the currently selected comment from a document. |
DeleteRepeatedWordCommand | Deletes a repeated word from a document. |
DeleteTableColumnsCommand | Deletes selected columns in a table. |
DeleteTableColumnsMenuCommand | Deletes selected columns in a table (the command is intended for popup menus). |
DeleteTableCommand | Deletes the selected table. |
DeleteTableRowsCommand | Deletes selected rows in a table. |
DeleteTableRowsMenuCommand | Deletes selected rows in a table (the command is intended for popup menus). |
DeleteWordBackCommand | Deletes the previous word in the text. |
DeleteWordCommand | Deletes the next word in the text. |
DeselectAllCommand | Resets the selection in a document. |
EditHyperlinkCommand | Invokes the Edit Hyperlink dialog window for the selected hyperlink. |
EditPageFooterCommand | A command to activate the page footer, and begin editing. |
EditPageHeaderCommand | A command to activate the page header and begin editing. |
EndOfDocumentCommand | Moves the caret to the end of the document, and scrolls the document to show the caret position. |
EndOfLineCommand | Moves the caret to the end of line, and scrolls the document to show the caret position. |
EnterKeyCommand | A command to accomplish actions equivalent to pressing the Enter key. |
ExtendEndOfDocumentCommand | Extends the selection to the end of the document. |
ExtendEndOfLineCommand | Extends the selection to the end of the current line. |
ExtendNextCharacterCommand | Extends the selection to the next character. |
ExtendNextLineCommand | Extends the selection one line down. |
ExtendNextPageCommand | Extends the selection up to the next page. |
ExtendNextParagraphCommand | Extends the selection to the next paragraph. |
ExtendNextScreenCommand | Extends the selection to the next screen. |
ExtendNextWordCommand | Extends the selection to the next word. |
ExtendPreviousCharacterCommand | Extends the selection to the previous character. |
ExtendPreviousLineCommand | Extends the selection to the previous line. |
ExtendPreviousPageCommand | Extends the selection up to the previous page. |
ExtendPreviousParagraphCommand | Extends selection to the previous paragraph. |
ExtendPreviousScreenCommand | Extends selection to the previous screen. |
ExtendPreviousWordCommand | Extends the selection to the previous word. |
ExtendStartOfDocumentCommand | Extends the selection to the start of the document. |
ExtendStartOfLineCommand | Extends the selection to the beginning of the line. |
FindCommand | Invokes the Find and Replace form used to search for specific text in the document. |
FirstDataRecordCommand | Navigates to the first data record in the bound data source. |
FitHeightCommand | Adjusts the document zoom factor to fit the entire page height into the application window’s dimensions. |
FitToPageCommand | Adjusts the document zoom factor to fit the entire page into the application window’s dimensions. |
FitWidthCommand | Adjusts the document zoom factor to fit the entire page width into the application window’s dimensions. |
FloatingObjectBringForwardCommand | Moves the selected floating object in front of text or another object, one layer at a time. |
FloatingObjectBringInFrontOfTextCommand | Moves the selected floating object in front of the text layer. |
FloatingObjectBringToFrontCommand | Moves the selected floating object in front of the text layer and any other floating objects. |
FloatingObjectSendBackwardCommand | Moves the selected floating object behind the text or another object, one layer at a time. |
FloatingObjectSendBehindTextCommand | Moves the selected floating object behind the text layer. |
FloatingObjectSendToBackCommand | Moves the selected floating object behind the text or any other floating object. |
GoToNextPageHeaderFooterCommand | Navigates to the next page header/footer in edit mode. |
GoToPageFooterCommand | Navigates to the page footer from the page header in edit mode. |
GoToPageHeaderCommand | Navigates to the page header from the page footer in edit mode. |
GoToPreviousPageHeaderFooterCommand | Navigates to the previous page header/footer in edit mode. |
IgnoreAllMisspellingsCommand | Ignores any misspellings found in a document. |
