SectionPageBorders Interface
In This Article
Provides access to page border settings in a Section.
Namespace: DevExpress.XtraRichEdit.API.Native
Assembly: DevExpress.RichEdit.v24.2.Core.dll
NuGet Package: DevExpress.RichEdit.Core
#Related API Members
The following members return SectionPageBorders objects:
This class introduces the SectionPageBorders.TopBorder, SectionPageBorders.BottomBorder, SectionPageBorders.RightBorder and SectionPageBorders.LeftBorder properties, which specify section page borders.
The following code snippet adds page borders to two sections:
- In the first section, page borders are shown only on the first page.
- In the second section, page borders are shown on all pages.
using DevExpress.XtraRichEdit;
using DevExpress.XtraRichEdit.API.Native;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Drawing;
string fileName = "Test.docx";
using (var wordProcessor = new RichEditDocumentServer()) {
Document document = wordProcessor.Document;
// Generate a document with two sections and multiple pages in each section.
Section firstSection = document.Sections[0];
SectionPageBorders pageBorders1 = firstSection.PageBorders;
// Set page borders for the first page of the first section.
SetPageBorders(pageBorders1.LeftBorder, BorderLineStyle.Single, 1f, Color.Red);
SetPageBorders(pageBorders1.TopBorder, BorderLineStyle.Single, 1f, Color.Red);
SetPageBorders(pageBorders1.RightBorder, BorderLineStyle.Single, 1f, Color.Red);
SetPageBorders(pageBorders1.BottomBorder, BorderLineStyle.Single, 1f, Color.Red);
pageBorders1.AppliesTo = PageBorderAppliesTo.FirstPage;
Section secondSection = document.Sections[1];
SectionPageBorders pageBorders2 = secondSection.PageBorders;
// Set page borders for all pages of the second section.
SetPageBorders(pageBorders2.LeftBorder, BorderLineStyle.Double, 1.5f, Color.Green);
SetPageBorders(pageBorders2.TopBorder, BorderLineStyle.Double, 1.5f, Color.Green);
SetPageBorders(pageBorders2.RightBorder, BorderLineStyle.Double, 1.5f, Color.Green);
SetPageBorders(pageBorders2.BottomBorder, BorderLineStyle.Double, 1.5f, Color.Green);
pageBorders2.AppliesTo = PageBorderAppliesTo.AllPages;
pageBorders2.ZOrder = PageBorderZOrder.Back;
wordProcessor.SaveDocument(fileName, DocumentFormat.OpenXml);
void SetPageBorders(PageBorder border, BorderLineStyle lineStyle,
float borderWidth, Color color) {
border.LineStyle = lineStyle;
border.LineWidth = borderWidth;
border.LineColor = color;
Process.Start(new ProcessStartInfo(fileName) { UseShellExecute = true });
The following picture shows the resulting page borders:
See Also