IgnoreMisspellingCommand | Ignores the current misspelling. |
IncreaseFontSizeCommand | Increases the font size of the selection to the closest larger predefined value. |
IncrementFontSizeCommand | Increases the font size of the selected text by one point. |
IncrementIndentCommand | Increments the indent level of the paragraph. |
IncrementIndentCommandBase | A base class for IncrementIndentCommand and RtlIncrementIndentCommand. |
IncrementNumerationFromParagraphCommand | Increments numeration of a paragraph in a numbering list. |
IncrementNumerationParagraphIndentCommand | Increments the indent level of a paragraph in a numbered list. |
IncrementParagraphOutlineLevelCommand | Increases the number of the paragraph outline level. |
InsertBulletListCommand | A command to insert a bulleted list. |
InsertColumnBreakCommand | Inserts a column break in the document. |
InsertCopyrightSymbolCommand | Inserts the copyright (©) symbol. |
InsertEllipsisCommand | Inserts the ellipsis (…) symbol. |
InsertEmDashCommand | Inserts the em dash (—) symbol. |
InsertEnDashCommand | Inserts the en dash (–) symbol. |
InsertEquationsCaptionCommand | Adds a caption (numbered label) to an equation. |
InsertFieldCommand | Creates a field in a document. |
InsertFiguresCaptionCommand | Adds a caption (numbered label) to a figure. |
InsertFloatingObjectPictureCommand | Inserts a picture from a file. |
InsertLineBreakCommand | Inserts the line break. |
InsertMergeFieldCommand | Inserts the MERGEFIELD field at the selection. |
InsertNonBreakingSpaceCommand | Inserts a non-breaking space. |
InsertPageBreakCommand | Inserts a page break at the current position in the document. |
InsertPageBreakCommand2 | Starts the next page at the current position. |
InsertPageCountFieldCommand | A command to insert a field displaying the total number of pages. |
InsertPageNumberFieldCommand | A command to insert a field displaying the current page number. |
InsertParagraphCommand | Inserts a paragraph break. |
InsertPictureCommand | Prompts for the file location, and inserts a picture from a file. |
InsertRegisteredTrademarkSymbolCommand | Inserts the registered trademark (®) symbol. |
InsertSectionBreakContinuousCommand | Inserts a section break and starts a new section on the following paragraph of the same page. |
InsertSectionBreakEvenPageCommand | Inserts a section break and starts a new section on the next even-numbered page. |
InsertSectionBreakNextPageCommand | Inserts a section break and starts a new section on the next page. |
InsertSectionBreakOddPageCommand | Inserts a section break and starts a new section on the next odd-numbered page. |
InsertSimpleListCommand | A command to insert a simple numbered list. |
InsertSymbolCommand | For internal use. Inserts a character into a document. |
InsertTabCommand | A command to insert a tab character. |
InsertTableColumnToTheLeftCommand | Inserts a column to the left of the leftmost column in a selection. |
InsertTableColumnToTheRightCommand | Inserts a column to the right of the rightmost column in a selection. |
InsertTableCommand | A command to invoke an ‘Insert Table’ dialog. |
InsertTableElementMenuCommand | A command to create command menu elements specific for tables. |
InsertTableOfContentsCommand | Inserts a Table of Contents. |
InsertTableOfEquationsCommand | Creates a table of equations on the base of equation captions. |
InsertTableOfFiguresCommand | Creates a table of figures on the base of figure captions. |
InsertTableOfTablesCommand | Creates a table of tables on the base of table captions. |
InsertTableRowAboveCommand | A command to insert a row in a table above the currently selected row. |
InsertTableRowBelowCommand | A command to insert a row in a table below the currently selected row. |
InsertTablesCaptionCommand | Adds a caption (numbered label) to a table. |
InsertTextBoxCommand | Inserts a floating object - text box. |
InsertTextCommand | Inserts text at the current position in a document. |
InsertTrademarkSymbolCommand | Inserts the trademark sign (™) symbol. |
LastDataRecordCommand | Navigates to the last data record in the bound data source. |
LoadDocumentCommand | Invokes the File Open dialog and loads the selected file into the control. |
LockFieldCommand | A command to lock the field and disable editing. |
MailMergeSaveDocumentAsCommand | Performs a mail merge and invokes the Save As… dialog, to ask for a file name to save the merged document. |
MakeTextLowerCaseCommand | Converts selected text to lower case. |
MakeTextUpperCaseCommand | Converts selected text to upper case. |
MergeTableCellsCommand | Merges selected cells. |
NewCommentCommand | Adds a new comment at the current position in a document. |
NextCharacterCommand | Moves the cursor to the next character. |
NextCommentCommand | Navigates to the next comment in a document. |
NextDataRecordCommand | Navigates to the next data record in the bound data source. |
NextLineCommand | Moves the cursor to the next line. |
NextPageCommand | Moves the cursor to the beginning of the next page. |
NextParagraphCommand | Moves the cursor to the beginning of the next paragraph. |
NextScreenCommand | Moves the cursor forward by the number of lines in the current control’s window, minus one. |
NextWordCommand | Moves the cursor to the next word. |
OpenHyperlinkCommand | Navigates to the document bookmark or URI (uniform resource identifier) specified for the hyperlink. |
OvertypeTextCommand | Inserts text at the current position, replacing the text to the right of the mouse cursor. |
PasteSelectionCommand | A command to paste the text from the Clipboard over the selection. |
PreviousCharacterCommand | Moves the cursor to the previous character. |
PreviousCommentCommand | Navigates to the previous comment in a document. |
PreviousDataRecordCommand | Navigates to the previous data record in the bound data source. |
PreviousLineCommand | Moves the cursor to the previous line. |
PreviousPageCommand | Moves the cursor to the beginning of the previous page. |
PreviousParagraphCommand | Moves the cursor to the beginning of the previous paragraph. |
PreviousScreenCommand | Moves the cursor backward by the number of lines in the current control’s window, minus one. |
PreviousWordCommand | Moves the cursor to the previous word. |
PrintCommand | Invokes the Print dialog to print the current document. |
PrintPreviewCommand | Displays the Print Preview window for the current document. |
ProtectDocumentCommand | Enforces document protection. |
QuickPrintCommand | Prints the current document using the default printer. The command is executed without user intervention. |
RedoCommand | Reverses actions of the previous UndoCommand. |
RemoveHyperlinkFieldCommand | Converts a hyperlink to plain text. |
RemoveSpacingAfterParagraphCommand | A command to remove spacing after the selected paragraph. |
RemoveSpacingBeforeParagraphCommand | A command to remove spacing before the selected paragraph. |
ReplaceCommand | Invokes the Search and Replace form that enables the user to search for specific text and replace it with a specified string. |
ReplaceMisspellingCommand | Replaces the current misspelling with an appropriate substitute from a connected dictionary. |
ResetTableCellsBordersCommand | Removes borders of selected cells. |
ResizeInlinePictureCommand | This command supports the internal infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code. |
ReviewersCommand | Allows you to select the reviewers whose comments shall be displayed in a document. |
RichEditCommand | Represents a base class for RichEdit commands. |
RichEditMenuItemSimpleCommand | Represents a base class for multiple command classes. |
SaveDocumentAsCommand | Invokes the File dialog that prompts for a file name, and saves a document in a file with the specified name and format. |
SaveDocumentCommand | Saves a document to a file. |
ScrollHorizontallyByPhysicalOffsetCommand | A command to scroll the document in horizontal direction by the specified distance, measured in documents. |
ScrollToPageCommand | Scrolls the document to the specified page. |
ScrollVerticallyByLogicalOffsetCommand | A command to scroll a document in a vertical direction by the specified distance, in the document model. |
ScrollVerticallyByPhysicalOffsetCommand | A command to scroll a document in a vertical direction by the specified distance, in the document model. |
ScrollVerticallyByPhysicalOffsetEnsurePageGenerationCommand | A command to scroll a document in a vertical direction by the specified distance, measured in documents. |
ScrollVerticallyByPixelOffsetCommand | A command to scroll a document in a vertical direction by the specified distance in the view, measured in pixels. |
SelectAllCommand | A command to select the entire document range. |
SelectTableCommand | Selects the entire table in which the caret is located. |
SetDoubleParagraphSpacingCommand | Formats a current paragraph with double line spacing. |
SetFloatingObjectBehindTextWrapTypeCommand | Places the selected object in its own layer behind the text. |
SetFloatingObjectBottomCenterAlignmentCommand | Positions the selected floating object at the bottom center section of the page. |
SetFloatingObjectBottomLeftAlignmentCommand | Positions the selected floating object at the bottom left section of the page. |
SetFloatingObjectBottomRightAlignmentCommand | Positions the selected floating object at the bottom right section of the page. |
SetFloatingObjectInFrontOfTextWrapTypeCommand | Places the selected object in its own layer in front of the text. |
SetFloatingObjectMiddleCenterAlignmentCommand | Positions the selected floating object at the middle center section of the page. |
SetFloatingObjectMiddleLeftAlignmentCommand | Positions the selected floating object at the middle left section of the page. |
SetFloatingObjectMiddleRightAlignmentCommand | Positions the selected floating object at the middle right section of the page. |
SetFloatingObjectSquareTextWrapTypeCommand | Applies a style that wraps the text around all sides of a square that bounds the floating object. |
SetFloatingObjectThroughTextWrapTypeCommand | Applies a style that tightly wraps the text around the graphic in an irregular shape that bounds the actual image and fills any blank spaces found within the graphic with text. |
SetFloatingObjectTightTextWrapTypeCommand | Applies a style that tightly wraps the text around the graphic in an irregular shape that bounds the actual image. |
SetFloatingObjectTopAndBottomTextWrapTypeCommand | Applies a style that places text above and below the image, but does not allow any text to appear beside the picture. |
SetFloatingObjectTopCenterAlignmentCommand | Positions the selected floating object at the top center section of the page. |
SetFloatingObjectTopLeftAlignmentCommand | Positions the selected floating object at the top left section of the page. |
SetFloatingObjectTopRightAlignmentCommand | Positions the selected floating object at the top right section of the page. |
SetLandscapePageOrientationCommand | A command to set the page orientation to landscape. |
SetModerateSectionPageMarginsCommand | A command to set moderate page margins in the document section. |
SetNarrowSectionPageMarginsCommand | A command to set narrow page margins in the document section. |
SetNormalSectionPageMarginsCommand | A command to set normal page margins in the document section. |
SetParagraphBodyTextLevelCommand | Applies the body (default) style to the text so it is not shown in the Table of Contents. |
SetParagraphHeading1LevelCommand | Applies the Heading 1 built-in style to the text so it is shown at the first level of the Table of Contents. |
SetParagraphHeading2LevelCommand | Applies the Heading 2 built-in style to the text so it is shown at the second level of the Table of Contents. |
SetParagraphHeading3LevelCommand | Applies the Heading 3 built-in style to the text so it is shown at the third level of the Table of Contents. |
SetParagraphHeading4LevelCommand | Applies the Heading 4 built-in style to the text so it is shown at the fourth level of the Table of Contents. |
SetParagraphHeading5LevelCommand | Applies the Heading 5 built-in style to the text so it is shown at the fifth level of the Table of Contents. |
SetParagraphHeading6LevelCommand | Applies the Heading 6 built-in style to the text so it is shown at the sixth level of the Table of Contents. |
SetParagraphHeading7LevelCommand | Applies the Heading 7 built-in style to the text so it is shown at the seventh level of the Table of Contents. |
SetParagraphHeading8LevelCommand | Applies the Heading 8 built-in style to the text so it is shown at the eighth level of the Table of Contents. |
SetParagraphHeading9LevelCommand | Applies the Heading 9 built-in style to the text so it is shown at the ninth level of the Table of Contents. |
SetPortraitPageOrientationCommand | A command to set the page orientation to portrait. |
SetSectionLineNumberingContinuousCommand | Continues line numbering for the current section from the line number at the end of the previous section. |
SetSectionLineNumberingNoneCommand | Suppresses line numbering for the current section. |
SetSectionLineNumberingRestartNewPageCommand | Reverts line numbering for the current section to the start value on a new page. |
SetSectionLineNumberingRestartNewSectionCommand | Reverts line numbering for the current section to the start value when a new section begins. |
SetSectionOneColumnCommand | Set the section to have only one column. |
SetSectionThreeColumnsCommand | Set the section to have three columns. |
SetSectionTwoColumnsCommand | Set the section to have two columns. |
SetSesquialteralParagraphSpacingCommand | Formats a current paragraph with one and a half line spacing. |
SetSingleParagraphSpacingCommand | Formats a current paragraph with single line spacing. |
SetWideSectionPageMarginsCommand | A command to set wide page margins in the document section. |
ShiftTabKeyCommand | Decreases the indent by the size of one tab or inserts the tab. |
ShowAllFieldCodesCommand | A command to display all field codes in place of the fields in the document. |
ShowAllFieldResultsCommand | A command to display merged data in place of field codes. |
ShowBookmarkFormCommand | Invokes the Bookmark dialog window. |
ShowBorderShadingFormCommand | Invokes the Borders and Shading dialog. |
ShowColumnsSetupFormCommand | Invokes the Columns dialog. |
ShowDeleteTableCellsFormCommand | Invokes the ‘Delete Cells’ form used to select an element for deletion - a cell, a row or a column. |
ShowDeleteTableCellsFormMenuCommand | Invokes the ‘Delete Cells’ form (the command is intended for popup menus). |
ShowDocumentPropertiesFormCommand | Invokes the Document Properties dialog. |
ShowEditStyleFormCommand | Invokes the Modify Style dialog that allows you to edit the document style. |
ShowFloatingObjectLayoutOptionsFormCommand | Invokes the Shape Layout Dialog. |
ShowFontFormCommand | Invokes the Font dialog that allows you to change the font, size and style of selected text. |
ShowHyperlinkFormCommand | Invokes the Edit Hyperlink dialog window. |
ShowInsertMergeFieldFormCommand | Invokes the dialog window that allows you to insert merged fields from the database into the document. |
ShowInsertTableCellsFormCommand | Invokes the ‘Insert Cells’ form used to select an element to insert - a cell, a row or a column. |
ShowLanguageFormCommand | Invokes the Language Form to select the language of spell checking. |
ShowLineNumberingFormCommand | Invokes the Line Numbers dialog. |
ShowLineSpacingFormCommand | Invokes the Paragraph dialog that allows you to set line spacing. |
ShowNumberingListFormCommand | Invokes the Bullets And Numbering dialog window. |
ShowNumberingListFormCommandBase | A base class for ShowNumberingListFormCommand and RtlShowNumberingListFormCommand classes. |
ShowPageMarginsSetupFormCommand | Invokes the Page Setup dialog at the Margins tab. |
ShowPagePaperSetupFormCommand | Invokes the Page Setup dialog at the Paper tab. |
ShowPageSetupFormCommand | Invokes the Page Setup dialog. |
ShowParagraphFormCommand | Invokes the Paragraph dialog that allows you to set paragraph formatting. |
ShowPasteSpecialFormCommand | Invokes the Paste Special dialog. |
ShowRangeEditingPermissionsFormCommand | Invokes the ‘Editing Permissions’ form used to view and set ranges with permissions. |
ShowReviewingPaneCommand | Displays the Reviewing Pane that lists all document comments. |
ShowSplitTableCellsFormCommand | Invokes the ‘Split Cells’ form used to specify the number of columns and rows into which the cell should be split. |
ShowSplitTableCellsFormMenuCommand | Invokes the ‘Split Cells’ form (the command is intended for popup menus). |
ShowSymbolFormCommand | Invokes the Symbol dialog window. |
ShowTableOptionsFormCommand | Invokes the Table Options dialog window. |
ShowTablePropertiesFormCommand | Invokes the Table Properties dialog. |
ShowTableStyleFormCommand | Invokes the Modify Style dialog window to customize the style and text formatting options of the selected table. |
ShowTabsFormCommand | Invokes the Tabs dialog that allows you to set the tab stops and their characteristics. |
ShowTOCFormCommand | Invokes the Table of Contents dialog window. |
SplitTableCommand | Splits the table at the selected row. |
StartOfDocumentCommand | Moves the cursor to the start of the document. |
StartOfLineCommand | Moves the cursor to the start of the current line. |
SwitchToDraftViewCommand | A command to switch the current view to the DraftView. |
SwitchToPrintLayoutViewCommand | A command to switch the current view to the PrintLayoutView. |
SwitchToSimpleViewCommand | A command to switch the current view to the SimpleView. |
TabKeyCommand | Increases the indent by the size of one tab or inserts the tab. |
ToggleAllFieldsCommand | A command that toggles all field codes in the document on or off. |
ToggleBandedColumnsCommand | Specifies whether or not the current table style is applied to the odd/even banded columns of a selected table. |
ToggleBandedRowsCommand | Specifies whether or not the current table style is applied to the odd/even banded rows of a selected table. |
ToggleBulletedListCommand | Toggles between the bulleted paragraph and normal text. |
ToggleBulletedListCommandBase | The base class for ToggleBulletedListCommand and RtlToggleBulletedListCommand classes. |
ToggleDifferentFirstPageCommand | Changes the header/footer edit mode. Allows you to create a different header or footer for the first page of a document or section. |
ToggleDifferentOddAndEvenPagesCommand | Changes the header/footer edit mode. Allows you to create a different header or footer for odd and even pages of a document or section. |
ToggleFieldCodesCommand | Toggles field code display on/off. |
ToggleFieldLockedCommand | Toggles the Locked attribute of the selected field. |
ToggleFirstColumnCommand | Specifies whether or not the current table style is applied to the first column of a selected table. |
ToggleFirstRowCommand | Specifies whether or not the current table style is applied to the first row of a selected table. |
ToggleFontBoldCommand | Toggles the bold style on the selection. |
ToggleFontDoubleStrikeoutCommand | Toggles the double strikeout style on the selection. |
ToggleFontDoubleUnderlineCommand | Toggles the double underline style on the selection. |
ToggleFontItalicCommand | Toggles the italic style on the selection. |
ToggleFontStrikeoutCommand | Toggles the strikeout style on the selection. |
ToggleFontSubscriptCommand | Toggles the subscript style on the selection. |
ToggleFontSuperscriptCommand | Toggles the superscript style on the selection. |
ToggleFontUnderlineCommand | Toggles the underline style on the selection. |
ToggleHeaderFooterLinkToPreviousCommand | Links a header/footer to the previous section, so it has the same content. |
ToggleHiddenTextCommand | Toggles between normal and hidden text mode of the selection. |
ToggleLastColumnCommand | Specifies whether or not the current table style is applied to the last column of a selected table. |
ToggleLastRowCommand | Specifies whether or not the current table style is applied to the last row of a selected table. |
ToggleListCommandBase | The base for classes that provide functionality for two-state list options. |
ToggleMultiLevelListCommand | Toggles between the multilevel list style and normal text. |
ToggleMultiLevelListCommandBase | The base class for ToggleMultiLevelListCommand and RtlToggleMultiLevelListCommand classes. |
ToggleOvertypeCommand | Enables the overtype feature. |
ToggleParagraphAlignmentCenterCommand | Toggles centered paragraph alignment on and off. |
ToggleParagraphAlignmentJustifyCommand | Toggles justified paragraph alignment on and off. |
ToggleParagraphAlignmentLeftCommand | Toggles left paragraph alignment on and off. |
ToggleParagraphAlignmentRightCommand | Toggles right paragraph alignment on and off. |
ToggleParagraphSuppressLineNumbersCommand | Toggles line numbering for the paragraph in which the caret is located. |
ToggleReviewingPaneCommand | Toggles the visibility of the reviewing pane that lists the comments available in a document. |
ToggleShowHorizontalRulerCommand | Toggles horizontal ruler visibility on/off. |
ToggleShowTableGridLinesCommand | Toggles displaying grid lines for a table with no borders applied - on/off. |
ToggleShowVerticalRulerCommand | Toggles vertical ruler visibility on/off. |
ToggleShowWhitespaceCommand | Toggles whitespace characters display on/off. |
ToggleSimpleNumberingListCommand | Toggles between the numbered paragraph style and normal text. |
ToggleSimpleNumberingListCommandBase | The base class for ToggleSimpleNumberingListCommand and RtlToggleSimpleNumberingListCommand classes. |
ToggleSpellCheckAsYouTypeCommand | Toggles CheckAsYouType mode for a spell checker - on/off. |
ToggleTableAutoFitContentsCommand | Automatically widens table columns to accommodate cell content. |
ToggleTableAutoFitWindowCommand | Changes the table width to fit the page’s width and adjusts columns to accommodate cells content. |
ToggleTableCellsAllBordersCommand | Toggles all borders for selected cells on/off. |
ToggleTableCellsBottomBorderCommand | Toggles bottom borders for selected cells on/off. |
ToggleTableCellsBottomCenterAlignmentCommand | Applies bottom-center alignment for selected cells. |
ToggleTableCellsBottomLeftAlignmentCommand | Applies bottom-left alignment for selected cells. |
ToggleTableCellsBottomRightAlignmentCommand | Applies bottom-right alignment for selected cells. |
ToggleTableCellsInsideBorderCommand | Toggles all inner borders for selected cells on/off. |
ToggleTableCellsInsideHorizontalBorderCommand | Toggles inner horizontal borders for selected cells on/off. |
ToggleTableCellsInsideVerticalBorderCommand | Toggles inner vertical borders for selected cells on/off. |
ToggleTableCellsLeftBorderCommand | Toggles left borders for selected cells on/off. |
ToggleTableCellsMiddleCenterAlignmentCommand | Applies middle-center alignment for selected cells. |
ToggleTableCellsMiddleLeftAlignmentCommand | Applies middle-left alignment for selected cells. |
ToggleTableCellsMiddleRightAlignmentCommand | Applies middle-right alignment for selected cells. |
ToggleTableCellsOutsideBorderCommand | Toggles outer borders for selected cells on/off. |
ToggleTableCellsRightBorderCommand | Toggles right borders for selected cells on/off. |
ToggleTableCellsTopBorderCommand | Toggles top borders for selected cells on/off. |
ToggleTableCellsTopCenterAlignmentCommand | Applies top-center alignment for selected cells. |
ToggleTableCellsTopLeftAlignmentCommand | Applies top-left alignment for selected cells. |
ToggleTableCellsTopRightAlignmentCommand | Applies top-right alignment for selected cells. |
ToggleTableFixedColumnWidthCommand | Prevents table column widths from changing to accommodate cell content. |
ToggleTextCaseCommand | Toggles case for each character - upper case becomes lower, lower case becomes upper. |
ToggleViewMergedDataCommand | Displays or hide actual data in MERGEFIELD fields. |
UndoCommand | A command to cancel changes caused by the previous command. |
UnlockFieldCommand | A command to unlock the field and enable editing. |
UnprotectDocumentCommand | Stops protection on the current document. |
UpdateFieldCommand | Updates the field’s result. |
UpdateFieldsCommand | Updates all fields in the selected range. |
UpdateTableOfContentsCommand | Updates a Table of Contents. |
UpdateTableOfFiguresCommand | Updates a Table of Figures to reflect the changes made to figure captions. |
ViewCommentsCommand | Specifies whether or not to display comments in a document. |
ZoomInCommand | A command to get a close-up view of the document. |
ZoomOutCommand | A command to “zoom out “ the document to see more of the page at a reduced size. |
Name | Description |
RichEditCommandId | Lists command identifiers. |